This guy has been a Lying and Conniving Piece of Excrement for his entire life. His desire to follow in the footsteps of his hero, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, began with his initials—-JFK. Prior to politics, he had to become a War Hero in the Navy. He became a Swift Boat Commander in Vietnam and scratched himself to demand a Purple Heart Medal to leave country and return to the United States to join veterans Against the war and throw his medals over the White House fence. Guess what torpedoed his run for President? Testimony from former Swift Boat compatriots showing his incompetence. He Definitely was guilty of the Logan Act while Donald J Trump was President, and this new revelation shows he’s also guilty of Treason. This man along with his many Marxist Communists DemocRATS SHOULD be behind bars instead of polluting OUR airspace!!!!
Kerry, LIAR!! Synonomo\ous
Rather than just calling for his resignation, HOWS ABOUT CALLING HIM TO be tried for HIGH TREASON!
This guy has been a Lying and Conniving Piece of Excrement for his entire life. His desire to follow in the footsteps of his hero, John Fitzgerald Kennedy, began with his initials—-JFK. Prior to politics, he had to become a War Hero in the Navy. He became a Swift Boat Commander in Vietnam and scratched himself to demand a Purple Heart Medal to leave country and return to the United States to join veterans Against the war and throw his medals over the White House fence. Guess what torpedoed his run for President? Testimony from former Swift Boat compatriots showing his incompetence. He Definitely was guilty of the Logan Act while Donald J Trump was President, and this new revelation shows he’s also guilty of Treason. This man along with his many Marxist Communists DemocRATS SHOULD be behind bars instead of polluting OUR airspace!!!!
HE should be getting publicly tried and convicted for treason, not rotting in a jail WASTING OUR tax payer money..