On Saturday, Vice President Kamala Harris compared the reversal of the Roe v. Wade decision to a darker time in U.S. history when the government tried to claim “ownership over human bodies.”
Seemingly making a reference to slavery, Harris suggested that the country is moving backwards now that the Supreme Court determined that there is no constitutional right to an abortion.
“We have to recognize we’re a nation that was founded on certain principles that are grounded in the concept of freedom and liberty,” she said during an appearance at the Essence Festival in New Orleans. “We also know that we’ve had a history in this country of government trying to claim ownership over human bodies.”
— Read more at National Review
The brainless bimbo strikes again.
At least she’s not cackling!
The Drama Queen playing a deck of race cards.
Cackle Cackle
2 ounce-brained imbecile.
Dumb as pile of rocks.
OI, rocks are more useful than she is.
As she remarked about the founding principals of freedom and liberty she neglected the very first item the founders placed as a necessity: LIFE! Without the first the others really don’t matter, do they? In more barbrous times children who were considered unable to survive were left out in the elements to die, some were found and adopted and lived. Today with modern health science survival can be assured in almost every case. Instead, culture has adopted the more pagan method of sacrifice to Moloch, god of fire or to the fertility of the crops or success in war. Only now the sacrifice is made to the gods of convienience and self aggrandizement!
Exactly. LIFE was the FIRST principle they wrote in the declaration of independence.. THEN LIBERTY…
ship of fools in washington dc
Kamelface is such an idiot she can’t see her own inanity!!! She refers to “…government trying to claim ownership over human bodies.” and yet… that is exactly the opposite(!) of what the SCOTUS has done!!! They have divested the Federal Government of the power to tell women what to do with their bodies!!!
when the government tried to claim “ownership over human bodies.”. Isn’t that the exact thing the gubment is doing with vaccine mandate. Taking away our right to decide our own care/treatment. I think the answer is YYYYYEEEEESSSSSS.
Along with things such as FIRING FOLKS for refusing to get it. Or Firing doctors who refused to keep quiet of some of the side effects….
If Kamalala-ding dong had a brain she’d take it out and play with it. At least she didn’t also tie Roe with Global Warming as well…..
Give her time.