Another day, another tone-deaf US official sticks his foot in his mouth over the Ukraine war.
US climate czar John Kerry, who had already made cringe-worthy comments at the start of the war, did it again this week — by using Ukraine’s burgeoning refugee crisis to shift the focus back to his cause.
“If you think migration has been a problem in Europe from the Syrian war — or even from what we see now [in Ukraine] — wait until you see 100 million people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed,” Kerry said at a Houston energy conference Monday.
The clueless comment from the US’s special presidential envoy on climate change came as around 2 million people have already fled Ukraine amid two weeks of intense Russian bombings and artillery strikes on civilian targets.
— Read more at the NY Post
U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry: "We're already seeing climate refugees around the world. If you think migration has been a problem in Europe in the Syrian war … wait until you see 100 million people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed." #CERAWeek
— The Recount (@therecount) March 9, 2022
Loosening environmental regulations won’t lower prices.
But transforming our economy to run on electric vehicles, powered by clean energy, will mean that no one will have to worry about gas prices.
It will mean tyrants like Putin won’t be able to use fossil fuels as a weapon.
— President Biden (@POTUS) March 9, 2022
"We are driven not by politics, not by ideology. We're driven by mathematics and physics, by science. Which tells us, and has been for 35 years or more, what will happen if we don't do X, Y, and Z."
— U.S. Climate Envoy John Kerry promotes "clean energy" initiatives at #CERAWeek
— The Recount (@therecount) March 9, 2022
One question, John, “Where will the electricity come from in this fantasy world of your’s?” As gas and coal powered plants are shut done, nuclear facing hostility, wind and solar being unreliable as a continuous source, the pwer grid susceptable to failure when it becomes overloaded without these additional drains on it, just where will it come from?
“Another day, another tone-deaf US official sticks his foot in his mouth over the Ukraine war.
US climate czar John Kerry, who had already made cringe-worthy comments at the start of the war, did it again this week — by using Ukraine’s burgeoning refugee crisis to shift the focus back to his cause.”
Just watch as the Democrat party leaders cringe as 500,000 displaced white Eastern European people immigrate to the USA to counter the Democrat party stolen black and illegal alien votes, while the whole world witnesses on camera Kerry stick foot in mouth while Joe sticks head up keester.
He that dwelleth in heaven shall laugh them to scorn. The Lord now has them in total derision.
HE doesn’t care where it comes from, just as long as its NOT from gas/oil/coal..
Kerry and Biden have told the environMENTAL people who control their agendas, that we cannot remove bovine flatulence unless we kill off all the American cattle which would be totally politically unpopular at the polls, so they apparently decided to allow Putin to kill off the equivalent number of Ukrainians to stop an equal amount of human flatulence which it appears is their idea of balancing out the manmade pollution of the world’s environment. Putin obviously outbid Zelensky for the Heinz catsup European consortium monopoly where the Ukrainians refused Joe and Kerry the laundered kickbacks that enrich their climate of socialist world control. Both being Putin indoctrinated to the “Big Lie” about the environment, used to control not enrich THE PEOPLE, really view the food deprivation of 100 million war ravaged people for whom the entire food production capacity has collapsed, as just collateral damage. They could remove more bull flatulence if they just shut their traps and left politics.
He needs to be on the next Elon Musk space flight and pushed out at the highest point.
Go fly around the world in your private jet you doofus.
HE already does so!
comrade kerry the western spokesperson for communist climate control.
Heinz Ketchup Kerry, Five homes, a private jet and a yacht. Man, what a carbon footprint!!!!!!! We should loft John Kerry’s private jet 20,000 feet into the air, with Kerry in his private jet. With solar panels on his private jet, to power his jet, Kerry’s green energy will fail to propel the jet and it will fall 20,000 feet with Kerry in it!
He;s just like all the oligarchs.. TELL US how WE must live, while IGNORING EVERY RULE and law they make for US to follow.
John and the Pretending President Beijing Joe are Clones. One Thinks up One thing and the other Thinks up One to cover it Over. John Kerry is a PARASITE. He Flies around in his Wife’s Private Jet , Uses her Money that Dad left her and Thinks the HEINZ Company belongs to Him. Just because of this Genuine Thug and his Wife s Millions he thinks his he Boss. I for One don’t buy anything with the HEINZ Name on it . Kerry thought he was better than Brown Bread when he was in Vietnam standing on the front of his little boat in his White Sailor Suit saying how the American Military were Baby Killers and Rapists while they were in Vietnam. Along with his Ho Hanoi Jane (Jane Fonda). Lol !
Boy Johnny Kerry.
This fool has been a joke ever since he played up his phony Nam war record. He’s just one more stooge in the administration of stooges.
Idiot! Like so many of Biden’s team. Is anyone in that circle “smart”? As we continue to decline …
Why hasn’t someone dumped about 500 pounds of sugar into the fuel tank of Kerry’s plane?
He’d just buy another…