on 10:36 am October 12, 2023 at 10:36 am
Note that EVERYTHING that this treasonous, corrupt, puppet president Joe Beijing OBiden has done since in office has been against the good of our country and has benefited the countries who hate the U.S..
sotheseedsofliberty2 on Biden Marks Final Days in Office With Legacy Tour: “Joe Biden was Vice President under Barack H. Obama, Joe Biden was”A Post Turtle.” Barack H. Obama,Never Underestimate Joe Bidens…” Jan 23, 06:54
Your tax dollars at work !!
Technicall it wasn’t OUR dollars. It was what iran ILLEGALLY SOLD to china, that got frozen.
Note that EVERYTHING that this treasonous, corrupt, puppet president Joe Beijing OBiden has done since in office has been against the good of our country and has benefited the countries who hate the U.S..
There’s days i’d just love to park a few Wraith hives over iran, and watch as the entire nation gets culled…