The newly formed organization Faith Leaders for America (FLA) is denouncing as an Islamic terrorist Imam Mohamed Magid – who offered a prayer at Saturday’s National Prayer Service in Washington, D.C. – calling upon President Donald Trump to designate the jihadist’s Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization.
Building upon Trump’s bold promise made during his inaugural address on Friday to “eradicate radical Islamic terrorism from the face of the earth,” Faith Leaders for America is urging the new commander-in-chief to start by condemning Magid as one of jihad’s “most dangerous practitioners,” identifying him as a top leader of the Muslim Brotherhood in the United States.
Exposing the threat
Shortly after Magid delivered his Islamic prayer at the National Prayer Service in the nation’s capital the day after Trump was sworn in as the 45th president of the United States, FLA re-exposed the religious leader for his ties to jihad and leadership within militant Islamic terrorist groups.
“Mohamed Magid is the lmam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) mosque complex in Northern Virginia – one of the most Sharia-adherent and jihadist in the country,” FLA warned in its press release issued Saturday. “He was also, for two terms, the president of the group that the U.S. government has established in court as a Muslim Brotherhood front – the Islamic Society of North America. In fact, it is the largest Muslim Brotherhood organization in the country.”
The day before Trump’s inauguration, FLA sent out a warning at a National Press Club press conference that the Muslim Brotherhood – which former President Barack Obama regularly embraced throughout his two terms as a peaceful Islamic group – is a major part of a “death cult” of Sharia supremacism. Building upon its alert issued at the conference, FLA also announced its strong support for Trump’s declaration that he will designate the Muslim Brotherhood as a terrorist organization – a determination that other nations around the world have already made.
FLA, which is a 75-member multi-faith group of clerics and spiritual leaders with the “common commitment to freedom of religion, freedom of speech and the other liberties guaranteed by our Constitution, along with a firm commitment to address the imminent threats to those freedoms,” issued a joint statement to Trump on Thursday:
“We want you to know you have our prayerful support as you begin to counter jihad and protect Americans from Islamic terrorism,” FLA assured the new commander-in-chief. “When you label the Muslim Brotherhood a terrorist organization, we support you.”
Not understanding how Magid – with his militant Muslim ties – was given the opportunity to stand before the nation at a post-inaugural event, FLA advised Trump to do everything in his power to make sure that the imam is never given the public stage in American again.
“It is unclear how a top Muslim Brotherhood operative would be allowed to participate in an important public event organized for the new president of the United States,” the pro-freedom group stated. “But Faith Leaders of America urges President Trump to make this the last event in which he is put in such company and that he moves as swiftly as possible to designate the Muslim Brotherhood as what it is – a terrorist organization.”
Exhaustive rap sheet
Magid’s background in militant Islamic circles and leadership positions is well-documented.
“[Mohamed Magid was] born in northern Sudan in 1965, [and] studied Islam under African Sunni scholars – one of whom was his own father, the Grand Mufti of Sudan,” the David Horowitz Freedom Center reported. “In 1987, Magid immigrated to the United States, where he took college courses in psychology and family counseling, and he taught classes on the Koran at Howard University in Washington, D.C. In 1997, Magid became imam of the All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS), a mosque located in Sterling, Virginia. Soon thereafter, he became affiliated with the Islamic Society of North America (ISNA), first as its East Zone representative, then as vice president, and finally as president – a post to which he was elected in September 2010.”
Magid’s disturbing connection to ISNA should be of major concern to Americans, according to the Investigative Project on Terrorism (IPT).
“ISNA has a troubling history, however, and its leadership ranks beyond Mattson include people who date back to the group’s foundation by Muslim Brotherhood members,” IPT announced. “The organization grew out of the Muslim Students Association (MSA), which also was founded by Brotherhood members. The Brotherhood is an 80-year-old Egyptian movement that seeks to spread Sharia, or Islamic law, far and wide. Federal prosecutors included ISNA on a list of unindicted co-conspirators in the Hamas-financing prosecution of the Holy Land Foundation for Relief and Development (HLF). ISNA is listed among ‘individuals/entities who are and/or were members of the US Muslim Brotherhood.’ The trial ended with guilty verdicts on 108 counts in November 2008. Its conferences have featured rhetoric in support of terrorist groups and other radicalism. This continued at the 2009 convention, where panelists expressed extreme anti-Semitism and support for the terrorist group Hizballah.”
According to IPT, jihadists have already infiltrated America’s justice system.
“Another group, the Assembly of Muslim Jurists of America (AMJA) – which counts Magid as a member – published an article in 2008 written by Hatem al-Haj, a member of its fatwa committee, giving religious justification for not cooperating with authorities,” IPT disclosed. “Al-Haj wrote it was ‘impermissible’ for Muslims to work with the FBI because of the ‘harm they inflict on Muslims …The AMJA issued a fatwa in August 2011 stating that zakat could be used to ‘support legitimate jihad activities.’”
Patrick Poole, a counter-terrorism expert and investigative journalist, alerted America the year Obama was reelected to that fact that Magid had tremendous access to and influence during the Brotherhood-friendly Obama administration.
“Mohamed Magid is the Obama administration’s go-to guy for Muslim outreach and advice on international affairs and counterterrorism,” Poole reported in PJMedia back in 2012. “He is a regular visitor to the White House (even when the administration wants to conceal it), attends important administration speeches on the U.S.-Middle East policy at the State Department, he counsels the Department of Justice to criminalize defamation of Islam, he entertains the deputy national security adviser at his D.C.-area mosque, and he serves on the Department of Homeland Security’s Countering Violent Extremism Working Group. He also advises the FBI and many other federal agencies.”
A list including Magid that identified major Muslim Brotherhood-tied individuals who held key advisory roles in Obama’s Department of Homeland Security (DHS) was disclosed to the Senate Judiciary Committee by former DHS counter-terrorism official Philip Haney.
“In the Spring of 2010, at least six individuals with known affiliations to MB [Muslim Brotherhood] front groups, including Omar Alomari (MAS and several other MB-linked organizations), Mohamed Magid (ISNA), Mohamed Elibiary (HLF leaders), Dahlia Mogahed (CAIR, ISNA, MAS & MPAC), Nadia Roumani (American Muslim Civic Leadership Institute AMCLI), and Los Angeles Deputy Mayor Arif Alikhan (MPAC & the Islamic Shura Council of Southern California ISCSC), were appointed to the Countering Violent Extremism (CVE) Working Group, which was convened under the authority of the Homeland Security Advisory Council (HSAC),” Haney divulged.
Magid’s extensive influence in society was also corroborated by America’s major Leftist publications.
“He has also been profiled by Time Magazine, and the Huffington Post has even dubbed him “America’s Imam,” FLA recounted. “His ubiquitous presence across the Obama administration undoubtedly makes him the most influential and sought after Muslim authority in the country.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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