Illegal aliens, who are being housed in New York hotels at taxpayer expense, are throwing away their taxpayer-paid food by the ton, the New York Post reports.

Nearly a ton of taxpayer-provided food gets tossed in the trash every day at a massive Manhattan hotel being used to house migrants — because they’d rather secretly cook their own meals on dangerous hot plates, a whistleblowing worker has revealed.

Disturbing photos show garbage bags full of sandwiches and bagels awaiting disposal at the four-star Row NYC hotel near Times Square, where the city pays a daily rate as high as $500 per room, hotel employee Felipe Rodriguez told The Post.

“It’s a crime to be throwing out so much food,” he said.

Other images show a hotel room littered with empty beer cans and bottles following a wild, World Cup viewing party in November, Rodriguez said.

That gathering — in a room whose occupant “gave the key to a cousin” while she “was in The Bronx, hanging out” — erupted into a fight over the match that left one man with a “big knot on his head,” Rodriguez said.

Rodriguez said he also shot a brief video clip of two female migrants engaged in a hair-pulling fight outside the hotel during New Year’s Eve festivities last week.

Rodriguez, who’s the whistleblower, said he photographed the shiny new scooters of the migrants, parked out in front of the hotel, putting paid to the media narrative that they are all just so impoverished they need the state to take care of everything for them — food, housing, medical, transport, and all that. With the state paying for the necessities, the migrants have plenty of discretionary money to spend on hot plates — and cigarettes, beer and other superfluities Rodriguez described.

It raises questions as to why New York, whose mayor is calling on the federal government to pay more for the upkeep of these migrants, is paying for this at all. The illegal alien who went to the Bronx for “hanging out” purposes, as Rodriguez noted, obviously has a place to stay, and was allowing non-migrants to use her $500 a night taxpayer-paid hotel room as her favor to someone else.

More to the point, the illegals have cash for all their illegal hot plates as well as restaurant meals and cigarettes, blithely ignoring hotel rules in order to smoke or organize cookouts.

Their willingness to waste food at all suggests a high-consumption middle-class or higher lifestyle right there. Truly poor people don’t waste food and are more likely to hoard it.

They insist on the food of their choice — and as Rodriguez points out:

They want a cooked meal like in their own country. And that’s a serious issue,” he said.

In addition to sandwiches and bagels, the migrants are served food including fruit, peanuts, chips, juice, soda and prepared dinners that “you heat in a microwave,” Rodriguez said.

“They don’t like the menu. They just don’t. They want rice and beans, plantains, tostones,” he said.

…suggests an ‘I want it and I want it now,’ mentality, as well as an unwillingness to assimilate.

It resembles an all-expenses paid vacation for these migrants.

It’s the kind of behavior we have seen before with border surgers, too.

Remember this charmer from Honduras, known as “Lady Frijoles,” who eventually got booted from the states for fighting with another woman, and now has her own T.V. show back in her home country? I wrote about her ingratitude about the food here, amid her expectations for “free health care” from Uncle Sugar:

The instance that stands out is the one of a rather well-fed-looking Honduran woman named Miriam Celaya holding up a plate of tortillas and beans donated by the Mexicans, screwing up her nose disdainfully at the plate that looks as though it actually had fingers dragged through it, and explaining to a Deutsche Welle interviewer that it was food “for pigs.”

Now Adams is demanding more from Joe Biden’s federal government to keep the migrant vacay going.

As Rodriguez points out:

“My problem is, why are we throwing away so much food? Someone from the city should have said, ‘Let’s order less food so we throw less food out.’ But nobody cares,” he said.

Which pretty well seals the deal on why Joe Biden, or Congress if it has any say-so on the matter, should tell Adams ‘no,’ on the prospect of more lavish spending for the illegal border crossers.

We’re now seeing seen the broken rules, the waste, the crime and the mess of these illegal migrants, whose disdain for the law extends in all directions.

Seems that when you hand out one taxpayer goody after another for migrants, for free, they value it for about as much as they paid for it.

It’s time to shut the entire hog wallow down and send these food wasters, criminals, rules breakers and chiselers right back to the home country they came from.

Image: Alan Levine, via PxHere // CC BY 2.0
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