A trove of videos and emails keep being leaked from the infamous Hunter Biden laptop – but it’s a good bet that many Americans aren’t hearing much about it.
The latest leak from the Hunter Biden laptop – which was recovered from a computer repair store before the 2020 elections* – shows the president’s son smoking crack in a spa pool and cavorting with prostitutes. Previous leaks show financial deals with the Chinese businesses that may have benefited his father, now the president of the United States.
But few in the mainstream media are reporting it. One of the more recent findings they’re ignoring is a voicemail message from Joe Biden that was recovered from the laptop:
Biden (in a 2018 voicemail to Hunter): “Hey pal, it’s Dad. It’s 8:15 on Wednesday night. If you get a chance give me a call. Nothing urgent. Just want to talk to you. I thought the article released online, it’s going to be printed tomorrow in the [Washington] Times, was good. I think you’re clear.”
Some critics argue the voicemail shows candidate Joe Biden was lying when he told the American people that he never discussed his son’s business dealings with them. Interestingly, White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre refused to discuss the voicemail last week when asked by Fox News correspondent Peter Doocy.
In an interview with AFN, Geoff Dickens of Media Research Center says the laptop drama is the best story you’ve never heard.
“The amount of scandals that come out of the Hunter Biden laptop – the discovery of the hard drive and the iPhone and the iCloud account – they seem to be coming almost like on a daily basis,” says Dickens.
But he suggests that could all change if Biden’s poll numbers keep plummeting and it stops being in the Democrats’ best interest to run Biden again in 2024.
“If the mainstream media decides that Joe Biden’s got to go, and the Democrats got to pick another candidate to run – yeah … I mean, they might start paying more attention to stories that will hurt Joe or discourage him from running,” says the MRC spokesman.
As reported yesterday by AFN, conservative political pundit Gary Bauer says it appears Biden has in fact “outlived his usefulness” to the Democratic Party. A trifecta of recent stories by no less than The New York Times imply that could be the case – just 18 months after Biden took office.
*The New York Post first reported in October 2020 that it had received from President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, a copy of a hard drive of a laptop that Hunter Biden had dropped off 18 months earlier at a Delaware computer repair shop and never retrieved. While the laptop’s authenticity was met initially with skepticism by many in the mainstream media, The New York Times – buried in a March 2022 story – noted that the laptop was legitimate and it contents were “authenticated.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
It is a lucky thing for the criminal Biden crime family that General George Washington is not alive, as we Conservatives know what Washington did with traitors.
OR patton!!
Joe Biden,,,the useful idiot that is no longer useful. Welcome to secular socialism Joe, You should have stayed true to your Founders and their founding principles. Too late for the Prodigal President to come back from the political pigpen he and his son now wallow in. Your party members have already eaten the fatted calf, and dad’s wealth creating estates have all been sold off to the Saudi’s, Iranians, Russians and Chinese. No strategic oil reserve even left to fall back on.
They’ve served their purpose and the useful idiots are now the useless idiots.
TO me, they’ve always been useless!
I thought No one is above the Law but Hillary and JOE and Hunter Biden and James Comey and others in the FBI and DOJ still FREE today WHY?
Why? Because American citizens let them get away with it! If you’re waiting for either political party to do anything about this, you may have a very long wait. It’s amazing what America will tolerate.
RockyMtn1776, you are 100% correct!! Why?? Because, the American people let both political parties get away with the nonsense that these politicians pull on them. These politicians don’t answer to the American people, but solely to the rich plutocrats who finance their campaigns and instruct them on how to vote and govern over the commoners. This is a country of the plutocrats, by the plutocrats and for the plutocrats! Definition of Plutocrat: An individual who has political influence and great power because of their wealth. Example: The very rich 1%ers
What’s amazing is that as long as it’s the left wing democrats doing anything, it isn’t reported on, but let it be a republican, then it’s reported like it was going to destroy the world. We’ve known for years now that the msm is nothing but an outlet for the democrats. True reporting died years ago, and the last real journalist we had in this country was Walter Cronkite. Is it any wonder that the citizens don’t know what’s really going on with our government?
Well, it’s exponentially the feckless, lying, fraud, fake media that let’s them get away with it! If the media CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC AND CBS, were to keep the pressure on these reprobates daily, and they lose their elections, they would stop and toe the line.
BECAUSE THE LEFT owns the dept of injustice… That’s why.
I’m sure that these criminals refer to The Department of Justice as ” The Department of Just Us ” as it appears that they have full control of it.
That they certainly do…
Hi william. Two thoughts in response to your question. 1) They are all Deep State Toxic Septic Sewer System SWAMP SCUM and they protect each other. 2) Rules for thee, rules for me. And maybe the worst offender and not on your list is pedophilic Bill.
I think Obama is the worst enemy of the USA. Read his autobiography “Dreams of My Father” where he expresses his hatred of the USA and UK. He said “if the winds change, I will stand with the Muslims (Iran?). He said he is a Marxist and promised “the fundamental transformation of America.” The Clintons are also clients of Soros, Hillary was Alinski’s protégé and both Obama and the Clintons use Alinski tactics.
Question, why is DOJ AG Garland and DOJ Attorney Durham using Hunter Biden’s “laptop from HELL to charge him with foreign bribe taking from Russia and China and splitting them with CHEATER Joe Biden”????? Simple the CHEATER Criminal Democrat Party Mob Congress are going to use those charges to “blackmail CHEATER Joe Biden to retire before the 2022 election or get impeach, to get rid of him”!! Since he will not go, they will force him to or force him to go in disgrace!!!! American people “comon sense at work today”!!!!!…
Because both Durham and Garland, are leftist commie swamp scum.
Until the Woke Progressives can find a viable replacement for Demented Old Joe, they keep covering for him. Once a reasonable Democrat Candidate is found he will no longer be useful to them and they will throw him under the bus so he can’t challenge the chosen one. The Dems only love you as long as you are useful to them. Think on that Lizzie.
AT least it’s not Clinton!
I can only imagine the scene if this had been Donald Trump Jr’s laptop… they would have called up impeachment hearings on the first day of discovery of the laptop and the contents would have been the headlines of the lamestream media for months… maybe years with all the dirt that is coming out.
Nothing happens in the swamps of DC, because everyone of them is corrupt (save maybe a couple of Republicans like Paul or Cruz) and they all have dirt of each other. There will never be any charges brought up on any of them as the floodgates of mud would start flowing and they all lose power… and we all know they crave power above ALL else.
AND as we saw with Don, AS SOON As someone comes in trying to rock the boat, THEY ALL work together to OUST him..