(EFE).- The US House of Representatives on Wednesday suspended the legislative session it had scheduled for Thursday after authorities warned of a potential plan by a rightist militia group to mount another attack on Congress.
The lower house was scheduled to debate a police reform bill on Thursday, but the Democrats, who hold a majority in the chamber, moved that vote up to Wednesday evening, along with other business.
The House had been planning to conclude its work for the week on Thursday, and thus – with those sessions having been advanced into Wednesday – lawmakers will be able to leave Washington and return to their home states after the evening session concludes.
In making the decision, Democrats elected not to put themselves, their staffers or other congressional personnel at risk after Capitol Police warned of a potential attack on Congress.
In a statement released earlier in the day, the Capitol Police said that they had “obtained intelligence that shows a possible plot to breach the Capitol by an identified militia group on Thursday, March 4.”
That date is the one on which certain ultrarightist groups believe that former President Donald Trump will return to office.
The report or intelligence is being taken “seriously,” Capitol Police officials said.
GOPUSA Editor’s Note: Please keep in mind that this is a mainstream media story which may or may not contain politically biased language. The source of the story is in the dateline. We publish the story for the purpose of informing our readers.
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“We have already made significant security upgrades to include establishing a physical structure and increasing manpower to ensure the protection of Congress, the public and our police officers,” the statement said.
“Our Department is working with our local, state, and federal partners to stop any threats to the Capitol. We are taking the intelligence seriously, the Capitol Police officials added.
The Senate, meanwhile, still has not announced any decision about its activities or work schedule on Thursday, when lawmakers in the upper chamber are scheduled to debate the $1.9 trillion economic rescue package being pushed by the White House.
According to CNN, information provided by the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security warn that chatter among extremist groups – such as the ultrarightist Three Percenters – about a potential plan to attack the Capitol on March 4 had increased.
The followers of the QAnon conspiracy movement believe that on March 4, Trump will once again take power, evidently basing that belief on the fact that from 1793 and 1933 US presidents were generally inaugurated on or around that date.
Specifically, hundreds of QAnon followers, members of ultrarightist groups and Trump supporters on Jan. 6 assaulted the Capitol as lawmakers from both the House of Representatives and Senate were meeting in a joint session to certify the Nov. 3, 2020, presidential election victory of Democrat Joe Biden.
As a result of that deadly attack, in which five people died, House Democrats impeached Trump for a second time, claiming that he had stirred up the insurrectionist mob to march on the Capitol, but the Senate acquitted him on Feb. 13 after he had already left office.
In recent days, Congress has held a series of sessions in which top security officials have offered their versions of the events they witnessed on Jan. 6.
Last week, acting Capitol Police chief Yogananda Pittman warned in one of those hearings of a potential plan by extremists to blow up the Capitol when Biden comes to Congress to deliver his first address before the two chambers.
“We know that members of the militia groups that were present on January 6th have stated their desires that they want to blow up the Capitol and kill as many members (of Congress) as possible with a direct nexus to the State of the Union (address),” Pittman said before Congress, although she added that the date for Biden’s speech has not yet been set.
“So based on that information, we think that it’s prudent that Capitol Police maintain its enhanced and robust security posture until we address those vulnerabilities going forward,” she added.
According to US media outlets, Biden is expected to deliver his speech – similar to a State of the Union address although he has not yet been in office for a year and thus will not report on the past year’s activities – to explain his administration’s plans and discuss its achievements during the past few weeks before a joint session of Congress, after which the legislature will approve a new pandemic economic rescue plan.
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You can bet there is a lot of B S in this story.
OF course there is.. FOR ONE THING, WHY would they need to high tail it out, IF THEY HAVE ALL THOSE national guard still there, along with all that fencing? OR are they saying those things do not work?
It would appear that the “Socialist Democrat Party State” are scared of We the People and
don’t believe that razor wire fences, armed soldiers and the DC police can protect them from We the People.
What dastardly deeds have these dishonorable, traitorous Democrat Congress member committed
that makes the people hate them so much??
What dastardly deeds have they committed?
TOO damn many to list!
“….to explain his administration’s plans and discuss its achievements during the past few weeks before a joint session of Congress, after which the legislature will approve a new pandemic economic rescue plan.”
A full 9% of that package will actually target the economic disaster caused by China and taken advantage of by Democrats.
What dastardly deeds have these dishonorable, traitorous Democrat Congress member committed
that makes the people hate them so much??
It would appear that 91% of this COVID relief Con, Deception, Lie is
nothing more than a Socialist Democrat Party’s gift to themselves.
Going to be paid for by the Taxpayer. 🙁 🙁 🙁
The Democrat Party is our country’s most deadliest ENEMY!
The left and their puppet MSM will do anything to make everyone on the Right look like terrorists. Especially promoting possible, although without merit, protests including violence against the government. They have stopped prosecuting most of the actual Leftist violence from 2020. These are some sick people, and need to be contained. Everything they enact in opposition to the Constitution needs to be blocked with a lawsuit.
OF course they will. IF THEY make us all look like terrorists, it will be easier for them to DEMAND WE GET Sent to prison/re-education camps etc..
If that really is the dummycrats plan and they think we’ll just walk into the freight trains and be sent to concentration camps, they’ll get a very rude awakening. This isn’t 1933 Germany where Hitler first disarmed the citizens. Most of the citizens of THIS country ARE ARMED! It will be civil war number 2. The problem with stupid worthless raw sewage dummycrats is that they NEVER learn from the mistakes of the past. They just keep repeating the mistakes with the same stupid lame excuse “This time we’ll do it right.” LOL!!!!!
Who says they don’t already KNOW THAT< hence why they are doing their damndest to DISARM US ALL, and up-arm the military..
we the people does not exist anymore in america.
but subversion and treason are alive and well in our government.
When the communist democrats come back to DC, they must be prevented from entering the building since they are trying to overthrow the US government!! Someone should say there is a white puff of smoke seeking communist democrats to eradicate. Maybe they will stay gone.
It’s just more fearmongering BS.
But hey….. if it keeps those cretins out of the capitol, it means they can’t do any damage to our liberty.
How about a couple of “the sky is falling” stupid threats every week?
Exactly. The less these tyrants do, the better off we are.
Another fabricated excuse to get a day off.
Is there any possibility that some method of ‘fear-mongering threats’ issued often enough could KEEP these anti-Americans away from having any ability to further run this country to ruin?
These people are liars all and full of ****! Or either sissy, anarchist supporting cowards!
Go back to work you pansies!
Id rather they stay away, PERMANENTLY..
There is a fenced “wall” with barb wire around the Capitol. So, why is there fear? Secondly, I do not trust any so called intelligence from the corrupt Deep State. These clowns at the Capitol may be playing their communist ploy, to consolidate power and accelerate the police state, that we already have. Secondly, with the fungus and bacterial laden food, you clowns gave the National Guard, making them sick, you communists at the Capitol, are a disgrace!
What a crock of BS. The dem, commies’ theatrics and drama has become tiresome. Any excuse to create chaos and blame it on Trump supporters.
Any excuse for a long weekend.
It’s hard to understand which of these fools are actually buying into the democrat fear mongering scams and which are part of the conspiracy to create them. There could not have been any legitimate intel that indicated there would be some kind of coordinated attack on the capital “after” the January 6th incident. Anyone who buys into this bulls__t is a complete fool (but i repeat myself). If they were so concerned about it, where was the security on January 6th when the entire world knew tens of thousands of Trump supporters would be on the streets in D.C. As always this is just a democrat sponsored stage drama to entertain and influence the more simple minded members of the public.
Wonder why they fear the “militia” so much. Could it be that the founders knew it was the best way for the people to defend against tyranny? They KNOW what they are…
Hell, i am surprised they’ve not already tried to push legislation to outlaw all militias..
This is another production of Drama Queen Theatre. A quick review of news websites doesn’t mention anyone attempting to attack the Capitol.
Let’s remember that the Democrats have put a fence around the Capitol to protect them from the American people, while pushing to remove the border fence that protects the American people from a bunch of invaders along our nation’s southern border. Is it possible to have any more worthless politicians than the D.C. Democrats?
As to the state of the union, too many Americans are stuck on stupid as seen by the fact that a brain-dead Democrat was elected president and congress is under Democrat control.
ROFLMAO……..Just DC police acting like the fools they are but hey may stage something just like they did on Jan 6.
They’re up to something. We know Brian Sicknick wasn’t murdered. That’s a big lie. The FBI has admitted there were no firearms recovered in the Capital. So there was no armed insurrection. There is no reason for the fence nor the citizen soldiers.
So why are they there? Sounds like they have something they want to do that we would really not like coming up. They feel they need them.
YET even though they MAY feel they need them, THEY STILL TREAT those troops like feeces..
Just WHAT are we paying these cowardly people for? They RUN and HIDE at the mere sight of their own shadows. I suggest a large number of the cowardly polecats have guilty consciences and that makes them “overly” skittish and really afraid because they KNOW they are in line to receive a HUGE DOSE OF JUSTICE!
I forgot whom said it, back when i was first joining this site, but i remember seeing someone suggest that it be made mandatory that for ANYONE TO RUN FOR ANY political office, other than town mayor, that you have a MINIMUM OF 3 years of military service.. 4 for the house and 6 for the senate/presidency….
Maybe if we DID have that, they wouldn’t be so bloody spineless!
Let’s be honest. The reason the capitol police were not expecting any violent action is because they were encountering Trump supporters. Trump supporters always showed respect and peaceful behavior during protests, did NOT assault, did NOT vandalize, did NOT loot, did NOT burn, and followed the intent of peaceful protest. Unlike the democrat endorsed and encouraged “lord of the flies” liberal savages that historically show insurrection activity when they hit the streets, Trump supporters were assumed to be a non risk. THAT is why the capitol law enforcement was caught off guard. And THAT is why it is very suspicious as to who/what were the actual ring leaders who perpetrated this violent act that was routine terrorism during the months of George Floyd festivities.
ah yes, I read about the attacks on the House on Thursday, it was horrific, AOC said she barely escaped and swore to God she saw Trump leading the attack!
These communists/democrats know they are guilty of treason and deserve to be lynched. They are scared.