In efforts to compensate Americans for locking them up all year, some House Democrats are still planning to include raising the minimum wage to $15 an hour in the COVID relief stimulus package.
But, ironically enough, a number of them have been accused of paying their employees less than that.
Some may call that the definition of hypocrisy.
Joe Biden included a provision in the proposed $1.9 trillion economic recovery package that would raise the minimum wage to $15 an hour, though it may not make it to the final version of the bill, BizPacReview reports.
Some democrats in the House still plan to include it in their final version, regardless of whether or not it will survive. Some of the supporters include Reps. Tom Malinowski (D-NJ), Susan Wild (D-PA), Chris Pappas (D-NH), and Sharice Davids (D-KS).
According to the New York Post, however, job listings that date back to 2018 show that open employee positions for the lawmakers have been offered below the minimum wage they claim to want.
The open positions were found on a server for campaign job listings.
In March of 2018, Wild’s office was looking for full-time campaign fellows. The ad described the position as “an intense 8-week program designed for college students and recent college grads.”
The pay: $500 a month or college credit.
In September of 2018, Malinowksi’s team posted a similar listing for a communications fellow. Duties included “staffing the candidate at events on work days and potentially over the weekend.”
The pay: a $500 monthly stipend.
Also in 2018, Davids was looking for a campaign fellow, offering $1,500 to $2,500 a month.
For the four-week experience, candidates would make anywhere from $9.38 an hour to as much as $15.63 an hour, depending on their qualifications, per the New York Post.
On top of his career in politics, Pappas owns a restaurant in New Hampshire called the Puritan Backroom. Interestingly enough, job listings at the restaurant appear to offer $12.50 an hour, despite Pappas relentlessly supporting the minimum wage increase.
Perhaps this is yet another example of the team-left motto: do as I say, not as I do.
The post House Dems Backing $15 Minimum Wage Paid Their Own Employees Less appeared first on Human Events.
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Democrat lawmakers pay their employees less than minimum wage for the same reason waiters get paid low wages, but are expected to more than make up the difference in tips. Tips to a Democrat Congressman are way more lucrative than what waiters get, because of the corruption factor which is factored in. Just volunteer to step in as an unnamed government source, or whistle blower, or a Clinton Presidential intern, or grow your hair long enough to attract a Presidential neck sniff. If they change the rules then taxes would have to be paid on the expected corruption, then everyone would know what is really going on behind the scenes. Of course paying taxes on those six figure ill-gotten gains is no problem for maximum wage guys like Hunter Biden, whose dad knows all the tricks of the trade to cover up the stuff that counts, but would embarrass him if found out.
Destroy the economy. Pay waiters fifteen dollars an hour and the waiters will be out of work or the restaurants will charge so much for food, that no one will go to a restaurant, as it will be too expensive to eat at a restaurant. The communists in Washington should writer a book: “How To Destroy An Economy”. Subtitled: Our Path To Destroy America.
Tell us something we already didn’t know…
That’s not even news. They lie, cheat, connive , deceive, deny and shout from their taxpayer funded roof tops that they are the answer to all of Americas problems when in fact they are the reason for Americas current problems. Division, hate, violence, distrust, misery, uncertainty and even fear in those who do not trust God will protect his children and punish evil.
PITY we the people, who voted for them, can’t then SUE THEM For false advertising or “conning us out of our vote!”
Best not complain about $15 min wage jobs as those might be the only jobs out there for most people who lose their “good Blue Collar jobs” to the Environmental Virtue-Signalers after a few more years of the Commiecrats and RINOS in power.
Very Typical for dems. “Do AS I SAY. NOT AS I DO!”
When have they NOT been that way?