On September 19th, 2016 Michael Sussmann, a lawyer representing the Clinton campaign, met with James Baker, the FBI General Counsel, and provided Baker with information, or “white papers,” which alleged that the Trump Organization was covertly communicating with a Russian Bank. Sussmann had obtained the so-called “white papers” on behalf of his client, the Clinton campaign, but Sussmann lied to the FBI, saying that the information hadn’t been obtained or presented on behalf of any client.
Simply put, the Clinton campaign paid a Tech executive to conduct surveillance on the internet traffic at Trump Tower and Trump’s Central Park West apartment building. More simply put, the Clinton Campaign paid someone to spy on then-candidate Trump. But it’s more damning still.
The Clinton Campaign, working in conjunction with Sussmann and the Tech Executive, nefariously tasked a small army of cyber “researchers” to tie then-candidate Trump to Russia. This was their mission. As the Durham filing states, “Tech Executive-1 indicated that he was seeking to please certain VIPs,” referring to the Clinton Campaign and both Michael Sussmann and Marc Elias, who were the Perkins Coie lawyers in the employ of the Clinton Campaign.
The Tech executive delivered the goods; fulfilling his mission, and pleasing his “VIP” clients: the Perkins Coie law firm, represented by Sussmann and Marc Elias, who were paid by the Clinton Campaign. The Tech executive’s computer science minions discovered “a bank in Moscow that kept irregularly pinging a server registered to the Trump Organization on Fifth Avenue.” That’s what “Slate” reported on October 31st, 2016, a month after Sussmann met with the FBI.
The Slate article claimed that a group of computer scientists had taken it upon themselves to investigate whether or not the Trump campaign had come under attack from Russian hackers; their concern prompted by the alleged and still questionable Russian infiltration of the DNC servers earlier that spring. In the Slate article, one of the ‘computer scientists’ claimed, “we wanted to help defend both campaigns, because we wanted to preserve the integrity of the election.”
The Slate article stated that these non-partisan “researchers,” who had set out with the ‘noble’ intention of protecting the Trump campaign from Russian hackers, unexpectedly stumbled upon unexpected evidence that linked the Trump Campaign to the Alfa Bank in Russia. But the researchers didn’t stumble; they found what the Clinton Campaign had paid them to find — a Trump-Russia connection.
If you’re confused, you should be. None of this should make any sense because it was a desperate, illogical, and invented story by the Clinton Campaign to ONE) create a diversion from the damning Podesta emails, which were leaked by Wikileaks — the work of alleged “Russian hackers” and TWO) to divert attention away from the Clinton email scandal.
Not only did the FBI determine in 2017 that no such connection existed between the Trump campaign and Alfa Bank, but Alfa Bank has filed two lawsuits, alleging that cyber-attacks were committed against them in 2016 intended to “create the illusion of secret communications between the Bank and the Trump Organization.”
Let’s review.
In July of 2016 the Tech Executive began working with Michael Sussmann on behalf of the Clinton Campaign to tie Trump to Russia. In September of 2016 Sussmann brought the results of the spy operation to the FBI, alleging that Trump had a connection to Alfa Bank in Russia, while denying he was working on behalf of the Clinton Campaign. And in October Slate broke the story that an independent group of computer scientists unintentionally discovered the ‘said’ Trump-Russia connection. Hours later, Hillary tweeted that “Computer scientists have apparently uncovered a covert server linking the Trump Organization to a Russian-based bank.”
What this amounts to is a desperate and coordinated conspiracy by the Clinton Campaign to conveniently transfer their own misfortunes to the Trump Campaign; to weaponize their “Russia hacked the DNC” narrative against the Trump campaign. I’ll explain.
The DNC hired the private security firm CrowdStrike in the Spring of 2016 to investigate a suspected “cyber-attack” of its network. The most damning contents of the “hacked” emails from Clinton Campaign chairman John Podesta revealed that Obama had lied about not being aware of Clinton’s infamous unsecured private server while she was Secretary of State and that the DNC had colluded to prevent Bernie Sanders from winning the nomination, even feeding Hillary Clinton a debate question ahead of a Democratic primary debate against Sanders.
True or not, the DNC and Clinton Campaign blamed Russian hackers for the Wikileaks released Podesta emails, which were both damning and embarrassing for the Clinton Campaign. News first broke that the DNC was hacked by “Russians” around mid-June of 2016 and the Clinton Campaign conveniently began working with Sussmann and the Tech executive to tie Trump to Russia in July, according to the Durham filing.
Whether the scandalous Podesta emails were leaked from inside the DNC or were hacked by Russians as the Democrats claim, the Clinton Campaign panicked. They made a calculated and strategic decision to redirect the publics’ attention away from the real corruption of the Clinton Campaign and Clinton herself to the fabricated narrative that Russia was working to help Trump win the election.
Hillary Clinton, a criminal, conspired to make herself a victim; not only of Russian hackers, but of a vast Trump-Russian conspiracy to steal an election. To do so she needed to connect Trump to Russia. So she paid ‘computer scientists’ to falsify “white papers” connecting Trump to Alfa Bank.
Hillary Clinton is claiming this is a “fake scandal.” Twenty four years ago, in 1998, she also claimed that the Lewinski scandal was a “vast right-wing conspiracy.” She lied then and she’s lying now. Hillary Clinton isn’t a victim, she’s a jail-bound crook.
Drew Allen is the host of “The Drew Allen Show” podcast. He is a Texas-bred, California-based and millennial author, columnist, and political analyst. His work can be read and seen and heard at drewthomasallen.com
“Judge not by the color of one’s skin, but by the contents of their character”
Hillary Clinton’s history of lies and unethical behavior goes back farther – and goes much deeper – than anyone realizes.
Retired general counsel and chief of staff of the House Judiciary Committee Zeifman fired Hillary Clinton from the committee staff and refused to give her a letter of recommendation – one of only three people who earned that dubious distinction in Zeifman’s 17-year career.
“Because Hillary Clinton was a liar,” Zeifman said in an interview last week. “Hillary Clinton was an unethical, dishonest lawyer. She conspired to violate the Constitution, the rules of the House, the rules of the committee and the rules of confidentiality.”
“Hillary Clinton Has Admitted To Destroying Evidence”
She is in trouble legally if there is a prosecutor with the courage or authority to prosecute her because in addition to admitting that she diverted government records from the government, in addition to admitting that she put classified information in a non-classified venue, that is the crime in which General Petraeus has agreed to plead guilty to. She now has admitted to destroying subpoenaed evidence after she was on notice of the existence of the ‘subpoena. That’s known as obstruction of justice as well as destruction of the documents. But none of her crimes will get to first base in terms of prosecution without a prosecutor to pursue them…
Probably her worst crimes, and we all know what they are, will never see the light of day. At the very least, and there is ample evidence, let her be tried for the minor, non capitol ones.
SHE should already have been outright publicly executed for her treason. BUT LIKE ALL DEMS, i highly doubt she will even get CHARGED with a crime..
Never happen. She is SWAMP SCUM and protected.
>> if there is a prosecutor with the courage or authority to prosecute <<
Oh, how we wish. Never has been, for decades.
I don’t think it’s a case of no lawyer or “prosecutor with the courage…” as much as the way her cases are defined and lawyers and prosecutors are effectively told to stand down and don’t even think about going after Hillary.
I mean, are we talking about the same American lawyers?
When Sulkalong Colmey made a version of that statement after a fifteen minute listing of a number of crimes that any one would have ended a conservative’s career and probably landed him or her in jail, I swore I heard a collective scream of the members of the Bar around the Country who would have lined up to have a chance to go after a target as juicy as that corrupt waste of taxpayer largess.
Hillary, and Slick deserve to be in prison, instead of being free to continue to make their Party have to keep on defending them and making excuses for their abhorrent and often illegal behavior.
TO ME< no they don't have courage….
Hillary Clinton’ private E-Mai , Which we later found out, President Barack H. Obama knew About, But used to talk to Hillary Clinton many Times although Hillary Clinton wasn’t Supposed to use her private Server, E- Mail to conduct Government business While Hillary Clinton was Secretary of State ” The Truth Shall Set You Free , ” HILLARY Clinton. What are you Afraid Of, Remember, ” The Truth Will Set You Free.! ” Or Maybe In Your Case Maybe Not.
The communists spying on Trump and no one will ever go to jail. Secondly, Trump knew he was being spied on, Trump in fact stated he was being spied on. Trump, before covid, had the best economy in the world and Trump had the best foreign policy of any President in my life time, however Trump played tiddlywinks with the DOJ, the FBI, the State Department, the CIA and the Intelligence Agencies. In his first day in office, since Trump knew he was being spied on, Trump should have sent Federal Marshals, with Conservative IT people, into the above mentioned agencies and he should have seized the agencies computers. Trump should then have prosecuted the criminals in these agencies. By Trump doing nothing, Trump cut his own throat.
True HE SHOULD HAVE gutted the dept of injustice.. TOTALLY AND UTTERLY!
“…..If so Great Great Power Belongs to The Decisions And Degrees Of Fools that The Laws Of Nature Can Be Changed By Their Votes then Why do They Not Ordain That What Is Bad and Baneful. Shall Be Considered Good And Salutary ?
Or, If A Law ab Make Justice out Of Injustice, Can It Not Make Good Out Of Baf ? ” Quote From Mark Livin’s Book,
” Rediscovering Americaism.
Accusing others of the very crimes you yourself have committed in order to divert attention away from your own family’s crimes is the self-defense tactic of a professional criminal, usually employed in the last desperate stages of being about to be found out. Not only should Hillary go to jail but the media that co-conspired with her to corrupt an election and a once great American Democrat party, now reduced to criminal acts to survive, now being run by self-serving criminals like Hillary, Joe and Pelosi. Justice demands JAIL, no bail lest others be encouraged to repeat the crimes in the future without fear of prosecution. There Must be justice for all or there is Justice for none. NO EXCEPTIONS.
“…..the self-defense tactic of a professional criminal, usually employed in the last desperate stages of being about to be found out.” Inluminatuo
It sure seems to happen more often on the Leftist side of the aisle.
Max, i have NEVER ONCE, ever heard a Right-winger, ever accuse someone else, of what THEY Are doing..
Liars hate the truth and that is exactly why the left hates President Trump. That has been of Bills will have her day but I’m sure at that point what difference will it make. So many lives lost at the hands of pure evil. Shameful:(
The Socialist Communist democrat Party has a lot Of Criminal Activity To Accont For , The Elite Of Thr drmocrat zparty, Know Of No Other Way To Conduct Themselves…
AND that is why so many of their ‘laws/edicts’, SUPPORT CRIMINALS over their victims.. BECAUSE THEIR RANKS ARE filled with criminals!
A victim only of self-imposed stupidity and willful collaboration.
First, I’ve seen nothing yet in any of these articles to directly implicate Hellary. The Clinton Campaign but not her; and she may have had no knowledge of these actions (just to be fair). Second, Hellary is the very definition of bottom dwelling SWAMP SCUM and she immune. Same with pedophilic Bill.
100% correct!!!!! She knew , knows and is a$$ deep in the whole thing.
HOW could she PAY SOMEONE< and not know what the hell they were doing?
Nothing negative (other that Bill) will happen to Hellary. She is a bottom dwelling SWAMP SCUM and immune.