After months of stalled negotiations, Congress finally passed a new $900 billion coronavirus relief package late Monday night with overwhelming support in the Senate, but six Republicans stood firmly against it.
Sens. Marsha Blackburn, R-Tenn., Ted Cruz, R-Texas, Ron Johnson, R-Wis., Mike Lee, R-Utah, Rand Paul, R-Ky., and Rick Scott, R-Fla., all stood firmly against the bill, which had been bundled with a $1.4 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown. Their criticisms largely focused on the size of the legislation, both in terms of the dollar amount and the bill’s page count.
“To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats: If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better,” Paul said on the Senate floor.
– Read more at Fox News
Paul’s speech is 7 minutes. It’s worth your time.
“A $900 billion coronavirus relief package, bundled with a $1.4 trillion spending bill to avoid a government shutdown.”
bundled with a $1.4 trillion spending bill to avoid a California, New York and Democrat cities like Chicago, Philadelphia, Detroit, San Francisco government shutdown, or more accurately stated, A BAIL OUT for corrupt Democrat mismanaged cities and States.
““To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats:
If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better,” Paul said on the Senate floor.”
Ive often said, NO BILL, that cannot pass muster on its own, SHOULD EVER BE ALLOWED TO get “bundled in” with a Must pass piece of legislation.. AND ANY ONE WHO votes on it, should get publicly wiped.
“To so-called conservatives who are quick to identify the socialism of Democrats:
If you vote for this spending monstrosity, you are no better,” Paul said on the Senate floor.”
People in debt are NOT free
It is sell one’s self into slavery in the hope it will only be their children
It is every bit as heinous as an abortion
Such a nation deserves to live on it knees if their masters will let them live rather than use their worthless carcasses to fertilize their fields
My time left on this earth is limited. While I am still extremely pissed off at Congress and both state and federal government in general, I no longer dwell so much on this BS as I once did. A lot of my concern had been for my children, grandchildren and now a great grandchild. Sadly both my children and grandchildren are joining the woke without really understanding how badly this ends. My son thinks I’m an effing idiot because I support President Trump. Two of my granddaughters think I’m racist because I don’t support BLM and all the **** associated with it. Well, I give up. I hope without much hope that they “see the light” before it is too late. When I’m gone, good luck to them, they will need it.
I truly pity you, that practially ALL your family has effectively joined the enemy… If i were you ,i’d WRITE THEM OUT OF ANY WILL….
“Two of my granddaughters think I’m racist because I don’t support BLM and all the **** associated with it. Well, I give up. I hope without much hope that they “see the light” before it is too late. When I’m gone, good luck to them, they will need it.”
I do feel sorry for them because the price of an education should not be one’s life, but that is the only option which remains when our media, education system, and tech giants allow no other voice to be heard but their own, so that the people cannot have raging wars where they fight with words on paper but rather than blood on the sand
More like the ‘price of indoctrination’, is their soul..
Sounds like they still have the mind of a child and can’t make decisions or think for themselves. What kind of ungrateful morons are they? It sounds like they don’t have much respect for you. I assume they’re old enough to know better but small minded enough to dig their own grave. I told my son. Don’t listen to anything I have to say. Don’t take my advice. See if I care. Make your own decisions,. I don’t need the BS. I’ve lived throw 50 years of politicians lies . I can think and take care of myself. If you want to put your faith and trust in Washington politicians, do it at your own risk and expense. One way or the other, its you and only you that has to live with your mistakes.
I’d have added “And if that is how you Truly fee, fine. DON’T ever come back to me, begging for help”.
Unfortunately, I understand all too well. One daughter and her kids and their spouses can no longer tolerate spending Christmas with a “narrow-minded, ultra-conservative Bible-thumper” like me. I too hope against all the available evidence that these, who embrace socialism, will eventually really ‘grow up’ and come to grips with the real world where attitudes lead to foolish actions that enslave lives.
So merry Christmas to you, tremors1 and to all others reading this post. May the holy God of heaven have mercy on America and especially on our posterity.
I wouldn’t waste the time or money, even sending them a xmas card…
Money for diversity of statues! The diversity of the left, communism personified.
The only way to heal this nation is to remove all of congress and take their ill gotton gains. Then remove all of the government (federal, state, county and city) employes and their ill gotton gains. Start new! Audit each new employ weekly and immediately fire those who just come for a paycheck. Execute those cheating and stealing.
If you are a Tom Clancy fan, we could use a “Debt of Honor” event. This mess is one of the reasons I strongly support a convention of states to adopt a congressional term limits amendment. I agree there are many in congress / government that should meet the hangman.
Not just congress, but the BLOATED government bureaucracy itself.. STARTING WITH THE Feckless wastes of oxygen known as the FBI and Dept of injustice!!
I agree, but don’t look for them to go peacefully, they’ll have to be taken out by force.
A lot of it, though, is down to US, for demanding the govt GET this way, though the 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s..
Why are so many Billions with a” B ” going for useless BS including Money to Pakistan to discuss LGBTQRTUV issues. To Tibet to help figure out how to choose a new Dahli Lama??? This is a LibTARD Travesty just like Hussein’s health care—-You have to pass it to know what’s in it. The President should not pass this Boondoggle Garbage. COVID relief and our budget for OUR Country is fine. The **** DemocRATS add on should be removed.
If 100 million Americans get $600 checks, that comes out to $60 billion.
So where is the rest of it going??
It the big pork barrel payoff to all the crooks that inhabit Washington good-old boy network of professional thieves sometimes know as the Federal Government.
As well as to other nations for pet projects.
The last one they did individuals got $1,200 of money and took on $6,700 per person in debt
They first lock you down then they sell you off into slavery
They are claiming to save people from a virus where only 1% die if they get it, to ensure 100% are enslaved by the government protecting them from it
This is not about doing no harm but defending against the greater evil
So when the police knock on your door to prevent you from spreading a virus know who is the greater threat to your life and act accordingly.
A 3rd one time payment, of 600 bucks, DOESN’T mean jack squat to someone who got canned from their work, cause it shut down, when they were earning 1,600 a MONTH or more….
to pakistan for transgender developement
One of our military groups boast, “the few. the brave, the Marines.”
Now we have these select few, the rational, the conservatives; just SIX senators with the minimum intelligence required to walk and chew gun at the same time.
Congratulations to them.
Shame and reproach on all the others; including both of my US senators. If brains were water, they couldn’t put out a candle.
Need we look outside of this small group for future presidential candidates? NO.
To me, the ENTIRE GOP needs to be buried…Just those six brave souls, need to be spared.