Greta Thunberg, pronounced “Toon-berg,” has just been named Time magazine’s “Person of the Year” for 2019 because — well, because, she has a cadre of left-leaners who saw in her the necessary theater skills to publicly shame an entire world of fossil fuel users while keeping a straight face.
That’s not how “Time” put it.
But that’s the truth.
What’s so remarkable about Thunberg is she has absolutely no accomplishments to her name.
She’s being recognized for being a tool of the environmentalists.
Sad, for a girl so young. But then again, she is old enough to know better.
Here’s Time’s gag-worthy opener: “Greta Thunberg sits in silence in the cabin of the boat that will take her across the Atlantic Ocean. Inside, there’s a cow skull hanging on the wall, a faded globe, a child’s yellow raincoat. Outside, it’s a tempest: rain pelts the boat, ice coats the decks, and the sea batters the vessel that will take this slight girl, her father and a few companions from Virginia to Portugal. For a moment, it’s as if Thunberg were the eye of a hurricane, a pool of resolve at the center of swirling chaos. In here, she speaks quietly. Out there, the entire natural world seems to amplify her small voice, screaming along with her.”
Greta speaks.
“We can’t just continue living as if there was no tomorrow, because there is a tomorrow,” she says, tugging on the sleeve of her blue sweatshirt, Time wrote.
Deep. Deep as the ocean upon which she sailed.
Deep enough to earn the rating of Time Person of the Year, apparently.
It’s enough to make her handlers’ chests heave with pride, yes?
But in between the heaving, what’s lost — what’s being lost in the global consciousness — is recognition of achievement, true achievement, over activism.
What is Thunberg known for, save for shaking a stick, on cue, on actress cue, at the world for daring to produce and grow and create? What is she known for, save activism?
In that, Thunberg is much like Barack Obama, who rose to U.S. presidential power riding a wave of hope and change, absent any real background — absent any real accomplishment, outside of activating and protesting and rallying for social justice, Big Government causes.
Activism has become the new standard of accomplishment for the left.
But shaking one’s finger while demanding societal change is not an accomplishment. It’s simply shaking a finger while demanding something. And as any parent knows, a 2-year-old in the midst of a temper tantrum can do that.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley.
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