Our Nation is at a dangerous precipice, beyond which the prosperity and freedom of the American people may be torn from them forever. The situation is truly that grave. Yet in the midst of it all, the Republican “Establishment” remains willingly oblivious. It is instead fixated on its own political fortunes. At times, this requires claiming a false mantle of “conservatism” in hopes of fooling enough people to keep it viable within the D.C. machine.
Though such Republican duplicity has been standard procedure, it has mostly occurred “off stage.” Traitorous RINOs were usually able to sufficiently posture and pander as election time neared, suddenly recasting themselves as the “Second Coming of Ronald Reagan” when campaigning back home. This allowed many to return to the D.C. swamp where they would once again pivot immediately to the left. And that is how “business as usual” has been maintained at the expense of the American people. But that ship has sailed. The ruse isn’t working anymore.
The malicious and absurd behavior of key Republican players in just the last few days has sealed the fate of the party. It will either undergo a thorough and genuine “house cleaning” by which many big names are permanently broomed, or it will cease to exist as a political force in this country.
The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency in 2016 ended “business as usual,” and Republican insiders have been outraged ever since. It became evident from the attacks of McCain, Flake, Romney, and other RINO traitors, along with the William Kristol crowd in the supposed “conservative media,” that many within our ranks have actually been willing Democrat lackeys. Despite abundant excuses and claims of being the “real Republicans,” the net result of their behavior always ends up advancing the Marxist agenda of the Democrat Party. That shoe fits too perfectly to be ignored.
Post 2020 Election, this malignancy on the GOP and the country metastasized enormously. The appalling duplicity of the party was on parade, as so many prominent Republicans made fund-raising phone calls non-stop to the voting base, expressing outrage at the stolen election. Yet only a handful of sincere Representatives and Senators actually spoke out publicly against the obvious corruption and chicanery of the election. Leftist Democrat strategy, right out of Alinsky, was to paint anyone who questioned the “integrity” of the election as “anti-American.” Predictably, the GOP quickly fell into lock-step.
The betrayals only became more atrocious after the orchestrated January 6 episode at the Capitol. Many Republicans who had been taking considerable heat for standing with President Trump and his thoroughly conservative agenda suddenly felt they had a plausible excuse to abandon him. So despite the glaring evidence that the real mayhem had been caused by antifa infiltrators, they jumped onto what they presumed to be politically “safe ground” by joining the leftist narrative condemning the President for “inciting violence.” Long after it was inescapably obvious that the event had been staged with considerable coordination from the left, these GOP invertebrates were willing to continue giving credence to the lie.
Then came the post presidency “impeachment” circus, conducted by the Democrats without any constitutional basis, and with leftist loon Senator Patrick Leahy (D.-VT) role-playing as “judge,” since John Roberts decided he couldn’t sink quite this low. Once again, the collaboration of seven Republican traitors helped give “credence” to the leftist Democrat sham.
Upon the conclusion of this flagrantly illegal kangaroo court, Senate Minority “Leader” Mitch McConnell, who was not one of the seven GOP traitors who had voted to “convict,” had an opportunity to castigate the Democrats for playing such outlandish games, in lieu of standing by their oaths to uphold the Constitution and the rule of law. Instead, McConnell showed his true colors by giving a fiery speech condemning President Trump in strident terms that have never before been seen from McConnell, even in the face of every leftist Democrat abuse of power and corruption going back to the Clinton years. And that was when the GOP realized much to its horror that the tables have completely turned.
President Trump quickly fired back with both barrels at McConnell, with the President’s 80 million plus supporters applauding him. Then, to the dismay of the GOP Establishment that has arrogantly regarded state party central committees as sycophantic pawns, several Republican state organizations began censure measures against RINOs from their jurisdictions who had collaborated with the Democrats.
So far, five of the seven Republican Senate turncoats who voted with the Democrats have been censured by their state organizations. Apparently, the peasantry had resolved on a widespread basis to no longer blindly toe the party line. This followed a precedent set by the Wyoming Republican Central Committee, which had censured Establishment darling Liz Cheney for joining the illegal House “impeachment” charade. And GOP panic has only escalated ever since.
Things have continued to get even more chaotic and absurd. Senator Lindsey Graham (R.-SC) initially chided McConnell for his treachery. Then later in the same day, Graham (who had obviously been taken to the Establishment woodshed) reverted to the standard GOP pablum of demanding everybody get along and work together. Likewise, former UN Ambassador Nikki Haley first attacked the President, but then suddenly wanted to meet with him to mend fences. President Trump wisely refused any engagement with Haley.
The mask has come off. Among these Republican insiders, government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” is obviously just another platitude. Yet with or without the Republican Party, real conservatism will endure. President Trump has seen to that. And in the long run, this may be his single greatest achievement for America.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
If you have not yet written/called/emailed your republican senator, and DEMANDED they support the removal of mitch from his leadership position in the senate, do so TODAY. If we don’t hold their feet to the fire, NOTHING will change.
“The election of Donald Trump to the Presidency in 2016 ended “business as usual,”??????……..no, it was RINO backstabbing Business as usual that ended Trump and prevented the proper investigation of election fraud which could not have been stopped without RINO Establishment help. McConnell’s fiery speech was just an indication he knows he is losing a grasp upon the power of the party and his best days in power are behind him. The intensity of the fire in his speech is proof positive of the extreme heat that he himself feels and faces in defiance of Business as usual from those emboldened by Trump to be all the Conservative they can be, and not only survive, but thrive in a newly Trump defined political arena of defiance of self-serving fools of both parties.
The Republican Party will either undergo a thorough and genuine “house cleaning” by which many big names are permanently broomed, or it will cease to exist as a political force in this country.
We now are ruled by the “Socialist Democrat Party State”
and in part by the inaction of the GOP representatives.
The history of the Democrat Party is “Rule and Ruin”
Government “of the people, by the people, and for the people” is obviously just another platitude. (Has no meaning to Congress members)
If “WE the PEOPLE” don’t wake up and demand accountability from the people we elect, then we live under a dictatorship.
The government now does whatever it wants with NO Accountability for their corrupt actions..
NOT…“of the people, by the people, and for the people”.
BUT… “of the dictators, by the dictators, and for the dictators”
How right you are. It may hurt us Conservatives for a few years but it will be worth it to cleanse the GOP of RINO’s and those who work for Lobbyist instead of those who voted them in. Better to let the Democrats win against RINO’s and start over with true conservative than being lies to over and over by the likes of Romney, Mitch, Flake, and the rest of the SWAMP CREATURE S who work hand in hand with the Democrats to turn this Country into a Communist Country.
How can we “Demand accountability”, when THEY control the power though? THey seem to control the courts. They (the dems) control the media for the most part. And now, after the last election, they control the MANNER OF voting.. So exactly how can we ever demand accountability?
“willing Democrat lackeys”
used to be called “useful idiots” by that earlier Central Committee…
“inaction of the GOP representatives” is precisely what you’d expect from people who have decided that the only thing they’re willing to be #1 at, is being permanent #2 to the Democrats. So much easier than actually trying to beat them!
Harling, as i’ve often remarked (and seen others do the same), its like they don’t WANT to actually be in charge.. BECAUSE THEN THEY’d actually have to DO something.
Perhaps one concrete way move forward is to withhold contributions to the Republican House and Senate committees, and instead direct donations to individual known (and proven) conservatives. The thought of any of the Rinos, especially the impeachment traitors, sharing in commingled funds via the committees is abhorrent to me. I intend to do this.
I already have replied to over a Dozen emails i’ve received, asking for me to donate to the GOP.. EVERY ONE i sent back, saying “PROVE TO ME you are worthy of my money and i MIGHT do it, TILL THEN go sit and swivel”..
I wish I had a Republican Senator, but they stole John James from us as well as Trump.
My ‘senaturdz’ love the guy….
I’m in Georgia…..
The word “Censure” is being thrown around a lot, but what exactly does it mean? It would be great if it meant being thrown out of office, which is what they deserve for not representing the people but only their own personal opinions, but it has never been made clear!
Censuring is nothing more than slapping their wrist, and saying “There there, don’t do it again.”
We not only have to fight the Radicals on the Left, we have the traitorous Republican Establishment to contend with.
Though yes, that ship has sailed the traitors have been exposed.
And its NOT that they’re Oblivious to what they’ve done. ITS IMO MORE like they just don’t GIVE A Skip..
“It will either undergo a thorough and genuine “house cleaning” by which many big names are permanently broomed, or it will cease to exist as a political force in this country.” As long as there is just one of the traitors left in ANY choice of a party, I WILL NOT SUPPORT IT PERIOD, I will support those who did stand with “we the people” but my advice to those who did support the people separate yourself from the traitors, I don’t care how much they claim to repent. When you are in a war and in a foxhole, you get one chance, these people blew it, they proved they are traitors and they WILL NOT BE GIVEN ANOTHER CHANCE, I suggest a career of flipping hamburgers, you are done.
When you are in a poitical Foxhole and are the thrid on a match of parties, it is usually YOU who get shot. In 1860 Lincoln was the first elected President of the newly formed Republican breakaway party, but only got 38% of the popular vote and only won because the Northern Democrat abolitionists were divided against the SOuthern Democrtat Slave holders. Unless Civil War Breaks out I doubt a 3rd party can prevail in today’s already divided nation. Nothing would make me happier than to start from scratch with just true believers, but we are far from a winning majority at this point and with the media in the hands of the Libs I doubt another green party type of attempt will just split the Conservative vote and we will get stuck with even more radiacal SOcialist taking over America for decades to come.
I don’t know if I agree with you, fact, the gop is dead, they committed suicide. Fact, there are approx. 75 Million (that we know of, these are the ones the media ADMIT TO, what is the REAL NUMBER?) disenfranchised registered voters, people who have already committed to vote. Fact, these people believe, rightfully so, that this election was fraudulent and stolen, they are motivated.
Ilumin.. IT sounds like YOUR solution, is just to KEEP on voting GOP, just ’cause we don’t want to split the party;.
SORRY BUT to me, that sounds like doing the SAME THING WE’ve been doing for years. “VOTE R, or the dems get in”.. AND LOOK at what that’s gotten us..
The movement is afoot to infiltrate the local precincts and local organizations.
by the 2022 Primaries you will see entirely different State Central Committees.
The Candidates will be CLEAN and HONEST with proven Integrity.
LETS hope so..
VOTE! VOTE! VOTE! We The People need to take back control of our “representatives”, limit their “power”, limit their pay, and definitely limit their time in office.
IMO this is why we the people, need a convention of states.. SO WE CAN IMPOSE those rules..
Go to your local party offices and volunteer to help.
INFILTRATE the bottom and work your way up.
For 25 too many decades, WE, the People have taken little interest in SELF GOVERNING and sat back while others carried the load.
Ever see Starship troopers?? MAYBE Heinlen had it right, in what benefits someone gets for being a citizen, vs someone just living there….
We did vote. Fat lot of good it did when the party we voted for rolled over. And that was the final “fair election”.
To me, 2016, was the last final fair election. 2018 and this one, were stolen.
The Republicans In Name Only, the New World Order Open Borders, Bill Kristol’s and George Will’s of the World, the home of the aristocracy Bushes of Texas. The Bushes, who gave us David Souter and John Roberts on SCOTUS. The Republicans In Name Only, advancing the communist agenda of the communist Democrat Party. Thanks for destroying our Country, Mitch and Associates!
The Republican party ended with Nixon. He was a disaster. EPA Osha gold standard etc. We need a new party. The good news is that it will be HUGE. When you can start a new party with the support we have now that’s awesome. This isn’t Ross Perot here, we can wipe out the RINO’s. It is time to let go of the republican party now! Just like the Wig party before it. Sure we may have it rough for awhile that’s fine. After Biden cripples our great nation we will have no problem finding members. We cannot be stupid and think this party can be fixed. It cannot. Trump has to start a new party even if he is just the guy who facilitates it. There really are many Conservatives out there. Let’s make it happen or we will be doomed forever.
We need to wait and see what President Trump does which will be soon
I hope………William
I CERTAINLY Hope, Trumps listening.. And will ACT.. not just say he’s gonna do something, BUT ACTUALLY DO SO.
Go start your new party at the local precincts of the republican party and INFILTRATE those GRASSROOTS LEVELS, then work your way up.
President Trump can handle the top levels, but IT’S YOURS AMD MINE JOBS TO SWEEP THE FLOORS at the bottom.
Contact your local offices and volunteer to work to rebuild the party from the ground up!
or, sit back, and hope the usual autopilot works out better the next time…..
the masters of puppets who’s pulling there strings?
people that WE, THE PEOPLE were too preoccupied to keep an eye on.
Go to your local party offices and volunteer to help rebuild the party from the ground up.
IF RINOs are running the show now, UNDERMINE THEM and remove them.
President Trump won the last election but it truly was stolen and to
think otherwise is dishonest or idiocy. Each State must install voting
machines that tabulate not compute and all votes must have legal
chain of custody. The machines must be made to be absolutely
honest. Those who were in on the steal, at some time be prosecuted
and made to pay for their treason………William
Count every LEGAL vote!
THAT IS WHY I say get RID OF every electronic machine. GO TO how we’ve done it for a good century or more.. COUNT BY HAND…
Better plan.
Shorter wait times and lines.
ANALOG BALLOT COUNTERS instead of digital.
With CAMERAS POINTING TO THE BALLOTS, WITH AUDIO and a video inset showing the poll workers face.
Room for ten or more witnesses, names recorded in case they are needed to provide verification.
AND Armed Guards, that can’t/wont be thrown out.
The Republican establishment needs to recognize that it’s time is up. I would definitely go for a third party, because building new from the ground up would be better than having to oust the establishment moles. However, the way our political machines are set up, we really don’t have much of a choice. We simply have to purge our party of the Romneys, Flakes and Kitzingers. And to think I supported Romney for President. Ugh!
why build ‘new’ and leave the enemy with a fully functional system?
RINOs beware the Primaries – we are waiting for you.
THING IS, they control the primary process.. So how much do they worry?
My OPINION is this ……….. Graham and McConnell have been the driving force of the CAPITULATION PARTY (Republican Party descriptive) for many years now…. They and about 11 others seem to be incapable of resisting the “Political Will” of the Democrat Party….
The Republican Party has a choice–it can become truly conservative, thoroughly abandoning the Washington establishment agenda, or it can DIE. There is no future in being Democrat-light. The future of the Party, if it has one, lies in Trump, Cruz, DeSantis, not in Alexander, Capito, Collins, Murkowski, Portman, Romney, Sasse.
Not sure Cruz is a true conservative.
The republican party is in for a VERY rude awakening in the next few months. The RINO’s have insulted us since Hussein Bozo’s first term, too afraid to go up against the Manchurian Candidate and it got worse from there. I will no longer recognize in any way, shape or form what used to be the republican party–it’s DEAD. If Trump forms a new CONSTITUTIONAL party–I’m IN!!!!
How to make voting easier, AND far more accurate.
When the voter enters the polling place, he/she steps up to a computer onto a mat. The mat gets the weight.
Sensors in the computer raise and lower to fit the persons height.
Retinal Scan to ENSURE IDENTITY.
The voter enters their name, address, DOB and the last 4 of their SS number.
THEN his/her picture is taken with the data on the photo and sent to a PRIVATE Network not connected to the internet.
ANY over votes, the State has a record of EVERY PERSON that voted.
Facial recognition software checks against all other voters for duplicate votes.
Twice, LIFE IN PRISON without parole and ineligible for Presidential pardons.
More than two times, AUTOMATIC death penalty! WITHIN 30 days of the election!
With the photo spread to EVERY State, county and polling precinct, the threat of early voting in other States disappears.
Suddenly voter fraud stops….
AND make those sentences being carried out SWIFTLY AND publicly!
It doesn’t require a PHD to realize the Presidential Election was Fraudulent, as well as the one in Georgia. The Marxist Communist DemocRATS have taken control of OUR Country. They have been sowing the seeds of Socialism for many decades, and the Spineless Republican Party has done NOTHING to stop it. In reality, they have aided and abetted this Sleazy movement in their inaction. They Truly are Swamp Creatures looking only to maintain their positions in government while becoming multi-millionaires from foreign lobbyists. Now, if the HR1 is Forced upon us, their Coup will be complete. It will guaranty ALL future elections will be fraudulent—-in their favor. Notice the recall in California. The Communist Governor wants a signature verified tally to insure the recall is legitimate and not fraudulent. WOW, talk about the pot calling the kettle black. Where was this demand during the National Election???
IF republicans call for ‘signature verification’, its GOTTA BE CAUSE of racism, so its bad/wrong/evil.
IF demon-tards call forit, it must be just/right/true.
Once elected, most of the winners no longer care about their constituents except at election time. Since they immediately qualify for pensions and premium free healthcare, they forget about us and starting only caring about themselves. They are then competing for the best TV time and the best cocktail party invitations. They are set for life as long as they play along. Same thing at the state level in places such as Sacramento and Albany. Your constituents are the special interests, unions, trial lawyers, the Chamber of Commerce, big tech. Anything for them and nothing to help the ordinary citizens. On display big time since the “emergency” orders have put us all under dictatorial rule.
As usual, the republiCANTS have PERFECTED snatching DEFEAT from the very jaws of VICTORY OVER and OVER and OVER, it’s no WONDER that they lost this one that they could have WON, SAD!
Can you say TERM LIMITS??? The ONLY way to rein in the IDIOTS on BOTH sides!
TERM limits will never be passed, these days..
The “Republicans” have been rolling over and licking themselves for decades. The Presidential races have so poorly run and ineffective. The Democrats don’t have tom campaign hard as the Republican Party has been working harder to elect Democrats than Republicans. They don’t fight back when Democrats post lies. I was a Republican Precinct Committeeman in Arizona and was totally disgusted with the, curl up and hide my eyes, actions of the Arizona Republican party. They haven’t gotten any better in the last 16 years. They were shocked when I told them that I was an American Republican. America First Republican second.
The reason Trump lost the election is not because of treachery at the voting places by the Democrats although that played into it. The real reason is because the Republican establishment,part of the swamp, didn’t really want Trump to win although they knew it would mean drastic changes to our Republic and a move towards Socialism. They don’t care because many are millionaires not by salaries alone but by other money coming in and insider games (pay to play).
After 8 or more years as a Senator or Congress person, you are mostly corrupted by the system. That’s why we need term limits. McConnell should be one of the first to go. He lost Georgia for Trump because the Democrats were offering $2,000 stimulus checks and he was only offering $600. So the voters in Georgia were bought and paid for and that’s how the Democrats play. All he had to do was to raise his ante to the same amount and it is quite probable that Republicans would have taken at least one of the two seats.