Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts has earned the top approval rating from the American public out of 11 federal leaders, according to a new Gallup poll.
Roberts received a favorable approval rating of 60%, beating out Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who both also received favorable ratings. Powell received an approval rating of 53% and Fauci received an approval rating of 52%, according to the poll.
Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell received the lowest approval rating with just 34% of Americans approving of his job performance and 63% disapproving.
Roberts, who was nominated to the Supreme Court by Republican President George W. Bush, has been identified as having a conservative judicial philosophy — but is the only leader who received majority bi-partisan approval, according to Gallup.
He received 57% approval from Republicans and 55% approval from Democrats, in addition to 64% from respondents who identify as political independents.
“Most of the other leaders are viewed positively by two-thirds or more of one party versus less than a quarter of the other,” Lydia Saad, director of U.S. Social Research at Gallup, wrote in an analysis of the results. “A key exception is McConnell, whose performance is approved of by less than half of Republicans.”
About 75% of Democrats disapproved of McConnell’s job performance, compared to 64% of independents and 52% of Republicans.
However, Republicans overwhelmingly approved of the performance by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy with just 23% of Democrats giving him a favorable job performance rating.
“Unlike McConnell, who has had a falling out with former President Donald Trump since he left office, McCarthy maintains a cordial relationship with Trump,” Saad noted.
Fauci’s approval rating was the most skewed along party lines, earning approval from 85% of Democrats and just 19% approval rating from Republicans.
Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also received highly skewed ratings, scoring favorably among Democrats and unfavorably among Republicans.
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Must have been a Liberal poll. He is as Left as any Justice on the Court. Kavanaugh and Barrett have been quite disappointing, as well.
“Roberts received a favorable approval rating of 60%, beating out Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell and Dr. Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, who both also received favorable ratings. Powell received an approval rating of 53% and Fauci received an approval rating of 52%, according to the poll.”
“Vice President Kamala Harris, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi and Secretary of State Anthony Blinken also received highly skewed ratings, scoring favorably among Democrats and unfavorably among Republicans.”
Definitely a feel-good poll designed and manipulated for PR purposes. I see not one of them in such a favorable light.
He is amazing though… he’s the only chief justice that rewrote a bill (obamacare) so it would be technically Constitutional winning the support of all the libtard Democrats (which is all of them) and RINO’s. Keep in mind… Hitler was “amazing” as well… insane.. but amazing never the less.
I find it strange that Roberts who is on the Court standing in the way of Conservative rulings, got a better rating than McConnell who kept Garland off the court who would have brought in the age of Obama and Biden for an age of secular socialism. Poor Mitch,,,that son of a ,,,,,gun. In that one act of Socialist defiance should have earned him the thanks of the Republic, or at least a better review than Roberts, who would rather see unborn children killed than the government sanctioned act of abortion. The next time I hear a mealy-mouthed Democrat complain that Republicans are killing American Democracy,,,,which is just another act of pointing one finger out when three point back at them, I’ll remind them this is NOT a Democracy and was never designed to be one, but a Republic as stated in the Constitution. Democracies which are rule by the emotional flavor of the day, is rule by polling and popular opinion where what needs to be done always takes 2nd place behind what is most popular to be done, but isn’t lest some socially failed fool get his feelings hurt and vote for the other guy.
When you have a” Life- Time, Tenure ” Chief J ustice Seat on the Supreme Court, as Chief Justice John Roberts has, “What, Me Worry .” As Was Said In Mad Comics i believe. !
That is why i fully support TERM LIMITS even for Scotus judges…
I’d trust roberts, as far as a 1 yr old, could throw him.
A liberal poll and a conservative poll are like comparing clown joe to President Trump. As far as Robert’s he has been photographed numerous times on Epstein’s Orgy island with young girls. No too much more can be said to discredit that moron.
Which makes you wonder, WHO they polled!
When you cut off the horns of a Hereford Bull, he becomes polled. Same applies the girly men democrats and RINOs and the people they poll. Not much use in keeping the wolves and coyotes away from the herd.
If he’s our best, we’re in trouble (of course, you already knew that.)
So the UNprincipled weather-vane is honored by Dems and RINOs. Tell me who your friends/admirers are and I’ll tell you who YOU are and that’s no conservative justice defending the Constitution but a Bush family tool colluding with the Dems.
I almost spilled my coffee when I read this Headline.
Hope you didn’t have “WHITE milk” in that black coffee.. As according to one hoax/joke essay wrote, by a swede, at the stockholm uni, who got a “B” GRADE by his teacher, Using White milk in black coffee, is ‘racist’…. As the “white milk” is domesticating the taste and color of ‘black coffee’…
YEA HE WROTE IT as a hoax, but the libtards in charge, LOVED IT so much, they are now running with it!
I would LOVE to see the GOP run an article on that story!