So France, feeling the pinch and reeling from its umpteenth terror attack in recent times — a police officer was just killed by a gunman who claimed ties to ISIS — has now announced a new pitch to pacify the radicals of Islam and help integrate them into courteous society.
Good luck with that.
Islam is a faith that thrives solely on dominating. It’s not exactly compatible with modern, more democratically run societies — never mind with other religions and beliefs.
The goal of Islam is not so much to peacefully convert but rather to spread at all costs, by whatever means, and then to establish sharia and bring all into subjugation with its strict principles. Think of it like conquering, not converting. And sharia law says things like women are properties, there for the controlling; thieves should have their hands cuts off; those of other religions are the enemy. Compatible with free societies? Methinks not.
“Islam [is] not being compatible with democracy,” as the Gatestone Institute reported. “[T]here is no country where Islam is dominant that can be considered a democracy with freedom of speech and equal justice under law.”
Malaysia’s supposed to be an example of moderate Islam at work, along with Indonesia. And yet, by Western standards, anyway, these countries are barbaric with their legal system.
This is what Gatestone found occurring in Malaysia and Indonesia: “[F]logging and other corporal punishments are meted out, for example, to women showing too much hair or skin, as well as to anyone who makes fun of, questions or criticizes Islam.”
Hmm. But now France wants to give Islam assimilation the old college try?
President Emmanuel Macron announced alongside the flag-draped coffin of the police officer killed in the recent terror attack that he would be devising “a blueprint for the whole organization” of Islam going forward — meaning, how the country might best integrate the peaceful Muslims while preventing radicalization and more terrorist attacks.
It’s a tough road he’s taking.
Blending the archaic beliefs of Islam with the fineries of French culture is truly going to prove impossible. In the end, one will dominate — and given how Islam spreads, by blood and by battle, the winner seems clear.
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