Fox News has hired Bruce Jenner to be a contributor on the network. One family advocate believes the former Olympic gold-medal winner – who now believes he’s a woman and goes by the name “Caitlyn” – could be very influential … in a negative way.
Jenner became an American hero after he won the gold medal in the 1976 Olympic decathlon. He was even on a Wheaties box and was a role model for both athletes and other types of competitors.
Bruce now goes by the name “Caitlyn” and pretends he’s a woman. Fox News announced this week it has hired him as a contributor. Peter LaBarbera of Americans for Truth About Homosexuality says the network will, of course, also pretend Jenner is a woman.
“The policy will be to always use the so-called ‘gender-affirming pronouns,'” LaBarbera tells AFN. “Basically, this means that Fox will become a transgender propaganda outfit.”
Jenner made his first appearance as a Fox News contributor during “Hannity” on Thursday evening (above). During the segment, he told Sean Hannity he didn’t join the network to be a “trans activist.”
“That’s just one part of my life,” Jenner said. “There’s so much more to me.”
Indeed, LaBarbera says the influence Jenner brings will go far beyond just the use of a woman’s name and pronouns. According to the family advocate, Jenner will signal the acceptance of sexual confusion to a sea of conservative viewers who won’t give the time of day to someone like Joe Biden’s assistant secretary for health, transgender Richard Levine.
“Nobody [watching Fox News] is going to listen to some nut-ball or some radical transgender Democrat,” LaBarbera argues. “However, a lot of conservatives [who are watching] will say Hey, Caitlyn Jenner is a conservative and she is a Republican.”
The result, LaBarbera concludes, is that alleged “conservative” LGBTQ advocates and LGBTQ-identified people like Jenner, Richard Grenell, and Tammy Bruce “end up becoming change agents for this movement – only on the conservative side.”
Meanwhile, Fox News on a roll
Fox News finished the first quarter of 2022 in first place for the 81st straight quarter. That’s more than 20 years at the top of the roost – and it seems to be getting worse for the competition. The first three months of 2022 saw a 22% increase in viewers over the same time last year, while both CNN and MSNBC lost roughly half of their audience.
Kyle Drennen of Media Research Center says those two latter networks almost seem content to fight it out for a distant second place.
“The media environment nowadays is so fractured that [for] MSNBC, CNN, [and] a lot of these outlets, it seems like their business model isn’t really to even appeal to a large segment of the population,” he observes. “It’s just a sort of ‘we have this niche [and a] stable audience’ [model].”
According to Drennen, CNN and MSNBC could make corrections but have chosen to put activism over journalism. “They do see themselves more as political activists than journalists,” he continues. “It’s all about crafting a narrative that benefits their side, which is the left-wing in the Democratic Party.”
CNN in particular, he explains, is squandering a deep and impressive heritage. It led the coverage of the Vietnam War – and while other networks were talking on the telephone with their foreign correspondents at the outbreak of the Gulf War in 1991, CNN had live pictures. But Drennen detects a glimmer of hope on the horizon for that network.
“There’s a lot of talk, a lot of noise about this merger with Discovery; that CNN may try to go back toward being a legitimate news outlet. We’ll see if that happens,” he concludes.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
I haven’t eaten a bowl of Wheaties since his mug appeared on the cover. If Fox insists on calling him a woman, then they also have divorced themselves from reality which may follow over to other areas of their news broadcasting where political correctness prevails of political truth. As the Democrats have already proven,,,Nothing is so dangerous to America than a half truth. Why offend 95% of your viewers to satisfy 2-3 percent of the sexually confused who seek to be empowered to corrupt the minds of 100% of our kids views on reality? Big Mistake which they will live to regret. This is the guy who dumped his wife, who supported him all the while training for the Olympics, but who also enabled him in his delusions by keeping the secret. Denying reality never ends well, and it will not end well for America if the delusions are more than tolerated, to the point where THE PEOPLE begin to accept it as real. The adulterated carbon copy of the human existence is never as good or as successful as the original plan, made by the Creator. Infallible, Infinite, Omnipresent, Omnipotence trumps Fallible, Finite, Temporary, and vulnerable every time when it comes to survival of the human species. The clay cannot dictate to the potter what its form was designed to be, any more than the Pot can call the kettle black without accusing itself in the delusion.
Thanks for saving me a long dissertation beginning with XX≠XY and ending with the quote from Abraham Lincoln, “If you call a tail a leg, how many legs has a dog? Five? No, calling a tail a leg don’t make it a leg.”
To give the devil his due, Bruce Jenner is better looking than Richard Levine though.
An ugly male pervert in a skirt is still an ugly male pervert no matter what he calls himself.
MSNBC and CNN lose half their audience because they see themselves more as political activists than journalists. So, what does Fox news do, but hire Bruce Jenner in drag to make FOX look and act more like activists than journalists? Just how many clear-thinking Americans are going to view FOX as a source of legitimate news when they hire people whose sexual presentation to American audiences is as legitimate as a Hunter Biden oil company board of directors job? You can no longer call it a man, you can no longer call it a woman. Just call IT a liberal political flavor of the day Iteration of a repetitive mental indoctrination that first appeared to be humorous, but when taken seriously eventually makes one’s skin crawl with an urge to leave the same room it has just entered. Why bring it into your living room on FOX who is no longer part of the solution, but the enabler of the problem.
While Jenner at least SOUNDS more conservative than some. IT IS STILL AN IT!
“Nobody [watching Fox News] is going to listen to some nut-ball or some radical transgender Democrat,”
Not only am I NOT going to listen to this deranged sexual pervert, I an NOT going to watch or support any news network or anything that promotes this disgusting sexual perversion.
I will not watch or listen to Fox News anymore!
“He was even on a Wheaties box and was a role model for both athletes and other types of competitors.”
Be sure and check out the cereal isle at your local grocer’s for his new endorsement—Sweeties. That’s a joke, so don’t go looking for it.
Since i’ve never EATEN wheaties, i much prefer store brand shredded wheat, i care NOT WHAT cereal box has ITS face on.
It is difficult to overstate the impact of wide-scale liberal media bias in the advancement of the pro-homosexual and pro-“transgender” revolution in American society. In the last two decades, media imbalance. On the issue has morphed into frequent liberation of homosexuality – thus leaving citizens starved for impartial land accurate information on this critical topic. “Journalism” has become pro-homosexual propaganda, with many media stories appearing as if they were written by LGBT(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) activists. By effectively joining the “gay” activists’ crusade, major media outlets and even “conservative” Fox News — have contributed greatly to the growing pro-homosexual political correctness in U.S. culture. This in turn has fueled even more aggressive militancy among pro-LGBT groups and bloggers who are lobbying the media to block social conservatives from TV appearances, etc., on the grounds that such anti-homosexual-agenda voices are “hate groups.” (Bigotry is not necessarily always a bad thing. One need not tolerate or accept every belief or action of another.)
The result is the further degradation of journalism that has contributed to Republican and conservative ambivalence on issues like same-sex “marriage” and allowing open homosexuals in the military.
By Peter LaBarbera
One can choose to identify with being a duck if they like, act like a duck, walk like a duck and quack like a duck. But don’t try and convince others that you were born with duck genes, just to try and justify your behavior.
The end of fox as we knew it. Gender dysphoria, or “transgenderism”, has always been, as still is, a mental illness, as defined by the DSM 5, and all previous editions of the DSM. No different than all of the other delusional disorders. Homosexuality would still be defined as a mental illness if the homosexual mafia hadn’t bullied the American Psychiatric Association to remove it from the DSM.
WE know they were already starting to go down the tube, what with THEIR support of the leftist Bull that the ‘election was fair’, and trump was wrong for pushing the fraud angle… BUT THIS IMO will turn it from a gradual slope, into a full on slide, for viewership.
Every dark cloud has a silver lining. I read the following on Trump Train News:
“Jenner said in February that University of Pennsylvania transgender swimmer Lia Thomas shouldn’t “be able to compete” in the NCAA because “biological boys should not compete against women.”
If Jenner sticks to this stance and also has similarly sane comments about other “trans” issues, they may be able to reach untold thousands who wouldn’t listen to anyone else on Fox about these issues. Whether this would counterbalance the negative aspects that this article talks about is something I can’t judge at this point.
Peter, you have a point. I’m still not watching Fox News. They’ve been slipping and now they’ve gone over the edge.
Certainly not Gutfeld..
Tammy Bruce has been a paid Fox News contributor for years and she is a lesbian. Like Jenner she doesn’t try to make you support her choices.
That’s the difference between Bruce Jenner, Tammy Bruce and most of the homosexuals and transgenders that we usually hear on TV. These two don’t believe in forcing you to support what they believe. They don’t support what Disney is doing. As long as they don’t want to make me use their pronouns or practice their habits I am OK with hearing them say Disney is wrong.
As to Fox News it’s the only network (with the possible exception of NewsMax) where you will hear an admitted lesbian or transgender speak out against Disney. All other networks would not allow them to speak.
I’m ok with this. Wow – a lot of hate-speak in these comments and by the author of this article. The LBGTQ community is here to stay. I don’t mind listening to different points of view but I do mind having social issues “forced” on me. Tolerance doesn’t mean you have to agree with someone. Extreme thought on either side of an issue are not that far apart.
what part of the news will What part of the news segment will he/her do ??? fashion ?
Sports?? Who knows.
Only one word describes how I feel about this-GROSS!
Good, happy to hear this. Jenner is well spoken and very informed on what is happening in California and the word. You judgmental people need to focus on who we need to have on our side. Jenner is one I have voted for in the past. I don’t look at who he has become but what knowledge he has and how he is not a judgmental person as most of you seem to be. I don’t watch the news either. Libs have transgender, queer, narcissist’s in office and I don’t see anyone saying anything about them.