on 7:41 am January 31, 2023 at 7:41 am
The tax and overspend agendas of this treasonous Democrat Party is an intensional objective of the treasonous Democrat Party to damage our economy and our country.
Please try to explain why this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their puppet president would –
* Destroy our country’s energy independence and buy oil at a higher price from our enemies, making them wealthy?
* Encouraging, allowing and protecting multi-millions of illegal immigrants a spending
7 million dollar a day to totally support them?
* Give away so much of taxpayers money, that people don’t need to work in order to eat.
* Pass insane spending bill, spending money that the country does not have in the attempt to destroy our economy?
* Implement their destructive woke agenda in every every government associated organization?
* Manipulate the 2020 president election in order to put their corrupt, demented, puppet president into the White House?
And of course there are many more treasonous acts by this Democrat Party.
So WHY are the FOOLS still supporting this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, immoral, socialist Democrat Party?? š š š
Their salaries should be tied to the annual budget. If there is a shortfall, they have their pay docked. If there is a surplus where we can pay down the debt, they get a bonus.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money to spend”
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Apperntly Misery DOES love company,,,,1.3 MIllions jobs lost to American citizens last statistic,,,1.2 million illegals found jobs during the same…” Sep 7, 17:02
inluminatuo on Harris honeymoon fading in North Carolina: “Rge chose Kamal becasue she is the wide joyous gate than leads to destruction, in stead of the sober narrow…” Sep 7, 16:28
The tax and overspend agendas of this treasonous Democrat Party is an intensional objective of the treasonous Democrat Party to damage our economy and our country.
Please try to explain why this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their puppet president would –
* Destroy our country’s energy independence and buy oil at a higher price from our enemies, making them wealthy?
* Encouraging, allowing and protecting multi-millions of illegal immigrants a spending
7 million dollar a day to totally support them?
* Give away so much of taxpayers money, that people don’t need to work in order to eat.
* Pass insane spending bill, spending money that the country does not have in the attempt to destroy our economy?
* Implement their destructive woke agenda in every every government associated organization?
* Manipulate the 2020 president election in order to put their corrupt, demented, puppet president into the White House?
And of course there are many more treasonous acts by this Democrat Party.
So WHY are the FOOLS still supporting this treasonous, destructive, dishonest, immoral, socialist Democrat Party?? š š š
Manage it like it’s your own money/
Democrats think your money is their money
THAT ITS Not their own money, is the problem. THEY DON’T respect it!
Their salaries should be tied to the annual budget. If there is a shortfall, they have their pay docked. If there is a surplus where we can pay down the debt, they get a bonus.
“The problem with socialism is that you eventually run out of other people’s money to spend”
AND If they can’t pass a budget, THEY DO NOT GET paid!!!