The same Biden administration that labeled school parents domestic terrorists is creating an education council to hear their “critical” views, but a parents-right group says the public is being asked to fall for a desperate publicity stunt.
According to the June 14 announcement from the U.S. Dept. of Education, that federal bureaucracy had created the National Parents and Families Engagement Council that will include representatives from 13 organizations. Among those groups, the most recognizable is the National Parent Teacher Association, or PTA.
“Families’ voices play a critical role,” the statement reads, “in how the nation’s children are recovering from the pandemic.”
Asked about the new council, Erika Sanzi of Parents Defending Education tells AFN the Biden administration must be reading some “really bad” polling numbers when it comes to education. The new parents council, she says, comes after parents lost trust over school closures and masking their children during the pandemic – and then the infamous letter.
“Not only with school closures. Not only with mask mandates,” she says, “but also with that letter from National School Boards Association that referred to parents as domestic terrorists.”
Sanzi is referring to the controversial letter from the NSBA that asked the U.S. Department of Justice last fall to investigate “threats” and “acts of violence” that were occurring at rowdy school board meetings across the country. That request was happily and quickly accepted by the DOJ, which announced FBI agents would spread out across the country under the banner of a newly-formed counterterrorism task force.
When that story broke, a spokesman for The Heritage Foundation think tank told AFN the federal government was trying to “chill debate and scare parents.”
The public soon learned, however, the White House had not been surprised or blindsided by the inflammatory NSBA letter: A string of emails revealed the accusations about parents, and a request for a DOJ action, had been discussed by White House officials for weeks before the letter showed up at the White House.
In an Oct. 21 story last year, The Washington Free Beacon credited one group — Parents Defending Education — for obtaining the damning emails through an open records request.
So that political black eye is one reason Parents Defending Education did not expect an invitation to participate.
Sanzi tells AFN the groups involved in the new council publicly defended the letter, too, so their reward for doing so is a “seat at the table” to claim they care about parents’ concerns.
“From what we can tell, there isn’t anybody on it that has been a vocal critic of the administration,” she complains.
What groups are named in the press release? Among the list is the National Action Network, a civil-rights group founded by Rev. Al Sharpton; UnidosUS, an advocacy group for Latinos; and Mocha Moms, a non-profit group of black mothers.
With the 2022-2023 school year approaching, the council says it will hold “listening sessions” in coming months to “better understand the needs of students” as they start the new school year.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
“The same Biden administration that labeled school parents domestic terrorists is creating an education council to hear their “critical” views, but a parents-right group says the public is being asked to fall for a desperate publicity stunt.“
This treachery of the treasonous, socialist Democrat Party know no bounds.
This treasonous, dishonest, destructive, socialist Democrat Party revolves around and its philosophy is based on Total Control, Hate, Lies, Cons, Deceptions, Immorality and the lack of Integrity, Ethics or Honor.
This Treasonous, dishonest, destructive, Socialist Democrat Party’s objective is to lie, cheat and steal in order to take total control of the American people, by restricting U.S. oil production, increase Taxes and the cost of everything and bring American commerce and economy to its knees and to promote Democrat Party’s Socialism.
Then access power and retain it by any means available –
no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
This treasonous, Hateful, destructive, immoral, socialist Democrat Party and their corrupt, demented puppet president has become our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY!
Just because they may “Listen”, doesn’t mean they will ACTUALLY HEAR what these parents have to say.
Do not pass go, go directly to the Gulag reindoctrination center for your Biden brain implant.
To the parents going to these “government sessios” do not for one second they are there to listen to you; just remember how much security was provided to stop Jan 6th – all planned to have those with opposing fall into their trap which worked great for them. “The Parent Trap” was a good movie and fun to watch but this “parent trap” will be a real trap and horror for parents.
In one ear and out the other.
Listening sessions? More like spying sessions. Get the parents confidence to open up about their concerns and later be labeled as enemies of the state. This is more like a “squeal on yourself session.”
AND you can bet, they will be taking the names of ALL parents who do attend.
seig heil seig heil.
Oh yeah right, the Biden administration wants to hear from concerned parents. You mean the ones they called terrorists not so long ago. I’d steer clear of this wolf in sheep’s clothing or else some FBI goon might be knocking on your door wanting to know why you’re so mouthy.
And more than likely,. to sieze your weapons. Or at least try to.
They don’t want to hear you, they want to know who you are and what you are doing.