Russia’s military invasion of Ukraine has awakened the free nations of Europe, which depend on Russia for gas and energy, and on the United States to defend them, and some people have not forgotten who warned Europe’s arrogant leaders of their perilously short-sighted future.
As if awakened from a deep sleep by Russian tanks and warplanes, NATO members in Europe are now shipping lethal weaponry — Javelin and Stinger missiles, machine guns and automatic rifles — into Ukraine’s neighbor Poland, where the weapons are being trucked into the war zone in Ukraine. Along with weapons, helmets, body armor, and field rations are also being shipped into Ukraine from NATO, including from Germany, after its leaders reversed a post-World War II policy about arming nations that are involved in armed conflict.
“Once again, Donald Trump was right,” Gary Bauer tells AFN. “We’re seeing the clear proof of that today.”
Bauer and many others have not forgotten that Trump, as president, demanded NATO members in Europe fulfill their own 2016 pledge made during the Obama administration to increase military spending. That unmet pledge was to increase spending to just 2% of their budget but Trump, as recently as 2018, was urging them at an annual meeting to increase the military defense spending to 4%.
That 2018 story, from CNBC, quotes NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg who told the media that eight of 29 allied countries in NATO had hit the 2% goal.
“We should first get to two percent,” Stoltenberg complained at the time, but anyone with knowledge of negotiating could understand Trump’s negotiating tactic.
According to a Reuters story of that encounter, NATO members “brushed off” Trump’s demand as another example of his “brash” behavior that was unwelcomed among the more diplomatic politicians.
Now, four years later, war has come to NATO’s footsteps. Germany’s chancellor announced two weeks ago the nation would increase defense spending from 1.53% to more than 2% of its economic output, Reuters reported.
“We will have to invest more in the security of our country,” Chancellor Olaf Scholv told parliament, “to protect our freedom and democracy.”
Speaking to her AFR radio audience, show host Sandy Rios played a clip of then-President Donald Trump speaking at the United Nations, where he warned Germany’s delegation about “totally depending” on Russia for its fuel and gas.
“Reliance on a single foreign supplier can leave a nation vulnerable to extortion and intimidation,” Trump said in his speech. “That is why we congratulate European states such as Poland for leading the construction of a Baltic pipeline, so that nations are not dependent on Russia to meet their energy needs.”
Rios pointed out to her audience that television cameras, panning to Germany’s delegation, showed the Germans snickering at Trump’s warning.
“I wish there was some way,” Bauer says, “to send one big apology letter to former President Trump.”
Editor’s Note: The DIVISION is a division of the American Family Association, the parent organization of the American Family News Network, which operates
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Putin’s Army is also awakening from a deep sleep and learning that they are not up against the usual Former Soviet dominated oppressed subjugated people, but a Generation of Freedom bred, and Freedom minded Ukrainians who not only freely outthink the Indoctrinated Russians but are improvising and proving that one Soldier raised in freedom is worth 4 Russians indoctrinated in social submission. Another reason to start treating American socialists as political undermining pariahs. When all the shelling and crimes against humanity are over, if Putin survives and is proven to have been behind the Trump collusion hoax, and 2020 election cyber-crimes, it will be the very boomerang that came back to decapitate himself.
Many times now, TRUMP SAID something, got bashed for it, AND eventually got proven right….
You can bicker about his style and his tweets all you want—but the man is smart, and we would not be where we are today if America’s biggest domestic enemy—the Democrat Party—had not stolen the election and put in a total imbecile.
The Neville Chamberlains in Western Europe did not learn any lessons from Neville Chamberlain during World War II. Cut your own throats through appeasement, you idiots. Just like the Jewish people in our Country. Most Jewish people vote communist Democrat and the Democrats hate Israel.
WHICH is something i have never ever understood about American Jews.. WHY THEY Continually vote Dem, with the DEMS RABID fascination about supporting PALESTINE!
We ALL know who was behind the Russian collision hoax! We ALL know who was behind the theft of the 2020 election!! We ALL know who was behind not one but two BOGUS impeachment attempts! We ALL know who was behind the ILLEGAL INVASION at our Southern Border!! We ALL know who was behind the purposeful WORLDWIDE release of the COVID virus!! Funny how the ONLY people truly suffering because of the EVIL AND VILE actions herein listed ARE NOT IN GOVERNMENT!! TICK TOCK TICK TOCK…… TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR US TO SAVE OUR COUNTRY!
AND unfortunately, we also know, NONE OF THOSE responsible, will face one LICK OF punishment for it.