The day before the Iowa caucuses, Republican Sen. Joni Ernst said Democratic candidate Joe Biden could face GOP-led impeachment proceedings if he’s elected president.

GOPUSA Editor’s Note: Please keep in mind that this is a mainstream media story with the typical lean to the left. We publish the story for the purpose of informing our readers.

In an interview with Bloomberg News, the Iowa Republican cited President Donald Trump’s and the GOP’s ‘discredited theories’ about Biden’s work as vice president in Ukraine while his son served in a lucrative post for a Ukrainian energy company.

Ernst said she thinks “this door of impeachable whatever has been opened” and that Biden “should be very careful what he’s asking for” amid ongoing impeachment proceedings against Trump.

Ernst has gone after Biden already recently. The former vice president has embraced the attacks, telling Iowa Democrats they can “ruin Joni Ernst’s night” by caucusing for him.

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