(The Center Square) – The federal government will likely start filling in gaps of the border wall in the Yuma sector shortly after Arizona takes down its storage container barriers.
In agreeing to remove the state-erected barrier as part of a lawsuit filed in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona, federal government officials again confirmed to Gov. Doug Ducey’s office that they are moving forward with a plan to replace it.
A stipulation filed on Wednesday indicates that state-contracted workers removing the barriers aren’t to damage federal lands or interfere with government activity, including “commencement of engineered barrier construction by U.S. Customs and Border Protection in and around the Morelos Dam area,” the court document states.
The governor’s office said that the move from the United States is long overdue.
“Good. Better late than never. It’s about time,” Ducey spokesman C.J. Karamargin told The Center Square Wednesday evening. He added that the governor’s office has been told federally-sponsored construction of a barrier would begin “very soon.”
The storage containers went up in August after demands from regional officials and community members to take action on the influx of migrants.
This agreement corroborates with prior announcements from the federal government, which said construction would begin in early 2023 on “the closure of four gaps” in the Morelos Dam area, according to a letter from CBP in October.
In the Yuma sector alone, there were 310,094 migrant encounters in the fiscal year 2022, according to CBP data.
Representatives at the Center for Biological Diversity, who intended to challenge Ducey’s wall construction in court, weren’t immediately available for comment.
Has there ever been a time in world history where a people worked so hard towards their own demise ?
Nope.. AND I wouldn’t remove ONE BARRIER< till i saw federal workers, ALREADY ON SIGHT< ready to replace them…
Just because the feds say "we will do it", as we've OFTEN SEEN from commucrats, rarely means they ACTUALLY WILL DO IT!!
Is it a certainty that federal replacement is going to take place?
One section at a time—as Arizona takes down one section, then wait until that is replaced before continuing.
I’m certain the Biden admin told Ducey they would do this and almost as certain that they lied.
It’s called Democrat Acey Deucy,,,,,Arizona holds one Deucey , but the Democrats hold all the Aces, and are bluffing all the way when they say they will build a wall hoping when enough time has passed without any constructuion that Arizona will just fold and leave the game for one with better odds.
Just remember the LIES they said to Reagan in the 80s, to get amnesty.. BACK THEN, they said we’ll secure the border..
STILL have not seen any securing..
SO NO, if i was Ducey, i would NOT BELIEVE THEM TILL I SEE the workers, with the machines, READY TO ACTUALLY DO SO…
The governor better make darn sure the materials and the workers are in place and ready before he has one container moved. Better check inside to make sure they are not occupied by illegal aliens!
If they are, then SEAL the doors air tight.
Ducey is a total idiot if he believes anything the Biden regime told him. The conatainer wall works. Biden will likely replace it with some sign posts that say “don’t cross this border”.
Ducey is a fool if he removes one single container box until the replacement barrier is actually in place. Republicans are idiots when they trust a Democrat.
I’d go further, and BUILD MORE wall…
How much do you wanna bet, Slow Joe will renege on this one too?
NO bet…
JOE , is NOT making any of the DECISIONS , except for what kind of ice cream he wants. Jill usually makes that choice 60 % of the time.
He gets to probably decide what toppings he gets..
they need to wait until the fence is put up and then take down the areas that have the fence
Put up the fence AND leave the containers.
It doesn’t matter that the Feds are lying. If/when Hobbs gets in, she’ll let the borders remain wide open. It’s part of the Left’s agenda to destroy the country.
They are talking about closing three 1,000-foot gaps in the wall, through which over 300,000 people entered the country illegally last year. I would think that a couple of snipers with high-powered rifles could reduce that number to zero with no fence at all. In fact, after the first couple of weeks, the snipers would be pretty bored as no one would be even trying to get through those gaps. This seems a simple, cheap, and obvious solution. Why isn’t it being done?