It seems the First Lady, Dr. Jill Biden, is upset. At a fundraiser on Saturday with top Democratic Party donors in Nantucket, Massachusetts, she complained that her husband’s “hopes and plans” were interrupted by the “problems of the moment.”
How dare those annoying “problems” get in the way of the great dreams of President Joe Biden! These Biden dreams presumably include ending Second Amendment rights, packing the Supreme Court, federalizing elections, implementing full-blown socialism by passing a “Build Back Better” bill and destroying our domestic oil and gas industry. Thank goodness for the “problems of the moment.”
Even without those “problems,” the Biden agenda has been plenty disastrous. The nation is suffering through the worst inflation in over four decades. There are food shortages and supply chain difficulties. Our southern border is overrun with millions of illegal immigrants who are welcomed into our country by President Biden.
The needs of everyday Americans are being ignored by President Biden and his far-left administration. No wonder his approval rating is only 33% according to a New York Times/Siena College poll with a whopping 64% of the respondents who do not want him to seek a second term as President.
With such a lousy record, including the catastrophic withdrawal of our military from Afghanistan, along with the new revelations that crude oil from our Strategic Petroleum Reserve was sold to a company with ties to both Hunter Biden and the Chinese Communist Party, Dr. Jill should be grateful that her husband has not been impeached and removed from office.
Instead of acting like a churlish and entitled presidential spouse grousing about roadblocks in the way of their “hopes and plans,” Dr. Jill Biden should be showing nothing but appreciation and thanks to the American people for her role as First Lady.
In this position, Dr. Jill Biden enjoys tremendous rewards and benefits. She is allowed to travel first class, meet world leaders, and host glittering events at the White House. In addition, the First Lady has a large staff of aides who oversee her every need. It is also quite nice to spend time in Nantucket, even if she must endure answering questions from entitled and obnoxious Democratic Party donors.
At this event, which only included two dozen top contributors, the First Lady lamented that the obstacles were a major surprise to her husband. According to Dr. Biden, “Who would have ever thought about what happened?”
Of course, the answer is that every President must expect the unexpected because it always happens. There are shootings, invasions, pandemics, emergencies, and controversial Supreme Court decisions in every presidential administration.
President Biden was caught off-guard because he is not mentally fit to be in the world’s most demanding position. Any slight surprise will upset him because of his inability to manage this challenge.
More than anyone else, Dr. Jill Biden knew that her husband was not mentally competent to be President. She lives with him and can observe his true condition. In fact, she knew it during the 2020 presidential campaign. Unfortunately, she allowed his candidacy to continue. If she would have publicly objected, Biden would not have been able to mount a successful campaign.
Instead, with her acquiescence, Biden received the Democratic Party’s nomination and became the oldest President in American history. She allowed this horrible fraud to be perpetrated on the American people because she wanted to be First Lady. Dr. Jill Biden wanted the limelight and the prestige of being First Lady of the United States more than she cared about the mental health of her husband or the dreadful impact of his condition on the American people.
A mentally weakened President is also an invitation for our foreign adversaries to take advantage of the United States. This puts our country at grave risk. None of this would have happened if Dr. Jill Biden would have told the truth about her husband’s actual state.
During his recent Middle East trip, President Biden continually made embarrassing gaffes. After one speech, he turned to shake hands, and no one was there. He has done this type of odd behavior before. However, none of these disturbing actions is a surprise to his wife. Often, while both a candidate and as President, Dr. Jill had to finish sentences for her husband or mutter an answer to him during an interview.
At the recent ceremony celebrating Independence Day, she had to whisper to him “God Bless America,” because he forgot that basic statement every President should make at the end of a speech on such a patriotic day.
At the Nantucket event, Dr. Jill also grumbled that her husband “just had so many things thrown his way.” What President does not have obstacles? Instead of accepting blame for President Biden’s disastrous policies, the First Lady pointed the finger at Republicans. Is it the Republicans’ fault that progressive policies do not work? Is it their fault that President Biden is unable to fulfill the duties of his position?
Poor Dr. Jill told the bigwig donors that she wanted to continue the work she started as “Second Lady.” She noted that her work for “community colleges,” for “military families” and “on cancer” were going to be her “areas of focus.” Unfortunately, for Dr. Jill Biden, those dreaded “problems of the moment” arose and ripped her away from her signature causes. Instead, she was forced to be “First Lady of the moment.”
So, Dr. Jill must forgo her signature causes to deal with issues that arise throughout the country. If only Americans understood how deeply Dr. Jill cares about her agenda, they would stop complaining about their problems and let her focus on her pet projects.
The ingratitude of the American people, who should just let Dr. Jill get back to her work on “community colleges” and whispering to her husband his name when he forgets it. The work of Dr. Jill Biden is never easy, and it is never done.
Jeff Crouere is a native New Orleanian and his award-winning program, “Ringside Politics,” airs weekdays nationally on Real America’s Voice TV Network, AmericasVoice.News from 6-7 a.m. CT and from 7-11 a.m. CT on WGSO 990-AM & He is a political columnist, the author of America’s Last Chance and provides regular commentaries on the Jeff Crouere YouTube channel and on For more information, email him at [email protected]
This disgraceful, corrupt, demented puppet president Joe Biden is just an obedient puppet puppet to his masters.
#1. Who nominated this puppet for president?
– The treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
#2. Who picked the useless unqualified Kamala Harris as his VP?
– The treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
#3. Who manipulated the 2020 election that put this fool in the White House?
– The treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
#4. Who is telling this fool and puppet president exactly what to say and do?
– The treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
#5. Who stole political power and intends to retain it by any means available, no matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
– The treasonous, socialist Democrat Party.
The treasonous socialist Democrat Party is our country’s most destructive and deadliest ENEMY.
Vote ALL Democrats and Democrat’s RINOs, OUT OF OFFICE EVERYWHERE, from the president to the school board.
I only disagree with #4; as the answer should be no other than who started all this decades ago and got his puppet in so he could continue the destruction of the USA.
Yeah, Jill—don’t you and Joe let the mechanics and responsibilities of leading the greatest country on Earth interfere with your high-society lifestyle—the glitz and glamour of top-tier political life—the dirty deals with international figures that line your pockets with cash. You just go right ahead—never mind the rest of us out here—some way, somehow, we’ll find a way to survive.
Jill Biden’s “Cry Me A river” is just another chorus of Joe’s failed “Crimea dither” that if he gave the Ukraine the means to destroy the Russian ships on the Black sea they would have no need of Crimea, and if we gave the voters the means to honestly count votes we would have no need of Democrats. Joe and Jill fail to realize that they were hired to solve “The Problems of the Moment”, not view them as new opportunities never to let a crisis go to waste to grab more power. Bidens view them as problems that get in their way while Trump viewed them as opportunities to identify and slay more dragons found hidden within the Washington establishment swamp which got cleaner in 4 Trump years, and sank lower in Joe’s 18 months of secreted social sewage.
Either Twain or Lincoln stated “ “it is better to remain silent and be thought a fool, than to talk and remove all doubt.” The same applies to the socialist failed ideas when put into actual action to allow THE PEOPLE to see just how fallacious Socialism and socialist solutions really are when called up to perform in the application of the real world of pain and pleasures. Marx was wrong,,,,it is the Socialists, not the Capitalists, who sell us the rope-a-dope that they will hang themselves with. They will be hanged by their own media that turn upon them in fits of self-preservation.
I hope you are RIGHT on that regard.
jill and joe so green jetting around and enjoying life. It’s good to be on top, as for the little people let them eat cake!
She’s as phony as her hubby and that’s her problem.
I voted five stars. But thinking about it, NOBODY is as phony as Slo Joe. NNNOOOOBOOODDDYYY.
Worse, cause AS a doc, she should KNOW BETTER…
Jill Biden doesn’t have a Ph D. She had a Ed. D which she applied for. Being called
Doctor is an ego trip. Her dissertation was so bad that she only received her Ed. D because of her husbands ties to the University of Delaware.
Amongst the smart Democrates. Whoopie Goldberg said she should be the chief medical doctor for the country. Shows you where the mentality is.
Some clarifications are in order
1. Jill Biden is NOT the First Lady.
2. Jill Biden is not a lady in any way shape form or fashion. If she was a lady then she would have never let her senile old husband run for office.
3. Bite-Me Biden is NOT the President. He is not the president now nor will he ever be the President in the future. People who steal elections are not President.
4. If there was any real Justice in this country the entire Biden and Obama families would be strung up from the highest tree for high treason.
Jill Biden is NO ! Dr. She’s a Pimple on Every Single Americans backside just like Fossil Pretending
President Puppet Xiden. So go ahead and Cry a Steam of Fake Tears.
Jill (she deserves NO title) is a racist, bigot. Just two words – breakfast tacos. And pretty dumb based on these comments. She will leave in January 2025 and hopefully we will NEVER hear from her again.
Many said the same about hillary…