President Joe Biden has signed an executive order that signed up the U.S. government to explore transhumanism, which combines technology and the human body, with a promise of achieving “societal goals.”
It is being described like something out of a horror movie: President Joe Biden has signed Executive Order on Advancing Biotechnology that will “help us achieve our societal goals, (which are) to develop genetic engineering technologies and techniques to be able to write circuitry for cells, and predictably program biology in the same way in which we write software and program computers.”
Jeff Dornik of the Freedom First Network says the Big Pharma private sector has been working on this technology for years, which is already troubling, but he sees a new twist because this is the federal government dabbling with turning humans into machines.
“And that they want to actually implement this,” he tells AFN, “is mind-boggling and quite shocking.”
Dornik advises the topic of “transhumanism” is a major goal for the globalist World Economic Forum, which openly and often discusses a future of global elites and compliant serfs.
Anything that organization of James Bond-like villains is pursuing causes alarm for people who demand individual liberty and national sovereignty. Sure enough, the WEF hosted a Davos conference in 2020 to discuss the “ethical and responsible application” for advances in “brain-computer interfaces.”
“What they’re actually saying is that they can control your free will,” Dornik warns. “They can control how you think, how you vote, how you shop, how do you buy. And they are essentially playing God.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
The demonic Democrat Party’s objective – ““What they’re actually saying is that they can control your free will,” Dornik warns. “They can control how you think, how you vote, how you shop, how do you buy. And they are essentially playing God.”“
I’ve always said the left’s literally like the Star trek Borg.
NOW THEY WANT that to be made real.
Sounds to me like Joe’s last desperate attemtp to have a machine repair his damaged disorganized brain, which probably got disorganized and damaged by someone like a Democrat party social scientist experimenting on it already.
My thoughts exactly.
“We are the Rats, you will be assimilated…resistance is futile.”
Does the term ‘mind control’ come to mind? Are the ‘societal goals’ involved with persons susceptable to outside influences regarding judgement rather than one’s own mental processes? It does sound very scary when we consider that this combining of technology and biology is overseen by the same groups that created COVID, refused to take the blame for it and supressed treatments!
Since to the left “SOcietal goals” equal EQUITY goals/social justice, then certainly that’s what it makes ME think of.
The Borg on Star Trek come to mind. But seriously the goal of liberals has always been to be their own God. What they’re too stupid and evil to realize is that God already has that job well under control and He’s not going to surrender it to some bunch of liberal idiots who think they know more than He does.
I would say the democrat god is satan.
Like Obama and Hillary’s mentor Saul Alinsky said “,,,,The first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom – Lucifer”
This new generation of radical devils seek to win America as their newly deconstructed kingdom. Won’t happen so long as we stay Christian. If we do not, and are not with him we become against him and will soon sink into the swamp with the rest of the failed world nations.
“Yet still the ancient foe, doth seek to work us woe, his craft and power are great, and armed with cruel hate, on earth is not his equal – Martin Luther,,,the Real, not the king.
I’m convinced of it.
Okay seage filled pants stupid senile Joe, YOU be the first ginny pig.