If Donald Trump wants to win the presidency again, his 2020 campaign slogan ought to be “Vote Trump — I’m Not a Socialist.”
That’s only partially tongue-in-cheek. Trump did say at his recent rally in Tampa that he was poised to unveil “Keep America Great” for his re-election effort. But “I’m Not a Socialist” is just as good.
This socialism-in-America thing is getting out of control — and what’s emerging as a contributing factor is that even the media pundits who detest socialism aren’t hitting the nail on the head on why socialism, why all socialism’s johnny-come-lately candidates in the Democratic Party, should take a hike.
It’s not just the fact socialism fails — though it does fail, and spectacularly so.
It’s not just the abundance of figures that point to all of socialism’s failures — the current state of oil-rich Venezuela, the dismal economy of Cuba, the suffering over-taxed class of France during the Francois Hollande years.
It’s not just that every socialist policy and platform put forth by the likes of Bernie Sanders, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Kaniela Ing and the rest — the rest of the near-40 democratic socialist-tied candidates seeking various political seats this year — crumble in the face of financial realities, in the light of common sense. Want to see a duck and dodge in action? Ask a socialist the simple question, “Who pays?”
Those are all valid arguments to make against socialism, all notable and irrefutable comments. Those are all pundit-worthy bullet-points to bring to the forefront. But there’s a simpler and more pointed reason for Americans to fight socialism. There’s a shorter argument the pundits can make.
It’s that it’s socialism.
It’s that it’s socialism and this is America, and the two don’t, and should never, mix. No more argument needed. No more explanations warranted.
America is a democratic-republic, run by a Constitution that carries the principle of limited governance, developed by a group of founders who believed strongly in the concept of God-given rights. Individualism and capitalism are our strengths; government control and regulation, our albatrosses.
Socialism is not American. Socialists are un-American. Arguing the fine points of why socialism is a rot for America seems akin to arguing why child molesters shouldn’t molest children. The label “child molester” speaks for itself; no supporting documentation needed.
Well, same with uttering the words “socialism” and “America” in the same breath. Bam, drop mike, move on.
“I’m Not a Socialist” — that’s the campaign slogan for Trump. And if anyone, he’s the guy to carry it off. MAGA? Make America Great Again? Done. Now, going forward, let’s keep America great. And the way to do that is by kicking socialism to the curb.
That’s the winning message that goes to the heart of what’s threatening America, what’s ailing America, and what the people need to hear from their next presidential candidate.
The candidate who can best encapsulate that is the one who most deserves to lead.
• Cheryl Chumley can be reached at [email protected] or on Twitter, @ckchumley.
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