Democracy – “a system of government by the whole population or ALL the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives”
So how do you call this current run nation a Democracy, now run not by cogent rational minded Presidents, but unelected Democrat party Puppet Masters, who found or created an easily manipulated wooden headed Pinocchio Presidential candidate, with a nose that can grow at the drop of a hat, or an international dropped bundle of well laundered foreign money? Just who elected the Janet Yellen, or Paul Krugman Types that have led to our economic destruction in unsustainable national debt, and unbearable inflationary programs designed not to benefit this nation but elect one Party’s ability to buy votes with promises of benefits that only benefit the people that vote for them, not ALL the people as described tin the definition of democracy above? Who are these people that control national interest rates that balloon to cover the expenses of bad government mistakes paid not by voted for laws, but unvoted for pre-planned corruption inspired inflationary prices? Unaccountable and unelected by anyone? Cannot the failed politicians or at least their unvoted for stooges and or the party hacks that create these financial, shell and hide the pea games, be held financially and legally responsible? Why to WE THE PEOPLE have to pay for THEIR MISTAKES?
EXACTY the intensions of this treasonous, traitorous Democrat Party and their puppet Joe OBiden.
AND the never trumper rinos.
Democracy – “a system of government by the whole population or ALL the eligible members of a state, typically through elected representatives”
So how do you call this current run nation a Democracy, now run not by cogent rational minded Presidents, but unelected Democrat party Puppet Masters, who found or created an easily manipulated wooden headed Pinocchio Presidential candidate, with a nose that can grow at the drop of a hat, or an international dropped bundle of well laundered foreign money? Just who elected the Janet Yellen, or Paul Krugman Types that have led to our economic destruction in unsustainable national debt, and unbearable inflationary programs designed not to benefit this nation but elect one Party’s ability to buy votes with promises of benefits that only benefit the people that vote for them, not ALL the people as described tin the definition of democracy above? Who are these people that control national interest rates that balloon to cover the expenses of bad government mistakes paid not by voted for laws, but unvoted for pre-planned corruption inspired inflationary prices? Unaccountable and unelected by anyone? Cannot the failed politicians or at least their unvoted for stooges and or the party hacks that create these financial, shell and hide the pea games, be held financially and legally responsible? Why to WE THE PEOPLE have to pay for THEIR MISTAKES?