The country is struggling right now, and it has been for a few hours. Inflation has soared, along with gas prices. Home prices went down but interest rates went up. The border is in chaos. While no president bears full responsibility, and surely no man or woman can fully fix it, the current state of the United States is proof we can’t go back to Biden or Trump; we need to move forward with someone who has a track record of success. That, of course, is Ron DeSantis: Just look at Florida.
Since DeSantis was elected, he has swept Florida up in a wave of conservatism, proof that conservative ideas produce better education, a thriving economy, a steady anchor during crisis, and more.
Folks are moving to Florida in droves, more than any other state, including Texas (although it’s close behind). Its population grew by almost two percent in 2022, proof that people like what’s happening there. So what’s happening? Huffington Post says “No One Is More Dangerous For The White House Than Ron DeSantis,” which is exactly why he should head straight to the White House.
Florida is leading the nation in higher education and has for the last seven years, and in K-12 education as well. DeSantis just signed a bill expanding school choice, education savings programs, for all of Florida’s students, a decision that will radically change some kids’ education for the better and ease the worries of parents who are unhappy with their child’s current school.
Unlike so many Democrat governors, and even some Republicans, DeSantis values parental rights and their input. He doesn’t believe students are ultimately wards of the state just because they attend public school, but rather that parents should have the right to make good decisions for their kids. He’s pro-life too. He just signed a ban on abortion after 6 weeks. A pro-life president will help continue to spread a culture of life across the country.
Via legislation, DeSantis has held firm on gender identity issues, respectfully but firmly advocating for females to have fairness in sports and safety and privacy in their own spaces. He’s protected children under 18 from consenting to sex-change surgeries and cross-sex hormones that could alter their lives and inflict irreversible damage.
Florida has encountered at least two major crises in the last few years: COVID and hurricanes. During both, DeSantis’ leadership was solid. During COVID, he kept the state, the economy, and schools largely open. Floridians moved forward, thriving, while residents of other states remained shuttered indoors, suffering from isolation, depression, and virtual school. During the last two hurricanes Florida suffered, Floridians were warned for days what was coming, but he didn’t sugarcoat the potential severity of Mother Nature. After the damage was done, DeSantis had rebuilt major highways in days and communicated with facts, not emotional outbursts.
Even the way DeSantis handles the media shows is a refreshing change. Instead of acting like the media is a god to be worshipped, he defends himself against unwarranted attacks. He isn’t one to wither, kowtow, bend, or manipulate, just because he’s on the record. He states facts as is, he corrects the media when they’re wrong, and he reframes questions when they’re rooted in a liberal’s point of view. It’s refreshing to see DeSantis handle the media in a way that demands respect.
DeSantis isn’t perfect, of course. Some conservatives think he’s used his position of power to push Disney around, in a way that he wouldn’t like if his party and role were reversed. But Disney is unique to Florida, and his fight with them is over a unique situation. It’s unlikely he’d strong-arm Corporate America in any kind of similar way.
Conservatism is not an ideology everyone believes in, but with DeSantis at Florida’s helm, it’s hard to see why people don’t. Florida’s economy is thriving, their population is growing, parents now have school choice, and even when it comes to income tax burden, Florida is ranked 46th in the country for having the lowest tax burden on its residents.
Running a country is obviously harder than running just one state, and the U.S. has challenging demographics across the entire country, but what we’re doing isn’t working: Biden’s policies are destroying the fabric of the nation culturally, fiscally and politically. It’s time to elect someone with a proven track record of solid conservatism, someone who can lead in a crisis, who respects parents, who protects kids, and who lets the local economy thrive.
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As a resident of Florida myself, I can vouch for the fact he’s been a great Governor. Hate to lose him to the Presidency, if elected.
Nothing succeeds like success, and all the while DeSantis was winning in Florida, Trump lost the last election to an aged basement dwelling fool. Obviously, his flaws were perceived by THE PEOPLE to be greater than his assets. Conservatives next time need to select someone who can answers the question “Where’s the Beef?” without all the Trump self-created gristle. Chew on that one Donald.
Plus he bought into the great covid lie, and CODDLED Fauci…
DeSantis should hammer this point in every GOP debate.
How DeSantis handled the labs that were fudging the PCR data is groundbreaking.
My relatives in FLorida love DeSantis,,,even some of the former now disgusted Democrats who have not changed their opinion of Trump.
DeSantis has a proven record and can lead us back from the edge of destruction. Though as a Floridian, I am torn and reluctant to lose our great governor.
As to Trump I’m tiring of his tantrums and childish rantings. I would like to see him act more presidential and stop embarrassing himself and his party. His lose to Slo Joe and his leadership during the midterms was unimpressive.
Unfortunately his EGO won’t imo LET him stop being childish.
Trump has more excess baggage than a Southwest Airlines flight. He did not help the GOP much during midterms – case in point, Pennsylvania where he managed to endorse the worst candidates for Governor and Senate. He ran his White House like it was an episode of his reality TV show, too much drama, which detracted from the good things his Administration accomplished (lower taxes, Border Wall). DeSantis would be a much better choice, and would easily beat Biden like a rented mule in the general election.
I love Donald Trump…
But I love Ron DeSantis even more.
I’m voting for DeSantis if he gets the nomination.