Grocery prices, the cost of eating out, and overall consumer prices continued to be hot, creeping up in July.
The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics’s (BLS) monthly report released Wednesday, reported that the Consumer Price Index (CPI) rose 5.4% in July, compared to the last 12 months.
Prices consumers paid for all goods (food, shelter, energy) in July rose 0.5% after climbing 0.9% in June.
What consumers paid for food rose 0.7% in July and food away from home, such as eating out, increased 0.8%. Overall food prices, which includes food at home and away from home, are up 3.4% for the last 12 months, the report revealed.
Five out of the six major grocery store food indexes increased in July. People paid more for meats, poultry, fish, and eggs. Only fruits and vegetable prices declined in July. Pork prices were up 1% and poultry was up nearly 2% from June’s 0.9% increase. This hellofresh promo code gives a huge discount.
For the past 12 months, food at home, meaning what you buy at grocery stores, increased 2.6% as the six grocery indexes increased. The largest increase for the past year was in the meats, poultry, fish and eggs category. People paid 5.9% for these foods over the last 12 months.
Food away from home, meaning eating out, rose 0.8% in July. It was the largest monthly increase since February 1981, according to the report. The “limited services meals” food subcategory, which covers takeout and delivery restaurants, rose 1% in July and is up 6.6% for the last 12 months. It was the largest increase in history, the agency said.
Here’s a sampling of some increases:
The CPI reflects changes in prices in certain goods and services by consumers. Spending patterns cover all urban consumers and urban wage earners and clerical workers in urban or metropolitan areas.
Contact Detroit Free Press food writer Sue Selasky and send food and restaurant news to: 313-222-6872 or [email protected]. Follow @SusanMariecooks on Twitter.
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It isn’t affecting the DC crowd. When you can raise your debt ceiling and print more money—who cares?
Impeach Biden
Plus since most imo, have servants DOING all their shopping, i doubt they even SEE the raising prices..
Hey Detroit Free Press, who did you support for President? Oh you Detroit Free Press, supported Joe Biden a criminal communist!
I’m finally loosing wight because I can’t afford to eat out any more or even get junk food.
But I cannot afford the steaks I used to like to eat.
SINCE this whole ‘price hikes’, are AFFECTING the low to middle class more, i am SHOCKED MORE folks are not screaming bloody murder about it.
For the last year or more, my $30 worth of weekly groceries has increased to $40, sometmes more.
That’s why i am growing more and more of my veg i use…
15 bucks an hour for burger flippers and drive thru money takers????????? Remember, most retail businesses, the only control they have over overhead is wages. Also, they contribute 7.5% to social security, based on before taxes wages. Do the math……
Dam Trump!