A college in Oregon is preaching against discrimination while illegally discriminating against white people.
April is “Whiteness History Month” at Portland Community College. The project is aimed at exploring how whiteness emerged from “imperialism, conquest, colonialism and American enterprise.” Horace Cooper of Project 21 says college officials are failing to put a stop to this.
“What is really troubling is that the policy makers responsible to oversee these kinds of activities have been remarkably silent,” he tells OneNewsNow.
Event organizers are asking participants to explore ways of dismantling “whiteness.” Cooper says this needs to be investigated.
“I absolutely think that our leaders in Washington, DC, in the Department of Justice, need to be issuing guidance that explains that this is completely and totally illegal,” he says.
Portland Community isn’t the only college or university to conduct such events. The University of Mount St. Mary’s in Maryland (a Catholic college) co-hosted an “Unmasking Whiteness” event last summer; and the University of Colorado-Boulder offers a Whiteness Studies course, which “examines the development of whiteness from past white supremacy.”
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