White House correspondent April Ryan was ridiculed on Monday after asking Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg about the racism “built into the roadways.”
During the White House press briefing, Buttigieg was taking questions about the bipartisan infrastructure bill, which passed through Congress last week. Ryan took the opportunity to ask Buttigieg about the Biden administration’s plans to “deconstruct the racism” that’s built into America’s infrastructure.
– Read more at Fox News
Reporter @AprilDRyan to @PeteButtigieg: “Can you give us the construct of how you will deconstruct the racism that was built into the roadways? … Can you talk to us about how that could be deconstructed?” pic.twitter.com/FXXEq5tuQL
— Tom Elliott (@tomselliott) November 8, 2021
April Ryan asks Buttigieg how he plans to deconstruct the racist roadways. Buttigieg responds by saying they are going to fund "clean" buses in the spirit of "equity."
— Katie Pavlich (@KatiePavlich) November 8, 2021
The roads are racist.
We must get rid of roads. https://t.co/nde3mJHn37
— Ted Cruz (@tedcruz) November 8, 2021
Critical Race Journalist https://t.co/Tf21nE5dhB
— Tim Graham (@TimJGraham) November 8, 2021
dont like the roads in america then get the hell out.
dont like america get the hell out.
why dont you just get the hell out!
ANd if they want “Roads” Deconstructed because of racism? FINE. ELIMINATE ALL ROADS INTO and out of every black hood..
Keep in mind that this disgraceful, treasonous, destructive, lying, socialist Democrat Party can NOT run on its record or accomplishments because the lying, socialist Democrat Party record is and has been nothing but hazardous waste disposal upon our citizens and our country.
So the only thing that the disgraceful, treasonous, destructive, lying, socialist Democrat Party can run on is their fabricated attacks on the GOP.
The Democrat Party professes to be passionate enemies of racism; they in fact perpetuate racism by injecting it where it does not otherwise exist in order to cultivate racism and political division.
Since its founding in 1829, the Democratic Party has fought against every major civil rights initiative, and has a long history of discrimination.
The Democratic Party defended slavery, started the Civil War, opposed Reconstruction, founded the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), imposed segregation, perpetrated Lynching’s, and fought against the civil rights acts of the 1950s and 1960s.
The Democrat Party’s treason has been from its beginning. Since its founding the Democrat Party and the Democrat Party’s traitorous and treason character was apparent and is very apparent today.
Let me guess, Biden and Buttigieg will decide to “Fight Racism” by the complete destruction and rebuilding of our National Highway System. Based on what I’ve seen of Democrats over the decades, I have complete faith in their destruction of the National Highway System. Sadly I know it will be the rebuilding part where Democrats will totally fail.
Ohhh… they wont fail…. I’m sure they’ll be able to filter about 78% of money allocated for the “rebuild back batter” of the non-racial highway system directly into the DNC coffer. And… if anyone says anything about it that just means they’re racist.
remember “shovel ready”? 🙁
Heck, they could just ban the term “black-top”…….. problem solved!
Don’t you dare give them any ideas.
And what ever happened to the laws, about ‘HALTING INTERSTATE transportation”, in regards to all those FREEWAYS AND BRIDGES BLM and Antifa took over, for all their protests?
applies only to conservative/libertarian people that identify with the sex they were born with.
Liberals are only good at destruction of historic statues, Founding Father’s statues and other things they have no idea about.
This is too stupid to believe. We sent money to kids in Rwanda who didn’t even have a decent school or safe drinking water. It is Christians over there (many or most are white) helping them.
Her people wouldn’t even have built a bridge in the first place!!!!!
The crass stupidity—the unadulterated ignorance—the utterly ridiculous utterances—these idiots are a curse, not only to our country, but to the whole world. And they think they are brilliant!!! And these mindless, brainless, incompetents have managed to aspire to leadership and policy formulation. They perceive themselves as such astute thinkers and possessors of vast social and cultural knowledge and understanding—and they are totally clueless. Talk about our educational system failing—these are glaring examples.
Asphalt has been black for all time, but since it constitutes so much of our roadways, it symbolizes Black oppression since it is black and it is run over all the time.
Very well stated.
You can blame Lincoln for all these race “problems” we have today. His initial thoughts when he signed his stupid proclamation freeing the slaves, was to load them all on ships and send them back to whatever country or Island they, and all their offspring, originally came from. We don’t know who actually talked him into not doing that, but he must have been a liberal democrat, and he should have been hung as an enemy of the United States of America. Because of that one act it’s been all down hill for this country, and it doesn’t look like it’s going to get any better.
He certainly would have saved this nation, a LOT of headaches, had he followed THROUGH with that initial thought.
lemme ax U, cnn urinalist: can you ask joe to order a white asphalt? And “your kind” called WHITE House racist becouse of “White”.
So – which is racist – white or black?
Hint: de pe nds o the ne ed of a lef tie
PS your shrink left a messege
Just when you think you have heard everything something like this comes along. Racist roads would almost funny if it wasn’t so pathetic.
We are now living in Orwell’s 1984, the new and improved, fundamentally transformed America voters wanted so badly.
Everything is raccccccccccccccccccciiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiisssssssssssssssssssttttttttttttttttttttttttttt….
When will air and water, be labeled racist?
Sooo… No more blacktops? She would maybe prefer honkeytops?
You really isn’t feasible to deconstruct the highways because the neighborhoods and communities which were there once are gone and cannot be replicated. The people have moved on with their lives and were they to come back after so much time has passed it will not be the same. Interestingly enough quite a number of the projects took place in Democrat controlled cities!
So I have a question. If we were to “deconstruct the racism” that was built into roadways……. wouldn’t that be gentrification? I thought the progressives hated that…
“White House correspondent April Ryan was ridiculed on Monday ”
The fact that she exists is self-ridiculing.
Can you constructively in a non-sexist, anti-racist manner deconstruct the construct of constructing a highway that does not hamper, insult or convey racial overtones of the construction of a highway that is paved with African-American top, but with use becomes less black thereby offending the dignity of of the heritage of the slaves who built those highways?
No you can’t. NOT to these perpetual victims at least.
Dumb and dumber.
…and dumbest
Just when you thought they couldn’t get any stupider.
Similar to Kamelface asking NASA whether their satellites can measure racial tree equity, if I remember the exact phrase correctly. One has to wonder what planet they think they live on. One thing is for sure, these dems are all pretty equal in stupidity.
What ever planet it is, PITY WE CAN’T send them there permanently, SO WE CAN REMOVE STUPID from our world.
they must do drugs…..normal brain cannot produce such idiocy
Well a college had to move a big rock because it was racist. Everything is racist to the 13%.
I don’t know why anyone would have an argument with the seriousness of “road racism”. I have seen people in hopped up hot rods racing all over the roads where I live, and they are not that good at it. But they pose imminent danger to those of us on our streets with their recklessness. What’s that you say?………..They are talking about roads being “racist”??? Oh. Never mind.
Roseanne Roseannadanna
I guess the road signs are supposed to say, “Ya’all best slow down, n—a”, or, “55 mph means 55 mph, suckah”, or “get off here fo’ Baltimore, M.F.”
Maybe she is correct. Think about it. We all drive on the blacktop. Why does blacktop have to support the weight of the country’s traffic? Why can’t the rich whitetop take a turn. Or maybe it is whitetop wearing blackface which is infinitely more racist. Also, why is everyone always driving on the right?
April Ryan is a black wearing racist glasses. Everywhere she looks, she sees racism, (except in the mirror). Since all races including black Nigerians from Africa can succeed in America if they work hard and stay away from crime, Ryan’s belief that racism accounts for the low achievement of domestic blacks is just STUPID. Obviously, affirmative action has raised her to her present position instead of her own brain power or work ethic as she shows NO sign of being able to reason.
That is damn near EVERY LEFTIST out there…
When it comes to racism and being a staunch racist, the month of April is April through all 12 months of the year! Like as Van Jones appears to put the blame on Biden, the vote on only infrastructure was a rejection of self-declared communist Van Jones himself and his far-left comrades that must understand “Respect is Earned” can’t use a cudgel to demand it!
The roadway racism is easy to understand. Previously, we had predominantly black asphalt highways, Due to a number of cost efficient factors, the roadways now are mostly white concrete.
Removing the concrete is cost prohibitive, so the obvious answer to to paint all highways black.
Issue settled.
There is very little anyone can do to help those whose minds have been destroyed by liberalism & woke insanity. They no longer have the ability to think rationally, but the rest of us are expected to take their supposed concerns seriously??!!
And even more concerning is that they want to indoctrinate your kids with all of their anti-American CRT brainwashing, so that they can make your own kids loose their ability to think rationally as well. Public Schools are becoming the liberal’s indoctrination camps!
What minds> IMO LIBERALISM Rotted them away.
Well, maybe it should be called A$$-FAULT!