An unlikely pair of groups – a conservative pro-family Christian alliance and a progressive feminist organization – are joining forces to fight against President Barack Obama’s controversial bathroom mandate that ordered schools last year to permit all students identifying as “transgenders” to use whichever restroom they choose.
The Obama administration threatened to refuse federal funding to schools that do not comply with the transgender mandate – a problematic rule that many have argued puts students at risk with potential sexual predators.
A dynamic duo?
The Christian group, Focus on the Family’s newly formed public policy partner, Family Policy Alliance, is banding together with the Women’s Liberation Front to protect women and girls from being vulnerable to attack in school bathrooms and locker rooms – a crisis that is taking place at school campuses across America a result of Obama’s push to implement the LGBT’s agenda within school gates.
The unlikely match united to challenge Obama’s transgender mandate in school facilities – including locker rooms – was addressed by Family Policy Alliance Director of Policy Autumn Leva.
“How wrong does something need to be for a Christian family group and a radical feminist group to take their argument together to the Supreme Court?” Leva mused, according to Townhall, as she indicated how blatantly Obama’s push to enforce pro-LGBT policies within the schools endangers both women and girls.
The matter is regarded as so critical that Leva insists that the United States’ highest court must act – and soon – before sexual predators claim their vulnerable victims behind the closed doors of girls’ and women’s restrooms on school campuses from coast to coast.
“Privacy and safety matter, and we’re asking the high court to acknowledge that,” the pro-family activist informed.
Safety is goal one
WoLF Board of Directors Chair Kara Dansky is also well-aware of the blatantly contrasting social agendas between her organization and the Family Policy Alliance – from everything from abortion to LGBT “rights” – yet she maintains that the physical wellbeing and security of girls and women is more than reason enough to join hands with the conservative group to fight for a noble and critical cause.
She indicates that the right to engage in certain progressive behaviors should not trump females’ safety.
“On certain issues – such as gender identity, pornography and prostitution – we’ll find that the Left has pretty much sold out women on these issues,” Dansky contended. “We stand up for women and girls.”
The feminist leader argues it is not fair that men who proclaim to be girls should be able to take advantage of the same benefits as biological women enjoy under Title IX.
Densky also contends that interpreting sex as gender identity puts women and girls in harm’s way. This reasoning, she says, puts America on dangerous ground, as it places men in the same category as biological women, who are worthy of civil rights protections that they are guaranteed.
Taking Obama’s mandate to the highest court
Legal challenges to Obama’s unprecedented order – under threat of punishment and defunding – to push for LGBT “rights” at the expense of the safety of women and children have already been taken by Family Policy Alliance and WoLF as a major battle in the courts is anticipated.
Action steps in the judicial system looking to champion the arguments of Leva’s and Densky’s organizations all the way to the Supreme Court of the United States are currently moving forward.
“The two groups have submitted an amicus brief to challenge the mandate, explaining that allowing males who self-identify as women into public restrooms and locker rooms endangers women and girls,” Townhall’s Cortney O’Brien announced.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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