(The Center Square) – On July 1, 2022, California Penal Code section 31910 was revised. The change required semiautomatic pistols sold in California to have microstamping technology. A microstamp acts like a fingerprint in identifying ammunition cartridges and the gun from which it was fired. The firing pin imposes an identifying stamp on the round’s primer as it’s discharged.
The revision now only requires one microstamp in the interior of the handgun instead of two. Supporters hoped that this change in the penal code would encourage manufacturers to employ the technology in their firearm products.
Attorney General Rob Bonta, along with the California Department of Justice, is proposing an additional rule to bolster the use of microstamping. The new rule proposes that the unique microstamp of every handgun in California be kept as a record with the Department of Justice to identify firearms used in criminal activity.
A statement released by the California Department of Justice addressed to “Firearm manufacturers and Interested Parties,” invites comments on specific questions “in developing new regulations to achieve the law’s objectives in the most effective manner.”
The department does not ask whether the rule should be made but rather poses questions on procedure once it is implemented. They invite input on questions such as:
- Who is best suited to provide the microstamp to the DOJ?
- When should the microstamp be provided to the DOJ?
- How should the microstamp be provided to the DOJ?
- If a microstamp part needs to be replaced, should the regulated replacement part have the same microstamp as the original?
The department will accept comments from interested parties until 5:00 p.m. on Feb. 1, 2023.
All guns can have the firing pin removed. How hard will it be to either get a new firing pin made or remove or destroy the microstamp?
These Democrat FOOLS think that criminals follow laws. But it is not about criminals. It is just another way to get YOUR money and gain control over the law abiding people.
Note in 2023 California has declared J-walking tickets racist, because some blacks can not afford the ticket.
I.A.W. U.S. Census & FBI (Table 43a)
Black males make up about 7% of the U.S. population but every year commit ~56% of all the murders and ~64% of all robberies in the U.S… Every year in the U.S. there are ~6,000 African-Americans men, women and children killed and 92% of them were killed by fellow African-Americans.
But it is racist, according to the woke Democrat Party it would be racist to hold Blacks accountable for their own actions.
Now, if Cali wants to enact this micro stamp tech, I offer a counter proposal — let’s have every registered Democrat in Cali, and maybe the whole nation, implanted with a microchip, just as we can do with dogs & cats, and keep that info in a database.
Hey, if we’re gonna infringe on rights, which this micro stamp technology clearly is, per the language of the 2nd Amendment, why not?
As to J-walking being racist, my simple response is, if blacks can afford the illegal weapons they use to kill other blacks, they can certainly afford a ticket for J-walking.
What of Branding every criminal! That certainly would work BETTER than microchipping them.
Another BACKDOOR WAY to implement a gun registry.
I am shocked they already Don’t have one out there..
time to cut the west coast loose.
Well, if the “Big One” would just hurry up and happen, it’d spare the nation a whole hell of a lot of grief! It’d dump California, along with its 53 or 4 electoral votes into the Pacific, and maybe, just maybe, America would return to some modicum of sanity. Just a thought…
How long now, have we been WAITING On that “big one” to come?
Wonder how many criminals this will affect when they buy from each other.
The “big one” came and moved to DC