A pro-gun rights organization is joining in a lawsuit against the State of California for preventing individuals from exercising their Second Amendment rights.
The Second Amendment Rights Foundation is joining Firearms Policy Foundation, Firearms Policy Coalition, the Madison Society Foundation and the Calguns Foundation in supporting individual plaintiffs Paul McKinley Stewart and Chad Linton, who contend that their non-violent felony convictions years ago have been set aside or vacated, yet the State of California refuses to allow them to purchase firearms.
Second Amendment Foundation Spokesman Dave Workman provided details on the situation.
“These two fellows were convicted on non-violent felonies years ago,” Workman recounted. And the states where those crimes have occurred have since … set them aside or cleared them in a way that they should be able to exercise their rights. I supposed if they were living in Arizona or Washington, respectively, but in California, they just can’t legally purchase a fire arm because of these convictions on their record.”
Workman pointed out that California doesn’t get to pick and choose which judgments of other states it will honor – and which it will ignore – because it doesn’t approve of firearms ownership.
The gun rights activist argues that granting full faith and credit to other court judgments is part of the bargain of being one of these states in America.
“The United States is all about give a second chance to people,” Workman impressed.
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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