On his first trip overseas, Biden attended a highly-anticipated meeting with Russian President Vladimir Putin, which he described as “good” and “positive.”
Biden said that while he made no “threats” to Putin, he did warn of “consequences.”
“There is no substitute for face-to-face dialogue between leaders. None,” Biden said, noting that he and Putin share “a unique responsibility to manage the relationships between two powerful and proud countries.”
He maintained that the relationship between the two countries “has to be stable and predictable,” and that we “should be able to cooperate where it is in our mutual interest.”
“We have differences, where I want Putin to understand why I say what I say, and why I do what I do, and how I will respond,” Biden said. “My agenda is not against Russia, or anyone else. It is for the American people fighting COVID, rebuilding our economy, reestablishing relationships around the world with our allies and friends and protecting the American people.”
“There were no threats,” he continued. “It was very, as we say, which will shock you coming from me, somewhat colloquial.”
“There were no threats, just simple assertions made,” he added. “It was just letting him know where I stood, what I thought we could accomplish together, and what, in fact, if there [are] violations of American sovereignty, what we would do.”
He added: “I know we make foreign policy to be this great, great skill but it is just a logical extension of personal relationships. It is the way human nature functions.”
Biden went on to say that he “doesn’t think Putin is looking for a Cold War with the United States.”
“This is not a Kumbaya moment,” he continued. “But it is clearly not in anybody’s interest, yours or mine, to be in a situation where we’re in a new Cold War.”
The two leaders spoke about human rights abuses, in which Biden told Putin that no president of the United States “could keep faith with the American people if they did not stand up for universal and fundamental freedoms that all men and women have.”
“I told Putin we have to have some basic rules of the road we can all abide by,” he said, adding that it is in “our mutual interest, for our people Russian and American people but also for the benefit of the world, the security of the world.”
The president also said the two discussed cybersecurity, telling Putin that “certain critical infrastructure should be off limits to attack.” Biden said he gave a list of “16 specific entities defined as critical infrastructure,” saying it ranges from energy to water systems.
Biden, though, said they “didn’t talk about a military response” should Russian actors attack U.S.-based infrastructure.
“I believe, and I hope, the U.S. has shown the world this week that we are back standing with our allies,” Biden said, reflecting on his trip, where he participated in the G-7 and NATO summits, along with bilateral meetings with world leaders.
Putin knows he doesn’t have to concede anything when Biden is willing to seek a “stable and predictable” relationship at all costs.
— Senator Bill Hagerty (@SenatorHagerty) June 17, 2021
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The post Biden Met with Putin: Here’s How it Went appeared first on Human Events.
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“I know we make foreign policy to be this great, great skill but it is just a logical extension of personal relationships. It is the way human nature functions.” In your case, Joe, skill probably doesn’t come into play—which is unfortunate.
I’m not in government, I’m not one of your advisors, nor am I a military commander—but, by God, you don’t hand an adversary a list of targets you deem to be off limits—you are disclosing your vulnerabilities you damn fool. Those are the first ones they will go after. An enemy’s weakness is what is exploited. How freakin’ dense are you???
That must’ve been like Einstein having a conversation with a 2 year-old. I don’t have to explain who was who.
With how i’ve heard enstine was a hermit like guy, i doubt he’d have had a conversation with some random 2 yr old.
It’s a figure of speech…..
My sarcasm meter must be on the fritz
“Biden said he gave a list of “16 specific entities defined as critical infrastructure,” saying it ranges from energy to water systems”. So Joe, using your 3 x 5 cards in the meeting with Putin, you give Putin a list of 16 entities that he (Putin) should not attack, so in other words it is ok if Putin attacks other areas of our Country that is not on your list? We have someone in the White House that needs 3 x 5 cards to talk to World Leaders and we have a President that has dementia. Our Country will be brought to its knees by Russia and Communist China. Projecting weakness is great isn’t it?
AND if anything, that list TELLS RUSSIA (and china), exactly what to TARGET….
biden is putins b****.
The country which practices economic warfare/sanctions in peace time, attacking foreign countries’ mutual economic cooperations, like NS2, Turkey’s S-400 Iran’s oil business…has no right to demand anything.
And any country that PROFITS of off attacking us should be ATTACKED BACK.
Now Russia knows where they can do the most damage (thanks to the idiot).
To all of you Sniffing Biden voters. ‘ But, I don’t like the way he TWEETS, he’s mean!’ How’s that working out for you about now? Biden is not just stupid now, he’s always been stupid. I mean, telling an ‘enemy’ what 16 entities not to attack, what about 17 or 18, are those ok? Wow, I bet Putin is still shaking with fear!
I’d love to see some watters word or the like, where they INTERVIEW biden supporters, to see how many STILL ARE PROUD they voted for him..
Careful Putin, Sniffing Biden may try to paper cut you with one of his 3×5 index cheat cards.
Betcha Biden has never read Sun-Tzu!!
I doubt he even knows who the hell Sun-tzu is.
What a brain-dead bureaucrat move. Probably had a panel of 20 to come-up with ideas and a select committee that had to meet weekly to finalize the list… which gave Putin a good chuckle when he received it.
I can just hear biden telling Putin off: Don’t mess with me or I might let our own oil pipeline be completed and really give you competition Remember who said OK for you to complete yours and had ours shut off. See I can be tough (on our own) when I need to be.
What about targets # 17 through whatever? Those now seem allowable for Russian attack/hacking! Dementia joe, you fool, you sure put one over on Putin! Putin’s in Moscow right now laughing his *** off at the senile, stupid boob he met yesterday! In other words he is making jokes about the dumb *** The USA sent to meet with him!
I often wonder, ALL THOSE company hacks we saw through out the past 8 years, WERE THOSE preludes to targeting the GOVT infrastructure??
Can you imagine a pro boxer telling his opponent – do not hit me on the left arm cause I am very sensitive there; same goes if you hit me on the left rib cage. Otherwise you can hit me anywhere and I will probably win.
Headline correction:
Biden meets Putin: Puts ’16 specific entities’ in the Crosshairs of Enemies Worldwide
“Okay Vlad, while we’re sparring, let’s agree not to hit each other’s right shoulder–mine’s really tender.”
Two years later, when Xi the Jinping wants to steal a pot of Hunny from Joe… do you suppose he remembers overhearing Joe mentioning that weak right shoulder?
HE certainly DID that.. Though i fear most of our enemies already KNEW which of that 16 entity list, were prime targets.
The moron/imbecile just gave the enemy the list of targets to strike next…. Slow Roll Joe has got to be the stupidest man in any office in government any ware in the world.