The Biden administration has “a lot to be proud of” in how it handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the White House said on April 6.
The remarks by National Security Council spokesperson John Kirby came as the administration released a 12-page summary of classified reports that mostly blamed the chaotic U.S. pullout from Afghanistan on his predecessor, Donald Trump, for failing to plan for the withdrawal he had agreed on with the Taliban.
Kirby was asked if the administration had any regrets upon reviewing how it handled the withdrawal, to which the spokesperson replied that President Joe Biden was “very proud” of how the military, foreign service, and intelligence community conducted the operation.
Later when pressed again on if the administration was proud of how it conducted the mission, given chaotic scenes at Kabul’s international airport showing Afghans desperate to flee Taliban rule with some handing babies to U.S. troops or breaking in and hanging onto departing aircraft, Kirby confirmed that the president is happy with how the military acted.
“Proud of the fact that we got more than 124,000 people safely out of Afghanistan. You bet. Proud of the fact that American troops were able to seize control of a defunct airport and get it operational in 48 hours. You bet. Proud of the fact that we now have about 100,000 Afghans, our former allies and partners living in this country and working towards citizenship. You bet,” Kirby said.
“Does that mean that everything went perfect in that evacuation? Of course not.”
He continued: “Nobody’s saying that everything was perfect. But there was a lot that went right. And a lot of Afghans are now living better lives in this country and other countries around the world because of the sacrifices and the work of so many American government officials. So yeah, there’s a lot to be proud of.”
The administration’s review acknowledged that the evacuation of Americans and allies from Afghanistan should have begun sooner, but attributes the delays to the Afghan government and military and to assessments by the U.S. military and intelligence community.
The administration stated that the State Department and Pentagon sent evaluations with additional information to Congress in confidence on April 6, and that those documents were highly classified and would not be made public.
There are presently two Congressional investigations into the withdrawal. Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Texas), chairman of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, who requested documents from Blinken in January, is leading one of them.
McCaul’s committee signed a subpoena on March 28 for Secretary of State Antony Blinken to obtain a July 2021 Dissent Channel cable that is believed to have warned the administration of a lack of proper preparation Biden’s decision to withdraw all U.S. troops from Afghanistan, according to the Foreign Affairs Committee’s March 27 press release.
“We have made multiple good faith attempts to find common ground so we could see this critical piece of information. Unfortunately, Secretary Blinken has refused to provide the Dissent Cable and his response to the cable, forcing me to issue my first subpoena as chairman of this committee,” the statement read.
The committee asserts that this cable and Blinken’s response are crucial documents as they reveal what information State Department employees who were on the ground provided to Blinken about a month before the evacuation and the secretary’s response.
Reuters and The Associated Press contributed to this report.
“The Biden administration has “a lot to be proud of” in how it handled the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan, the White House said on April 6.” Dang! Huh??
The lies, cons, deceptions, immorality, hypocrisy and treachery of the treasonous, woke, socialist Democrat Party and their Democrat RINOs know no bounds.
*** “Never would I have believed then or up until this point where we are today that not just a little bit, not just some, but all of the $85 billion dollar’s worth of American equipment that we turned over to the Afghan police and the Afghan Army would fall in the hands of our enemy,” Bank said on Aug. 30. “That’s where we are at this point because of the negligence, the hasty and incompetent withdrawal led by this commander in chief, all of the $85 billion dollar’s worth of equipment has been left behind and fallen into the hands of the Taliban, without any plan, there was never a plan by this administration or the Pentagon to destroy or evacuate any of that equipment. … Leaving $85 billion of equipment. Vehicles, weapons and ammunition, night vision goggles, medical supplies, biometric devices and data of our allies. All of it falling into the hands of the Taliban.”
Of course the Democrats blamed President Donald Trump. Democrats blame him for everything Democrats do.
Democrats insane hatred of Donald Trump is a mental derangement brought on by their unable to accept that Donald Trump became President of the U.S. over their unethical, self-righteous, corrupt sweetheart “Crooked Hil-Liar-y” and the insanity has spread to their “useful idiots”, Fools and minions.
It has morphed from disappointment from Crooked Hil-Liar-y’s loss to an insane hatred of President Donald Trump and the citizens who voted for him. The woke, socialist Democrats are NOT working for our citizens and for our country. The Dishonorable Democrats are actually intentionally working AGAINST our citizens and Against our country.
SINCE They enriched our enemies, AND HURT US on the global stage, OF COURSE BIDEN and co are ‘proud’. THAT HAS BEEN THEIR GOAL all along.
Joe Biden and his administration are proud to have left American citizens behind in Afghanistan, Biden is proud that 13 American servicemen were killed by a suicide bomber, when the military would not let a one of our servicemen take out the suicide bomber and Biden is proud to have left all of that military equipment behind. Yep, Joe Biden, you are a proud communist!!!!!!
these are not communists. putin is laughing at that. these are fascists. thugs and criminals with contempt and disgust for the american people. we are the very people who saw and knew every moment of that bizarre incompetent horribly stupid sickening withdrawal. we were waiting for the report of who is fired. who is being held accountable for the misery and deaths imposed on innocents and our own military by those so incompetent one would think they are enemies of the state. and at the helm of all of it is the missing accountability of the commander in chief, joseph biden. that is who is held responsible. only this guy runs out of the room when he is responsible for putting this nation in jeopardy. the world is watching. some are laughing. some are yawning. some are scratching. and one despot already announced that the US had better never waggle their finger and speak on democracy, because only banana republics and fascists put their opposition in prison.
TRAITORS is what i call the LOT of them.
Maybe if his “Smartest guy I know” wayward son Hunter that Joe is so proud of understood the proper tactics and procedures of Withdrawal at the proper moment, he wouldn’t have so many illegitimate unclaimed grand-children running about the countryside, and America would have 13 less dead service people in the ground. Their sick sorry sense of love of Country and love of others never means having to say you’re sorry. This entire corrupted crime family is a sorry lot indeed.
Yeah! Biden is proud of his withdrawal from Afghanistan and the money and carnage he left behind. A lot of familiar pictures that the Democrats gave us in the Vietnam War that left how many of our man and women dead and for what?
Revisionist history. Tell the lie often enough and loud enough and the stupid people will believe it. How do they explain all the video showing otherwise? It’s obviously been doctored. Speaking of doctored, Biden could sure use some of that
Especially since it was the DEM LEFT WING agitators/anti-war protesters who PUSHED US TO LOSE that war, and pull out like we did…
Obviously the Biden is proud because their propaganda outlets, praised Joe as being the only man alive who could have withdrawn out of Afghanistan! Not only is creepy Joe delusional the whole democrat party is delusional! Stick a fork in it, this nation is done for!!
I seem to recall how the withdrawal from Vietnam was criticized as a huge, unplanned blunder. But when compared to the withdrawal from Afghanistan, Vietnam looked like a well rehearsed ballet. Biden and his administration should have been the American citizens who were left behind!
proud of failure! that say alot about this circus of an administraion
BUT like always, IT WAS ‘not his fault”.. IT WAS TRUMP…
Imagine the Biden Administration going to help Country XYZ who are suffering from famine. Afterwards Biden would claim he eliminated starvation in Country XYZ, and no one is hungry anymore. Biden would carefully not mention how his destruction of crops and economic policies/practices killed off those who were poor and oppressed, and how there is now enough food for the Leftist politically elites.
You gotta admit—nobody screws up any better than they do.
Article 134 for this clown show.
It is truly appalling to hear the leftist DemonRats blather on about how everything they do is perfect, and anything wrong in the country is OUR fault! They call us a “basket of deplorables”, racist, bigoted and hateful! They say we’re vile trash, unable to change our inbred racism.
In reality, THEY are the hateful racists! THEY are the ones guilty of the things they are accusing us of. They get a free pass for truly reprehensible crimes, and then accuse us of terrible crimes where none exist.
I do not advocate violence, but they are pushing us to the point where we will either have nothing left to fight for, or will have to fight another bloody civil war to take back our country. (Lord help us please)!
Everyone involved should resign, bragging makes it worse because we know it was a lie!
Everyone should be JAILED for treason… Not just allowed to resign.
Is Slo Joe also proud of the seven innocent Afghani children who were killed in a US drone attack late August 2021? The youngest was 2YO. The DoD conducted an “investigation” and found nobody responsible/culpable. Surprised right. I’m really proud of the US gubment.
This has become SOP for the Biden administration. No matter how bad they screw things up they just go out and say everything is great. The minions who vote Democrat, no matter what, will nod their head in agreement and the MSM will report it as truth simply because Democrats said it. However, those of us who actually have a functioning brain can see what a mess senile Joe and his entourage of idiots are making.