Rev. Franklin Graham fears that a deep state coup is being devised to oust President Donald Trump and take control of the White House.

“I believe we are in a coup d’etat,” Graham warned on the Todd Starnes Radio Show Wednesday. “There are people in this country who are wanting to destroy the president and take over the government by force.”

Concerted takeover from within

As congressional Republicans continue to charge that deep state operatives have been working within the Department of Justice (DOJ) and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) in a scheme to usurp the current administration, Graham aired out his own concerns during the Starnes interview about an internal job assisted by the mainstream media to depose the president – without giving names.

“They are not going to use bullets,” the evangelical leader asserted. “They are using the media to plant thoughts in people’s minds that he’s incompetent, that he’s dangerous, that you can’t trust him with nuclear weapons, that he is mentally unstable.”

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Trump defenders attacked

And those who back Trump are suffering the consequences and being attacked themselves.

“Graham and other Christian leaders have been targeted in recent days by the mainstream media for their unwavering support of the president,” Fox News reported. “Many have been accused of hypocrisy for backing a man who is accused of cheating on his wife and using profanity.”

Former Republican National Committee (RNC) Chair Michael Steele did not hold back his own attack on evangelicals for supporting Trump through all of the anti-Trump “fake news” aired by leftist media outlets from coast to coast.

“I have a very simple admonition at this point,” Steele told MSNBC’s Hardballaccording to a report from the Huffington Post. “Just shut the hell up and don’t ever preach to me about anything ever again. I don’t want to hear it. After telling me how to live my life, who to love, what to believe, what not to believe, what to do and what not to do, and now you sit back and the prostitutes don’t matter? The grabbing the you-know-what doesn’t matter? The outright behavior and lies don’t matter? Just shut up.”

Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins was targeted by the mainstream media after he conceded that Christians and those on the political right gave Trump another chance after his crude comments came to light before the presidential election.

“Yes, evangelicals, conservatives – they gave him a mulligan,” Perkins admitted to CNN. “They let him have a do-over. They said we’ll start afresh with you and we’ll give you a second chance.”

However, two of the nation’s influential evangelical leaders were quick to stress that Trump’s lewd behavior did not take place while in office, but years before he ran for the presidency.

“Both Graham and Perkins pointed out that Trump’s alleged sinful transgressions occurred long before he took the oath of office,” Fox’s Todd Starnes informed. “On the other hand, Bill Clinton’s admitted indiscretions not only happened during his presidential term – they literally happened in the Oval Office.”

Graham specifically addressed his own willingness to forgive and forget what Trump has done in the past, reminding Americans not to cast the proverbial first stone and calling the allegations against the president a distraction that keeps him from focusing on his job.

“We are all flawed people,” the renowned preacher from North Carolina explained on the Todd Starnes Radio Show. “The president is a sinner. Franklin Graham is a sinner. We are not perfect people. Has he had scandals in his life? Sure he has. These scandals happened a number of years ago. That doesn’t make it right. I don’t condone bad language. I don’t condone adultery.”

Even though the president of the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association (BGEA) does not agree with many of the things Trump has said and done in the past, he still backs the president as he strives to implement an agenda that is grounded in biblical principles, such as his stances on homosexuality and abortion.

“He’s not perfect, but he’s our president,” Graham added. “He said he didn’t do it. I have to take his word over that of the media that is trying to lynch him.”

Agreeing with Perkins, Graham insisted that he would be the first to condemn the president if he engaged in immoral behavior while serving in the White House, and then urged Americans to pray for God’s protection of Trump from Satan’s attacks.

“We need to pray for those that surround the president that God will protect them and keep them safe,” the president of Samaritan’s Purse insisted. “I believe that he’s the president of this nation because God allowed it, and I think on election night, God intervened. He wasn’t supposed to win – he was supposed to lose, and I think it was God who worked in a mysterious way on election night to turn the tables.”

Evidence of a coup

Substantiating Graham’s fears, Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) argued that “elements [of a] palace coup meant to disrupt” Trump on the campaign trail and in the White House were exhibited in FBI officials’ actions and behavior.

“These are the elements of a palace coup that was underway to disrupt President Trump, both before and after his election,” Gaetz shared on Fox News’ The Story with Martha MacCallumaccording to a report published by “And I suspect there will be multiple inquiries.”

More and more evidence is revealing that a conspiracy against Trump is anything but speculation.

“The FBI admitted last week that it had ‘failed to preserve’ text messages from two anti-Trump FBI employees during a five-month period,”’s Kathryn Blackhurst reported. “Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-Texas) told Fox News on Monday that new text messages between Peter Strzok and Lisa Page showed Strzok implying that a ‘secret society’ of anti-Trump federal agents attempted to prevent Trump from becoming president.”

Gaetz shared with MacCallum about how the Justice Department had in their possession incriminating text messages, but that the FBI insisted that it did not have them.

“So, we’ve got conflicting information,” the conservative congressman asserted. “Are the texts truly lost or does the inspector general have them? That’s what Congress needs to find out immediately. Conflicting information demands answers. We also need to correct conflicting information.”

Gaetz proceeded to call the House Intelligence Committee to make public a four-page memo penned by Rep. Devin Numes (R-Calif.), who chairs the panel. The document highlights the Obama administration’s abuses of targeting Trump during his presidential campaign in 2016.

“Democrats have actually boycotted a review of this memo,” Gaetz pointed out. “I think it would be good for every member of Congress to read it and then for us to have a public vote to release this memo to the American people so that everyone can see what was really going on at the FBI.”

The conservative from Florida said contentions that Trump would try to keep the memo hidden are “categorically false.”

“I have every confidence [Trump] would allow it to enter the public square,” Gaetz concluded. “Because when you pair memo – which I have read – with the purported missing five months of text messages, the overlay of the timeline is very interesting and tells quite a story.”


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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