Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) is sponsoring a bill that would force taxpayers to fund the creation of a 1.5 million-member “Civilian Climate Corps” that would push communities to adopt environmental extremist measures to fight so-called “climate change.”
Going green with America’s green
Co-sponsoring the bill – called the Civilian Climate Corps for Jobs and Justice Act – with Sen. Edward Markey (D-Mass.), the controversial Democratic Socialist, AOC, is using her Party’s pitch of diversity and equity to forward the left’s pricey climate-alarmist agenda.
“A diverse and equitable group of 1.5 million Americans over five years will complete federally funded projects that help communities respond to climate change and transition to a clean economy,” Democrats announced. “Civilian Climate Corps work will reduce carbon emissions, enable a transition to renewable energy, build healthier and more resilient communities, implement conservation projects with proven climate benefits, and help communities recover from climate disasters.”
Despite the fact that the climate has always been changing – while reputable scientists attest that manmade pollutants have little to do with global warming – Democrats are pushing the legislation that is being called just a small part of a reintroduction to the multi-trillion-dollar Green New Deal … under the pretense of a global crisis.
However, President Joe Biden is pushing his new transformational green economy as a necessary step to get America back to a booming economy – even though former President Donald Trump’s pre-COVID-19 economy without any green trimmings was perhaps the strongest economy in world history.
“Despite that, Biden wishes to forward the lie that our economy needs to be completely rebuilt, [and] contrary to the Democrats’ claims, pouring money into unnecessary programs such as the Civilian Climate Corps would do nothing but hurt the economy in the long run,” The Western Journal reported. “In addition, climate change is not an existential crisis, and we don’t need to spend billions of dollars to stop it.”
Pushing science fiction?
Biden’s “climate envoy” John Kerry has resorted to fear tactics by sounding the alarm that the threat of climate change can end life on Earth as we know it – unless we spend trillions of dollars to reach unscientific “solutions.”
“How many politicians, how many scientists, how many people have stood up and said, ‘This is existential for us on this planet?’” Kerry told NPR last month. Bottom of Form“Existential. That means life and death. And the question is, are we behaving as if it is? And the answer is no.”
In addition to Ocasio-Cortez’s fallacious claim that Florida’s coastline will be underwater in a few years due to melting icecaps, former Vice President Al Gore’s imagery of polar bears drowning from melting ice and teen poster child (now 18 years old) Greta Thunberg’s unscientific assertions that global citizens are quickly ushering in the world’s rapid destruction by not going green, Kerry says we have less than a decade to escape impending environmental doom.
“The scientists told us three years ago we had 12 years to avert the worst consequences of climate crisis,” Kerry warned in February, according to The Hill. “We are now three years gone, so we have nine years left.”
The former secretary of state pointed to a report the United Nations put out in 2018 claiming that in order to keep the Earth from rising 1.5 degrees by 2030, global emissions must drop by 45%.
“We all need to develop not just a number, but a road map for how we will actually make the dramatic progress we need to make over the next 10 years and what we will specifically do to get to net-zero by no later than 2050,” Kerry continued.
Some $10 billion in taxpayer money would go toward paying the 1.5 million workers over five years, explained Fox News, and Democrats are claiming that minorities are hardest hit by the climate change because of racist policies. Consequently, AOC is focusing on South Bronx in New York, St. Louis and Flint, Michigan.
“At least 50% of the funding would be reserved for ‘environmental justice’ communities, which would also provide at least 50% of the Civilian Climate Corps members,” Fox News reported. “Another 10% of funding would be reserved for tribal communities.”
Even though the world has experienced less wildfires and hurricanes over the past few years than in previous decades, Kerry insists that all the weather the world has seen – including the extremely cold winter weather in the South – is the byproduct of global warming, which he contends is “the new normal.”
“It is directly related to the warming, even though your instinct is to say, wait a minute, this is the new Ice Age, but it’s not,” Kerry said, according to The Hill. “It is coming from the global warming and it threatens all the normal weather patterns.”
After Trump broke away from the highly criticized Paris climate agreement, Democrats rejoined it last week, and Kerry attests that the world can never do enough to stop global warming.
“We know that just doing Paris is not enough,” Kerry said while endorsing the launch of a new environmental activist group named America Is All In. “If every country delivered, we’d still see a warming planet Earth.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
Yep, hire 1.5 million people at taxpayer expense as the Gestapo, where they will infiltrate all cities and towns in America and the result will be that we will not have energy to heat our homes, we will not have energy to air condition our homes, we will not have energy for cooking. We might as well head for the caves, all in the name of “climate change”.
I WISH, beyond all hope that these climate not cases would show some “scientific” PROOF of their claims!
The reason that they don’t is because there is NO “scientific” PROOF of their scare tactics, just their words and we ALL know they couldn’t tell the truth if they had a mouthful!
Even the UN after ten years of studying and computer modeling CAN’T prove “global warming” or that man made CO2 emissions has had ANY major effect on the climate!
THEY said we’d have ten yeasr before most of the East coast would be under water, in the late 70s/early 80s.. They said ‘in a decade’ we;d be in a new ice age. THEN the whole “Global warming” would turn many areas into deserts, like the gobi..
SO FAR NOT ONE OF THEIR “Predictions of doom” have ever came true.. WHY SHOULD WE ever start believing them now.>!
The soon to be vice president Nazi Nancy Pelosi has stated her objectives.
The “Socialist Democrat Party State” political officers, Gestapo, Woke and Cancel Culture are just getting started.
You will obey, be loyal and support the “Socialist Democrat Party State” or you will be classified as
“Enemies of the State”.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as
“domestic enemies” and “enemies of the State”.
AND what’s the bet, ALL THOSE climate corps, will fly around in PRIVATE JETS.
Your are 100% correct, this climate change warriors, are not one bit interested in the climate change they use it a SOAP BOX, and then get that foot in the door, and then it goes from doing something, to going on their agenda of The NAZI 3rd reich plan , which is what they had in mind all along. dirty rotten corrupt communist.
Secular Socialist “AOC, is using her Party’s pitch of diversity and equity to forward the left’s pricey climate-alarmist agenda.” ,,,,sounds like another attempt to hire and create a Democrat party Climate Gestapo to hire, pay for play, and lock in 1.5 million Democrat party votes. Just how many ways can a Democrat create opportunities to steal power OVER “The People”, bought and paid for with their own taxpayer money? Can someone explain their double speak meaning and attempts to have the benefits of both worlds of “Diversity”,,,,which means different,,,,and “Equity” which means the same? Just how oxymoronic and in OAC’s case just plain MORONIC can one person, party, or person who takes them seriously, get? Exit the age of American reason, soon to be followed by the exit of American power and success.
Add to that, they don’t want WE THE PEOPLE to work, but just want to swell the ranks of the GOVT work force..
Populated with illegal foreigners with foreign interests with foreign failing ideas that will take down the American Republic faster than the fall of Rome.
It does make me wonder, HOW MANY already working in our govt, ARE FOREIGNERS!
if aoc’s name and the squad and pelosi, schiff, an d a few others , names were on a NATIONWIDE, ballot, there is a good chance they would not have been elected again. ONE BALLOT with everyone running on it. sure a long ballot, but which is worse, a long ballot of 2 to 4 to 6 yrs with a TRAITOR in the house or senate or white house.
The climate that really needs to change is the political one in Washington DC. These people love to enact self-made fairy tales—climate change, Russian collusion, systemic racism, etc. They are so far removed from reality.
They are indeed removed from reality, but more importantly, they should be removed from office!
If i had my way, they’d be removed from this ENTIRE PLANET. Permanently!
All the “man made” climate changes all are referenced as “hottest/coldest/wettest/driest . . on RECORD”. Record? So the weather reports only started in the late 1800’s? And we base ALL the data on that cherry picked set of numbers? So how hot was the summer of 1398? How much rain fell during April of 1173? Did the temperature of 2388 BC give the people a hard time? Let’s start a CCC –Communist-Controlled-Confusion to out the frauds and evil of the AOC’s of the country.
Exactly, 1xnuke.
I live in FL, and every morning on the weather they give the high & low temp records for this date. Sometimes the record high was set back in the ’40s,’50s, etc. Global Warming back then?? They probably only have (semi) accurate weather records going back only 250 years or so, if that. This “Global Warming” bs has probably been going on for eons, long before the gasoline engine and coal-fired power plants were invented. What a bunch of hog-wash.
I’ve laughed at the dates some of those “Record” highs occured on.. EXACTLY HOW CORRECT were the weather gauges back in the 1840s!!!
>>”The more modern thermometer was invented in 1709 by Daniel Fahrenheit. It was an enclosed glass tube that had a numerical scale, called the Fahrenheit scale. The early version of this thermometer contained alcohol and in 1714 Fahrenheit developed a mercury thermometer using the same scale.”<<
I doubt that many people owned them back then, especially in FL, but they must've been fairly common by 1850.
Were those really that great for telling the high/low temp??
Why are only White people’s taxes expected to pay for their assimilation out of existence by unlimited third-world immigration and FORCE integration into EVERY White country and ONLY White countries? Nobody demands that the Chinese must pay for their assimilation out of existence by breeding with millions of non-Chinese in their own country.
Diversity is a code word for White Genocide.
Exactly. If you look at what nations they are trying to PUNISH with this nonsense, its JUST WHITE controlled ones… Diversity and ‘inclusiveness’, is bull only forced on WHITE nations..
After billions of years of the Earth’s climate changing there suddenly is a problem? For the last fifity years there have predictions of global cooling, then global warming, now it’s just climate change (how original). Deadlines have come and gone with dire predictions never taking place, by the 80’s it was cooling and the palnet would be an ice cube, the 90’s it was warming the ice caps would be gone and New York City would be under water, in the new milenium it’s unquantifed change. I think I have it figured out, these people dislike the unpredictability of the weather, meteorologists have difficulty predicting with certainty the forecasts fo a few days, why should anyone believe prognostcations for decades ahead. Just as they fear unpredictability they fear change, the same with their politics, doing the same thing over and over again even though it never works. Maybe that is why socialism has such a hold on people?
AOC= “Always Off Course”
Blithering idiot.
Delusional AOC, the high priestess of the church of climate change, is seeking massive federal funds to create a corps of missionaries to spread her irrational gospel of the existential threat posed by climate change and lobby communities to invest significant taxpayer funds to fight the grossly overstated threat. In a sane administration, AOC’s proposal would would be ignored or even ridiculed. Under the rule of the easily manipulated, anti-science Biden-Harris administration along with the support of a Democrat-controlled congress, I will not be surprised if governors, mayors, and town councils end up getting a visit from AOC’s climate change disciples.
IF she’s the “High priestess”, what does that make Thunberg?
This off the wall **** by AOC and her nutty followers is even far out by her standards. Surely there are some democrats that don’t go along with this proposal from a know nothing bartender. If so they need to speak up and put this youngster in her place, and that’s not heading some commission that’s trying to bankrupt us with their worthless ideas.
It seems like the latest bunch of liberals can’t come up with nutty ideas fast enough.
God help us because it seems like we can’t help ourselves.
On the one hand, this would be just like Mao’s “Red Guards”…. on the other hand, are they going to find 1.5 million Millennials and Gen-Z who would be willing to work, instead of sitting around gaming and collecting unemployment?
Unless their ‘compensation package’, is high, i doubt they could get 15 THOUSAND workers.
Smells an awful lot like Mao’s Red Guards in the 1960’s. Wonderful.
Mao had the Red Guards and now Occasional Cortex will have the Green Guards as she reaches for ultimate power as the first General Secretary of a marxist America. This Corps will be activists and layabouts who will go through citizens’ trash, snitch on people who do not separate their recycling properly and monitor showering and air conditioning and shame (eventually worse) who are not sufficiently green. Since the global warming hoax has now been rebranded again as “environmental racism”, insufficient climate alarmism will be like insufficient anti-racism and will soon enough lead to prosecution and re-education. This is nothing but a fascist militia, and what is needed is a militia of free citizens to fight this. Down with the dictatorship! Biden and his eventual successor delenda est!
does anybody in the gop have the balls to stand up to this threat to our safety and freedoms?
we are letting them run roughshot over our liberties.
where are the gop law suits to stop this mess?
hell the dems filed lawsuits daily on trump and republicans.
i am dumb founded that none of the gop elected officials are not willing to fight for the ones who voted for them.
Unfortunately, no. THERE appears to be NO BALLS left, in the GOP.
If democrats want to have a climate change for a cooler environment of 5 to 10 degrees, all they have to do is shut their mouth for at least a couple of minutes. Want it cooler, these need to help, aoc, pelosi, schumer, waters, sharpton, obama, michelle – cooler by 20 degrees or more.
How’s about we mandate ALL DEMS
A) Cease flying on private jets. HELL CEASE FLYING period.
B) Cut off all gas/electric to their homes.. They want to heat it, USE wind or solar ONLY
C) Force them to cease driving ANYWHERE.. They need to travel, ride a horse, or peddle a 10 speed bike.
If any one of them believed in “climate change,” they would be blatantly modeling exemplary behavior, and challenging their colleagues and all else to do so. But, they don’t truly believe in climate change. They aren’t truly in fear for the planet. They aren’t truly motivated to do anything that doesn’t net a personal profit.
This whole balloney is nothing but, utter BULL designed for two things.
1) CONTROL over us
2) Getting them lots of dosh!
Fascist Ole Horseteeth’s Climate Corpse is another aspect of Hitler’s Brown Coats. Coming to a neighborhood near you. They need to be tarred and feathered, then run out of town on a rail. When you see one, scare them enough to get them to leave town.
ITS well past time they got tarred and feathered.. ITS to the point, these traitors need to get strung up.. AND LEFT for the crows to feed on.
Will they be armed?
Imagine Antifa and BLM soldiers will get first dibs on these jobs which will probably pay $50-75,000 plus perks and get nifty uniforms with berets since they seem to tend toward berets. You can rest assured we will be saved from Climate Disaster by this crew.
All the while the burn city after city to the ground… I wonder, how much “Climate change gasses’ all those fires contributed!
Ummmmm, NOT!!!!!!
Hmmm…seems to me a corps should be started to make 4 eyed bug eyes donkey faces extinct.
That would average out to one Brownshirt monitoring the CO2 emissions of 60-some homes. So you could expect them to spend a whole day every two or three months to concentrate on your family and handing out fines for things like owning a propane barbecue or a gas weed eater.
AND what’s the bet, IF SHE gets her way, they will get military/police support, to ENSURE we “comply”..
I challenge anyone anywhere to point out even one occassion when a government project was done on time &/or on budget. No, “temporary” jobs are NEVER complete. “Cheap” jobs eventually cost not less than 10 times the original quote.
“One more dollar” or “one more day” is as shallow as “just one more drink” for an alcoholic; never never never enough.
Good point. Accountability, waste, abuse and fraud is RIFE IN anything dealing with the govt.
Case and point, i went out to a local electronics store, to open source getting a dozen ceiling mounted projectors, back in 2008.. Was quoted 14,050, including installation costs, AS THE “Military discount”.
THEN I went back in that store, and said “I am looking to upgrade my home and that of five others, i am flipping. how much to get the twelve overhead mounted projectors, one in the basements (for a film room), one in the Den, including installation.
THE QUOTE I GOT, was 3,900… BARELY 1/5th what they quoted me, for the MILITARY Discount…
I talked to the manger, and showed him the quote i got for the “military discount”, and ranted at him, that HOW IS IT the DISCOUNT is almost Five times the normal civilian cost..
HE simply said, “ITS Done that way, cause LEGALLY we can.”
EVEN showing the paperwork to the GSA and other pencil pushers, nothing got DONE to that store.
Though i HAVE seen some businesses who did the SAME thing, get done for ‘deliberately Gouging military’. Including one local hotel chain in San diego, who charged almost DOUBLE what a room cost, then took ‘25%” off that cost, for military discount, so it LOOKED Like the rooms were cheaper..
THe base responded, by putting that hotel on a “BLACK LIST”, so ALL incoming folk, who needed Hotelling for their TAD, or temporary lodging, were warned to NOT USE that hotel..