“A democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” – John Adams
America’s ultimate power in the world rests more on its democratic ideals than its economic and its military strength. Since our founding, our commitment to the rule of law, freedom of the press, and equal justice for all has been the envy of all free world nations. And what has influenced the world’s opinion most about America is how its 50 states remain independent under a central government.
In the past few decades, the world has watched in collective horror as our once proud democracy falls from grace. A destructive political divide between progressives and the people threatens to destroy our representative democracy. From street violence, to threatening the Supreme Court, using federal police for political gain, our democratic republic has been abducted by progressives.
Our allies are deeply concerned about our future. European leaders worry that the U.S. socialist progressive movement will spread to their countries. French President Macron said he still believes in American democracy. It is time that we show some respect for our own democracy. too.
“Civility is not a tactic or a sentiment, but it is a determined choice of trust over cynicism.” – George W. Bush
According to Freedom House, the U.S. world freedom score dropped 11 points last decade. It fell three points in 2021. This moved the U.S. out of the top tier that included nations such as France and Germany. This is the first time since Freedom House has been tracking democratic freedom that America has fallen into the second tier along with weaker democracies like Romania and Panama.
Michael J. Abramowitz, president of Freedom House, said, “Authoritarian powers, especially China, are advancing their interests around the world, while democracies, especially America, is divided and consumed by internal conflicts. For freedom to prevail on a global scale, the American people must work together to strengthen democracy at home if they ever want to see democracy abroad.”
The world has seen the damage done to our democracy in less than two years with a progressive trifecta and eight previous years of progressive leadership. If we continue at this pace, the U.S. will share the dubious space of Orban’s Hungary and Erdogan’s Turkey on the World Freedom index.
World democracies use to think since the U.S. had such a long history of democratic government it would always be maintained as its national identity. They also felt that America had a society that had too much individual strength to relinquish its freedom to a group of powerful beltway politicians.
So what has caused America to go backwards on the world freedom index? It started following the Great Recession with Obama’s “change campaign.” Feeling the misery of the economic collapse, voters looked to progressives for a new direction. They believed Obama when he said “he’d even the playing field for everyone.”
“We are the change you have been looking for.” – Barack Obama
The world listened when Obama claimed he would unite America and make changes in our society and government that would benefit democracy. Obama claimed to be an expert on race relations, and he negotiated the terms of social contracts for Blacks, other identity groups and LGBTs. Every local racial incident gained national focus and was a talking point Obama used to “school America.”
Obama’s obsession with race changed world opinion about American homogeneity. They saw America in a different light. With a number of high-profile incidents with police and violent protests by identity groups, many Americans, as well as world democracies, felt race relations were worse.
“The police acted stupid. I’ve invited them to a beer summit at the White House.” – Barack Obama
The world watched Obama force progressive policies on America. His America shared the wealth and everyone paid their fair share. Poverty increased and he expanded the welfare state. He over-regulated business and his $825 billion stimulus package was filled with gifts for special interests.
Obama’s only legislative achievement, Obamacare, a gift few people wanted, was put under the Christmas trees in America on Christmas Eve, 2009. Again, the world took notice as America’s free market healthcare was snatched away from them by a group of Washington progressive politicians.
“I promise. Once we pass the bill and you take the time to read it, you will like it.” – Nancy Pelosi
During Obama’s first term, it became obvious that he cared more about politics than about policies for America. And voters rebelled. Democrats suffered huge losses in state legislatures and governor-ships. They also lost the House after two years. Obama’s partisan politics and progressive social policies handcuffed American Democracy. This increased our decline on the world freedom index.
America prospered under Donald Trump, with the lowest unemployment and best economy in five decades. Yet media did their best to negatively influence world opinion about Trump’s leadership.
Our allies loved us, and our enemies hated us and media turned this into a global double negative.
“I took this job for one reason. I wanted to make America a great nation again.” – Donald Trump
The Great Recession and Obama’s change rhetoric gave socialists and progressives a voice on the world stage that has tainted global opinion about American democracy. It has not only affected our democratic republic, but it has shown the world we are venerable to factions and not dependable.
For the last two years, America has been run by a progressive trifecta which has accelerated its decline on the World Freedom index. Free world nations are expressing concern about censorship, increased violence, out of control spending, self-inflicted inflation and one political party dominating policy. This is not the America that they once admired for its democratic strength as a world power.
When a country that was energy independent just two years ago, has its president visiting rogue nations like Venezuela begging President Nicolás Maduro to produce more oil to sell to America, the world is not impressed. This makes America lose face with our allies as well as our enemies!
Edmund Burke said, “Democracy must be defended every day.” A recent Pan-European survey shows since Joe Biden took office, the UK and the majority of EU member states think the U.S. political system is in trouble, and Europe can no longer rely on the U.S. They now look to Berlin rather than Washington as their most important partner. They fear that China will soon take over as the world’s super-power, and America will not be capable to defend world democracy any longer.
The progressive trifecta has broken our democracy and the world is taking notice. We can’t defend foreign democracies if we cannot defend ours. Are we ready to start doing that, or will we continue down the progressive path of democratic destruction?
“The best way to protect and to defend world democracy is to demonstrate to them how well it works for us here in America.” – Jimmy Carter
You started things down hill with your elitist talk down to the American people and with Ferguson started the defund the police movement with the help of Eric Holder which began the greatest emergence of racial hate speech and violence in America in decades. You were a divider and you did little to help our Republic and even less to help blacks and browns in this country. So, please go away.
You made your millions off of American people and you tricked them for 8 long miserable years. Stay home and out of the scene as you have already contributed your part to the future destruction of our Republic. You trained Biden well but at least you were articulate in your destructive professorial rhetoric whereas Biden is a lost, senile, angry old man who should be babbling to an empty nursing home auditorium mumbling about how to transform a Republic into a Progressive Socialistic state and an energy independent financially successful country into a country with high inflation, high gas costs, high crime rates, weakness as a leader giving encouragement to Putin to invade Ukraine and to China for their future invasion of Taiwan bringing us closer to the brink of WWIII than we were during the Cuban missile crisis and the cold war with the Soviet Union…
The Democrat-Socialist Party of America Says, ”
“The most effective means are whatever will achieve the desired results.” – Saul Alinsky
Former, democrat President, Barack H. Obama, a former COMMUNITY ORGANIZER, would agree with Saul Alinski.
The Picture of Democrat Former President, Barack H. Obams,in this article, reminds one of the description given by “Merrian Webster Dictionary of the term, ” Cheshire Cat” Which means, “A broadly Grinning cat in Lewis Carrols” Alice in Wonderland.”
“We are the change you have been looking for.” – Barack Obama
Who’s we;…..transvestites, thugs, serial felons?? True Americans don’t want your divisive racism and police defunding, Mr. Half n Half!!
“So what has caused America to go backwards on the world freedom index?
It started following the Great Recession with Obama’s “change campaign.”
You got to admit the “change campaign” did work, but NOT for the benefit of our country.
The world watched Obama force progressive policies on America. His America shared the wealth and everyone paid their fair share. Poverty increased and he expanded the welfare state and he forced the LGBTQ lifestyle to be promoted and protected by the government.
Obama and now his puppet Biden increased our national debt more than all of the proceeding presidents combined.
Barack Obama’s Net Worth: $70 Million – Obama has an estimated net worth of $70 million, according to Celebrity Net Worth, in part due to earning $400,000 a year throughout his entire eight-year term as president of the United States. On April 15, 2016, Obama released his 2015 tax returns, which showed that the former president and Michelle Obama filed jointly and reported an adjusted gross income of $436,065. – 8 x $436,065 = $34,885,544 Where did the other 36 million come from in just 5 years?? That is 7.2 $million a year.
SSomething is ” Bask-asz ward when the illegal and legal hyphantated Americans are treated better by its government programs than hard-working Americans
But what would you expect from ( The elite of the democrat, Socialist, / Communist, Party of America. )
Obamacare, Nancy Pelosi once Said, ” You have to pass it to see whats in it. ” And then democrat ,former presidemt Barack H. Obama said this about himself, ” To paraphrase Obama, ” I serve as a blank slate… ” democrat elite have alway been sort of vage when it comes to details.
If you have read “Summary of the 48 Laws of Power by Robert Green,former democrat presedent, Barack H. Obam’s Picture in this article is an example of ” Rule #1, which states, “… The unreadable poker face, like the bland facade is frequently the idea smokescrean concealing your intentions…”
Anita Dunn – Wikipedia
Following her statements, Glenn Beck played on his show a portion of a speech Dunn gave at a high school graduation, during which she referenced Mao-Tse-Tung and Mother Teresa as two of her “favorite political philosophers”.
The Democrat elite never Change Its apparent.
AND NOT ONE change, was for the better!
SHOCKING New Poll: Is America Worth Defending? Democrats Say No
Bobby Eberle | Mar 15, 2022 | 13-Minute News Hour
FAUXCIFRAUD on 4:36 pm October 20, 2022
“We are the change you have been looking for.” – Barack Obama…”
” Do you actually believe That Public opinion Influences the government.” Voltaire
” Democracy is just a filler for the textbooks.”
” The anger and Violence encouraged by ” BLACK LIVES MATTER,” Generalize to all Whites including DEMS who seem to think they’re Immune.” From GOPUSA- May 27Th.2021
“The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu
The Democrat, Socialist/ Communist Party of America Hit America. “The supreme art of war is to subdue the enemy without fighting.” – Sun Tzu
The Picture of former democrat president, Barack H. Obama looks like,
Look like the cat that ate the canary – TheFreeDictionary.com
What does look like the cat that ate the canary expression mean? Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. … Also, look like the cat that swallowed the canary. Appear smug and self-satisfied. For example, After she hit her third winning shot, Jeannie loloked like the cat that ate the canary. [Second half of 1800s]
Is that a real photo? Death warmed over or something similar is a saying I recall
When the only people getting rich while providing little or no effort are our alleged representatives WE HAVE A SERIOUS PROBLEM! We allow the THIEVES to lie, cheat and steal their way to financial success by continuously voting them back while hoping beyond hope that things will be different the next term. It’s the definition of insanity and looking around our COUNTRY I’d say that we have arrived at the ASYLUM!
response to JR on 11:31 am October 22, 2022
“A democracy never lasts long. It soon wastes, exhausts, and murders itself.” – John Adams– Taken from above article
“…Democracy is the worst form of government until all others have been tried.” Winston Churchill
Joe Manchin, Democrat, Played us as did Liz Cheney but things just didn’t turn out the way that they thought they would. Oh Well.!
Former democrat, Socialist, Communist, Party of America, Barack H. ” Obama and communist party member, Frank Marshal Davis, a big Obama mentor…” From ” Judicial Watch
” Jarrett’s dad, pathologist and geneticist Dr. James Bowman, had extensive ties to Communist associations and individuals, his lengthy FBI file shows. In 1950 Bowman was in communication with a paid Soviet agent named Alfred Stern, who fled to Prague after getting charged with espionage. Bowman was also a member of a Communist-sympathizing group called the Association of Internes and Medical Students. After his discharge from the Army Medical Corps in 1955, Bowman moved to Iran to work, the FBI records show….
Jarrett’s father-in-law, Vernon Jarrett, was also another big-time Chicago Communist, according to separate FBI files obtained by JW as part of a probe into the Jarrett family’s Communist ties. For a period of time Vernon Jarrett appeared on the FBI’s Security Index and was considered a potential Communist saboteur who was to be arrested in the event of a conflict with the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR).
FBI Files Document Communism in Valerie Jarrett’s Family…”
Democrat Former President, Barack H. Obama, and Valerie Varrett,
According to this Quote, ” The acorn doesn’t fall far from the tree.” Author Unknown
Former First Lady, M. Obama when she first moved into a white neighborhood said this about ” white Flight …
violent black-white interracial crime
“… violent black-white interracial crime? According to the FBI’s Bureau of Justice Statistics, in 2018, there were about 600,000 such instances. In 90% of them, the perpetrator was black, the victim white….”