I dare you to look, with a clear and unfiltered lens, at the bloody nightmare we once called the United States of America.
Connect the dots. Contemplate the utter chaos in every major city while Black Lives Matter militants, academics and bureaucrats prattle on about “systemic racism” and “two-tiered justice.” It’s about much more than the horrific mass murders and attempted murders in Waukesha, Wisconsin, where the annual Christmas parade will now forever be stained by the wanton acts of alleged killer Darrell Brooks — a convicted sex offender and domestic abuser who sailed through George Soros-funded Milwaukee County District Attorney John Chisholm’s soft-on-black crime revolving door like a Six Flags season pass holder.
Look at Philadelphia, home to another Soros-funded DA, where four black teenage girls beat the stuffing out of a group of Asian students on a SEPTA train in broad daylight last week. The lead aggressor, a hulking female in a hijab, brutally punished one Asian girl for asking her to stop harassing her friends. Viral video shows how Ms. Islam-Is-Peace tackled the intervener to the ground and beat her over the head with her shoe and clenched fists. Not a single adult intervened.
Un-prosecutor Larry Krasner, who campaigned on “restorative justice” policies to protect black teenage criminals from prison sentences, has now filed “ethnic intimidation” charges against the SEPTA gangsters. But who would he have believed if there had not been video? And what would he have done if the victims were white?
The mother of the profanity-spewing brute told NBC10:
“My daughter did not mean it. When she gets the opportunity to, she will give a sincere apology. … As you can clearly see in the video, my daughter is Muslim. We do not carry ourselves that way. We carry ourselves with respect, modesty and humility.”
Where have I heard that before? Ah, yes. The “that’s not who my daughter is” defense was most recently invoked by former NBA player Corey Benjamin, whose little thugette was caught on video just a few weeks ago in Garden Grove, California, sucker-punching an Asian girl at a basketball game. The black girl’s mom goaded her daughter from the sidelines and jeered, “Go and hit her.”
Papa Benjamin claimed he was “shocked and disappointed at my daughter’s behavior as this is not a reflection of the values and standards that my family holds.” Never mind that Mama incited the violence or that the boxing Benjamin had assaulted two other female basketball players just weeks prior.
But this is not who they are. And it’s never their fault.
Look at the living hellhole of New York City, where homeless lunatics push random strangers off subway platforms, repeat offenders rob and beat pedestrians on their way to work, and druggies urinate, defecate and fornicate openly on once-safe tourist thoroughfares.
Look at Oak Brook, Illinois, just outside woke-hijacked Chicago, where mobs of diverse thieves carted off $120,000 from a Louis Vuitton store on Wednesday afternoon.
Look at Walnut Creek, California, where roving bands of black-clad gangs absconded with $200,000 worth of merchandise from Nordstrom. Similar crime rings hit luxury stores in Hayward, San Jose, and Los Angeles. We are all supposed to pretend we can’t discern the race of the criminals so “experts” can castigate us for using racist terms like “looting” to describe … looting.
We are hectored repeatedly by the Biden administration that “white supremacy” is the root of all this country’s problems. CNN reported as “news” this week that “there’s nothing more frightening in America today than an angry White man.” Systemic racism and two-tiered justice won’t allow black criminals to get a fair shake, we are propagandized over and over — even as a new catch-and-release carousel-riding Darrell Brooks emerges with numbing regularity by the week or day.
The scourge of Soros DAs has ushered in nothing but misery, filth and death across the ravaged plain in the name of social justice, but if we just tear down one more Thomas Jefferson statue, strip away one more Confederate general’s name off a military base and toss another trillion or two or 10 or 20 at “diversity, inclusion and equity” initiatives to make white people atone for their alleged sins, peace and harmony will prevail.
Fraud upon fraud upon fraud. How many more innocent Dancing Grannies and schoolchildren have to die for the Big Lies? When will more good people stop reflexively cringing in the face of accusations of “racism” and call out the racist system of two-tiered justice that is actually bringing America to its knees?
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at www.creators.com.
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Darrel Brooks is just a drop in the Democrat socialist river of no return,,,,to American honesty, integrity, Self-government, truth, Justice and the American way. Ever since Obama took office to take control of the American educational system ,his 5th columnists educationalists have culturally indoctrinated sedate peace loving American children into malcontents of evil intentions and potential social violence. He turned the American dream of 1800 Pennsylvania Avenue into an American Nightmare on Elm Street. His Leftists previously in one stroke of no-fault divorce, created and enable the crippling of single families of fatherless children with no sense of Male strength in self-restraint, or search for excellence, now feminized to the core. Their army of social darkness and evil intentions has now matured to adulthood, and there are legions like Brooks just awaiting for their own person mind implanted dog whistle of insurrection to be blown at the proper time at the heights of social and racial division. Do not be deceived, there is a major force behind the scenes orchestrating what they disguise and promote as natural Darwinian social evolution which in reality is just a social mutation into social distortion of American DNA destruction.
This didn’t just start with Oboob but he sure was going to speed things up to convert this country to Islamic communism. This can be traced perhaps all the way back to FDR. His 3rd VP was an admitted communist. But things really started to fall apart when the communist made a big push to take the dummycrat in 1968. The communist wing rioted at the Democrat convention in Chicago when moderate Humphrey when the nomination from hard leftist McCarthy. After that, they have been sending presidential candidates who are either incompetent or communist. Bill Clinton appeared to be a moderate but he was just as communist as Oboob, but the Clintons were more interested in themselves than communism. Oboob’s first priority was for the communist cause, then himself. Now we are seeing a stupid incompetent communist who has no brain but manages to fill his pants with manure. Tyranny on the march, just like 1933 Germany.
but, but, but, we were so proud of our soul brother.
they’ll find a way to get him off. out to do as he has.how can anyone learn that crime should be taken care of through punishment in all cases
Yeeesssss….This is what George Soros and his people call “Utopia”….get use to it folk’s, this is what you keep voting for!
I finally saw V for Vendetta all the way through (have only seen about 40 mins prior to now, in bits and pieces), and its SHOCKINGLY horrifying how close to reality, that film is, RE how the govt utterly took over things BASED ON LIES and deception.
for decades now.
Michelle Malkin, Great commentary! I wish you were President of our Country, as all of the past Presidents never had the guts to decapitate the corruption in the Department of No Justice, the corruption in the FBI (the Gestapo / Stasi), the corruption in the Pentagon, the corruption in the State Department and the corruption in the intelligence agencies (again the Gestapo and Stasi). In other words, Michelle, if you were President, you would have the guts to destroy the corruption in our Government, while no one else has the guts to take on the deep state!
EVEN trump failed to get rid of the rot, in our NO JUSTICE dept…
4 more years and he could have… and the communist occupiers knew that… that’s why all the last ditch effort voter fraud.
good idea !
As far as George Soros is concerned—he can be gotten out of the way. We have specialized military personnel who can get the job done—one just needs the OK.
On a broader scale, this is a result of Liberal infusion of anti-America sentiment coupled with Communist, Socialist, and Marxist ideology that has permeated every sector of our society. Our schools—our Liberal politicians—the Mainstream Media—and Social Media all play their parts in sustaining the corruption that is sabotaging our culture.
Retaliation must start at the grassroots level and expand to retaking our schools—empowering police departments to shut down violence—hold news sources accountable —and remove and replace Liberal office holders on every level. Their fear and intimidation tactics must be met with strength and a show of force that they will understand and have to respect. They want a fight—let’s give them one—one they won’t forget.
EVEN IF We get rid of him, HIS SONS are just as evil as he is.. SO ALL OF them need to get ‘gotten’.
how can we let a person who is clearly trying to take our country.down keep on?
We somehow have to hold on until midterms next November – doing everything “else” we can to fight these anti-American globalist forces. Winning back majorities in Congress, Governors, States Houses, Judges, DA’s, and on down to dog catcher. Eradicate anyone who has a (d) beside their name. Begin to put laws into place (or back into place) and use them. Convict and incarcerate criminals regardless of color, race or who they know. Arrest domestic terrorists like antifa, blm, black panthers and yes, proud boys or whoever – and give them prison time. Complete the Wall and return all illegals to their home country.
And then in 2024 – re-instate a President who is America First !!!
Would be a nice touch to see our Justice Dept, Congress and whoever arrest and put on trial a slew of current and former politicians and federal employees who are pawns of soros and this Destroy America as we know it movement. Eliminate marxists, communists, globalists, socialists, racists,, anarchists, jihadists, atheists, and other far left loons and corrupt liberals and rinos from leadership.
Seem like a pipe dream ? It once was pretty much that way – it did not happen overnight to get us us this far off track – let’s just begin the process to Make America Great Again and don’t get side tracked this time !
You assume that the traitors in office, won’t engineer up something to allow them to install martial law, to STOP ELECTIONS in 2022..
can anyone say…blue helmets
i’m ure they [probably have be aware
That’s why some said, the FBI was supporting BLM/Antifa.. THEY ARE their brown shirts..
“Americans Are Living In A Nightmare Of Lies”
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, some people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the Democrat Party can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the Democrat Party to use all of its powers to repress the truth, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the “Democrat Party.”
When we elect representatives like the demented puppet Joe Biden, Obama, the hateful Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Kamala Harris, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar and Ayanna Pressley who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you got to ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity OR to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens? It has become NOT “We the people, by the People”. It is rapidly becoming for the Democrat Party government and by the Democrat Party Dictatorship government
Vote AGAINST any and ALL Democrats from the president to the school board or we will become servants to the Socialist Democrat Party State Dictatorship! 🙁 🙁 🙁
The democrat party is culpable for almost everything bad that is going on in our society. They are the enablers of those with more hate than intelligence in the eternal quest to get something for nothing, to have respect when it is unearned, and to avoid personal responsibility. The ironic part is these people fail to understand how they are being used by the elite power seekers. So sad.
TO ME its not just the DEMS IN office, who are responsible.. BUT ALL THEIR BRAINLESS EVIL VOTERS too… They are equally culpable…
It’s my fault (& urs) for letting this rot thrive in my country.
“Holiday” song, updated for 2021: Hail a cab
To smash and grab
It’s holiday time in the city!
Stuff your bag
With your swag
Soon it will be Holiday!
City cop cars
Even SWAT cars
Flash a bright red and blue
As the looters rush home with their treasures
Hear the glass crunch
See the thugs bunch
A dystopian scene!
And on ev’ry street corner you’ll hear
Sirens wail
Without fail
Soon it will be Holiday!
America will hold them accountable when Trump is elected for a third term.