A new word has hit Dictionary.com.
Mx (pronounced “mix”) is spelled “M-X” and it’s the new way to address people who don’t claim one gender or another.
Justin Vivian Bond is a rather confused singer who wears women’s clothing onstage. He told the AOL series “Park Bench” he wants to be addressed as Mx.
“Mx, Mix, because it’s a kind of a … I’m not a mister, I’m not a Miss,” he said. “It’s like literally what I am, a mix.”
At this point you might be as mixed up as Justin Vivian, but Christian apologist Alex McFarland says not to be taken in by the argument that gender is what anyone wants it to be.
“It’s not about personal freedom or empowerment,” he argues. “It’s really more about our continued abandonment of natural law, the moral and ethical and sexual parameters that God built into the human race.”
He realizes it’s difficult for Christians who believe that a biblical understanding of gender is based on the fact that God created them male and female. It flies in the face of the spirit of the age that demands conformity. But be patient.
“One place where the P.C., egalitarian, diversity agenda will not be introduced is in God’s economy,” he predicts.
At its heart, he says, the battle is spiritual.
“All of this revision,” he says, “of marriage and redefinition of gender, and the prefixes like ‘Mx,’ is all about God or not God.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
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