(The Center Square) – In fiscal 2022, 70 percent of the largest cities in the U.S. did not have enough money to pay their bills.
In the latest comprehensive analysis of the fiscal health of the 75 most populous cities in the U.S., 53 did not have enough money to pay all of their bills, according to a Truth in Accounting analysis of the latest annual comprehensive financial reports from 2022.
In its eighth annual Financial State of the Cities report, TIA found that the 75 largest cities in the U.S. had $307.4 billion worth of assets available to pay bills but their debt, including unfunded retirement benefit promises, totaled $595.3 billion.
Pension and healthcare debt accounted for the majority of debt owed, according to the analysis. Pension debt totaled $175.9 billion; other post-employment benefits (OPEB), mainly retiree health care, totaled $135.2 billion.
All 75 cities are required by law to have balanced budgets. For those with debt, in order to claim their budgets were balanced, TIA argues elected officials didn’t include all government costs in budget calculations, thereby pushing costs onto future taxpayers. Instead, they used “accounting tricks,” including “inflating revenue assumptions, counting borrowed money as income, understating the true costs of government, and delaying the payment of current bills until the start of the next fiscal year so they aren’t included in the budget calculations.”
“The most common accounting trick” used to understate costs is excluding “true compensation costs” of employee benefits like health care, life insurance, and pensions, the report explains.
“While pension and other post-employment costs, such as health care, will not be paid until the employees retire, they still represent current compensation costs earned and incurred throughout their tenure.” Cities should include these contributions in their budgets, TIA says.
TIA also found that some elected officials “have used portions of the money owed to pension and OPEB funds to keep taxes low and pay for politically popular programs. Instead of funding promised benefits now, politicians have charged them to future taxpayers” to appear to have a balanced budget while city debt increases, TIA said.
Some of the financial woes can be attributed to the market value of pensions, the report explains.
“In 2022, the cities continued to receive and spend federal COVID-19 relief funds, and as the U.S. economy reopened, they took in additional tax revenue. Such economic gains were offset by increases in their pension liabilities, which were caused in large part due to decreases in the market value of pension investments,” the report states. “Over the past few years, investment market values have swung dramatically. In 2022, this volatility negatively impacted most cities’ pension investments and their financial condition, which demonstrates the risk to taxpayers when cities offer defined pension benefits to their employees.”
To show how taxpayers are impacted by cities not having enough money to pay their bills, TIA divides the amount of revenue needed to cover unpaid costs by the estimated number of taxpayers. This calculates “a taxpayer burden.” When cities have funds left over after paying their bills, TIA divides the amount by the estimated number of taxpayers to calculate “a taxpayer surplus.”
Cities are also graded according to their fiscal health, taxpayer burden or surplus, balanced budget requirements, and other factors.
Of the 75 cities evaluated, only 1% received an A grade for fiscal health. The majority received D grades, followed by C and B grades, according to the analysis.
The five cities with the greatest surpluses were Washington, D.C. ($10,700), Irvine, California ($6,100), Plano, Texas ($5,100), Lincoln, Nebraska ($4,100), and Oklahoma City ($2,900). Rounding out the top ten with greatest surpluses were Aurora, Colorado; Fresno, California; Raleigh, North Carolina; Virginia Beach and Corpus Christi, Texas.
Of 22 cities reporting surpluses, the majority, six, were in California.
Of the 10 cities with the greatest taxpayer burden, nine are run by Democrats. New York City has the greatest taxpayer burden (-$61,800), followed by Chicago (-$42,900), Honolulu (-$24,200), Philadelphia (-$20,400), Portland (-$20,100), New Orleans (-$18,200), Miami (-$15,500), Milwaukee (-$15,300), Baltimore (-$14,100), and Pittsburgh (-$13,000).
New York City, which has historically ranked as the worst for fiscal health, attributed much of its financial woes to “COVID-19,” mentioning it 38 times in its financial report, according to the analysis. “Despite receiving $6.5 billion in COVID relief grants and a $1.3 billion increase in tax revenues,” TIA points out that New York City still needed $6.1 billion to pay its bills.
TIA notes that cities not properly funding pension and retiree health care promises “burdens future taxpayers and puts retirees at risk of not receiving promised benefits.”
It’s the old Democrat Liberal bait and switch. Bait the sob sister sympathetic voters into declaring your democrat run city as a Sanctuary for illegal people of illegal mindset whose first act upon entering the country is to think it is ok to ignore the established law like a Biden on a brain binge. American people have always been a compassionate people and get seduced in the gullible guilt trips to local and federal government bankruptcies with your race, gender or class vote becoming the admission ticket to collective treasonous financial treachery. Once the voter is caught in their nets of lies and political prevarications, the Democrat party who harvested the illegal votes based upon acts of immigration illegality, then cry to the federal government to print more debt and bail out their now massively overwhelmed cities, completing their Alinsky promoted planned (Overwhelm the system) redistribution of American wealth from the robbed earners into the hands of the robbing people of Democrat taught and indoctrinated illegal mindsets. A slicker way to steal from the honest productive and give to their growing ranks of entitlement dependency dupes has not been seem in the history of mankind. Charity should only be given out of a person’s or a nations surplus, never borrowed and thrown on to the shoulders of your kids or grandkids of a weight even Atlas could never shrug off. Cities who create the chaos, own the chaos, and the DEBT.
Of the 10 cities with the greatest taxpayer burden, nine are run by Democrats
No surprise here. Jettison these parasites and our streets would be paved with gold.
Makes me wonder, IF they were to do a rundown of the WORST 50 cities for budgets, how many of THOSE would be dem ran?
Democrats never see that as a problem, they will just mandate that more money is stolen from the taxpayers, and gaffe more money into their pockets though their kickback and bribery scams…. simple!
Yup. AND You can bet their labor unions also get THEIR kickbacks too!
Oh My. I’m shocked. NNNNOOOO. Look at the cities listed in the article and you should not be the least bit surprised.