The Human Rights Campaign (HRC) recently released its sixth annual list ranking more than 500 cities in the United States on their “LGBTQ inclusivity,” and many at the top of its chart should come as no surprise to Americans.

HRC – the same pro-LGBT activist group that regularly attempts to demonize Christian organizations – partnered with the Equality Federation Institute (EFI) to publish their Municipal Equality Index (MEI) last week. They found that a record 68 cities earned a perfect “100” score for enforcing or supporting policies and practices that they deemed as inclusive to those in the LGBT community.

LGBT community converting America

HRC President Chad Griffin was pleased to announce that American cities of all shapes and sizes are transforming into bastions of so-called “LGBT rights” – at the expense of protecting children and families.

“This year’s MEI paints a vivid picture: cities big and small, in red and blue states alike, are continuing our progress toward full equality – regardless of the political drama unfolding in Washington, D.C., and in state legislatures across the country,” Griffin announced in an HRC press release last week. “Today, the MEI serves as a vital tool for business leaders and municipal officials alike when it comes to economic development.”

Besides using the announcement as an opportunity to indirectly slam President Donald Trump for pushing pro-family laws protecting women and children from “transgenders” and other gender confused individuals, the pro-LGBT activist took advantage of this time to persuade businesses to adopt LGBT-friendly rules and regulations – and to relocate to areas in the nation that fully embrace an unbiblical lifestyle.

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“CEOs know that in order to attract and retain the best employees, they must grow their companies in places that protect LGBTQ citizens from discrimination and actively open their doors to all communities,” Griffin insisted. “The MEI is the best tool to help these businesses make crucial evaluations about the welcoming – or unwelcoming – nature of towns and cities across the nation.”

Every year, the unbiblical anti-family wave of activism sweeping the U.S. continues to undermine and attack the protections and regulations that used to promote the safety of families holding to Christian or traditional values.

“The 2017 MEI reveals new heights in municipal LGBTQ equality in nearly every regard,” HRC’s press release stated. “A record 68 cities earned perfect scores for advancing LGBTQ-inclusive policies and practices – up from 60 in 2016, 47 in 2015 and 11 in 2012 – the first year of the MEI. And in the current political reality, welcoming cities are more important than ever.”

According to the language and pro-LGBT vernacular used in HRC’s 38-page report, cities are rated high or low depending on what type of “non-discrimination laws” they have,  the kind of “employment protections” for LGBT individuals they support, and whether they have “fair” law enforcement, and citywide leadership bolstering the LGBT community – along with other ways in which city officials handle “LGBTQ equality” issues.

0 to 100 in 10 seconds …

A small handful of the 68 most pro-LGBT cities earning the highest marking (100) was broken down.

“Some of the major cities that received perfect ‘100’ scores include Las Vegas, Cincinnati, Austin, Seattle, Providence, Philadelphia, New York, Stamford, Denver, San Francisco and Los Angeles, amongst others,” The Christian Post (CP) noted from the list.

Cities that refused to cave in to the homosexual agenda were also highlighted.

“Sita and Wasilla in Alaska; Moore and Stillwater in Oklahoma; Sheridan in Wyoming; Monroe in Louisiana; Southaven in Mississippi; Jefferson City in Missouri; Clemson in South Carolina; Mitchell and Pierre in South Dakota were the 11 cities that received a ‘0’ – or the lowest score possible,” CP’s Stoyan Zaimov pointed out.

LGBT still gaining ground

During pro-LGBT former President Barack Obama’s second term, the homosexual agenda was aggressively pushed nd made significant headway nationwide as same-sex “marriage” became legalized via a landmark decision of Supreme Court of the United States.

“Since the MEI’s debut in 2012, the number of cities earning perfect scores has increased by more than sixfold, and today, at least 24 million people live in cities that have more comprehensive, transgender-inclusive non-discrimination laws than their state,” the HRC release pointed out.

Besides the tide of transgender-inclusive restrooms and locker rooms popping up across the country, HRC reminded Americans that more and more privileges for the LGBT community are being bestowed to gender-confused individuals.

“Progress on transgender equality has been particularly noteworthy in cities across America this year, continuing a positive trend that the MEI has tracked – and encouraged – since 2012,” the news release continued. “Transgender-inclusive healthcare benefits are offered to employees of 111 municipalities this year – up from 86 in 2016, 66 in 2015 and just five in 2012.”

Here are some additional findings from HRC’s report, which show that even though many municipalities have not yet adopted and enforced pro-LGBT laws, they are embracing and accommodating alternative lifestyles in numerous ways.

“Eighty-six (86) cities from states without comprehensive nondiscrimination laws protecting LGBTQ people scored above the overall nationwide average of 57 points [as] these cities averaged 84-point scores; 28 scored a perfect 100,” HRC divulged. “Cities continue to excel even in the absence of inclusive state laws: 41 ’All Star’ cities in states lacking comprehensive non-discrimination laws scored above 85 points – up from 37 last year, 31 in 2016, 15 in 2014, eight in 2013, and just two in 2012.”

A breakdown of the scores and comparisons to previous years goes to show that the LGBT community is winning the war on Judeo-Christian values across America.

“The national city score average increased from 55 to 57 points,” the report added.Sixty-eight(68) cities scored 100 points; 25 percent scored over 79 points; 50 percent scored over 59 points; 25 percent scored less than 35; and 11 cities scored zero points,”

In order to get a better understanding of exactly what was measured to determine the ratings, HRC provided an explanation of what was assessed.

“The MEI rated 506 cities including the 50 state capitals, the 200 largest cities in the United States, the five largest cities or municipalities in each state, the cities home to the state’s two largest public universities, municipalities that have high proportions of same-sex couples and 98 cities selected by HRC and Equality Federation state group members and supporters,” the press release detailed. “It assesses each city on 44 criteria covering citywide nondiscrimination protections, policies for municipal employees, city services, law enforcement, and city leadership’s relationship with the LGBTQ community.”

Next year, the HRC will be taking its agenda a step further by putting the pressure on cities to put an end to policies allowing for children to receive counseling and treatment to wean them away from a lifestyle and behavior that has been proven to be detrimental to one’s physical, psychological and spiritual wellbeing.

“Starting in 2018, the MEI will introduce new criteria, including protecting youth from ‘conversion therapy’ and will deduct points for religious exemptions that allow discrimination by singling out LGBTQ people,” the HRC announced.

Selling perversion in the name of ‘equality?’

EFI Executive Director Rebecca Isaacs claims that the agenda being pushed by the HRC and her LGBT activist group via their ratings system is spurring a new kind of so-called “human rights” or “civil rights” movement – a movement that she condemns President Donald Trump for opposing.

“Our movement is stronger and more united than ever, and we stand in resistance to the unprecedented attacks on all our communities,” Isaacs stated in HRC’s release. “This report is a proven, powerful tool for local advocates to leverage in their efforts to win full equality at the local level, and serves as a reminder that we aren’t going back – despite a most hostile federal administration and organized opposition.”

However, Family Research Council (FRC) President Tony Perkins insists that the misinformation such pro-LGBT groups peddle as facts will not go unchallenged – especially with a president in office who is not afraid to be politically incorrect and stand for family values rooted in biblical principles.

“Since SPLC and HRC can’t win on the facts, they use these labels to silence and denigrate their competition,” Perkins declared earlier this year. “But if they’re hoping to intimidate the Trump administration, they’ve got another thing coming. In case liberals haven’t noticed, the … president actually believes in what the Left says they do: diversity of opinion.”

He went on to address the way pro-LGBT groups twist and reshape the media lexicon in order to push their radical agenda rooted in sexual libertinism.

“An even deeper problem is that these activists use the term ‘human rights,’ but have no clue what it means,” Perkins continued. “The fact that the Left claims that ‘sexual orientation’ and other terms are ‘human rights’ isn’t rooted in anything higher than their own assertion. What gives them the right to define what it means [a]nd why should their policy preference take preference? It doesn’t. Just because they cloak it as a ‘human right’ won’t make it so.”

The conservative Christian leader ended by reminding Americans that the wellbeing and greatness of America is rooted in its Christian underpinnings – a fact he commended the president for acknowledging.

“The only solution is to search for a standard common to all human beings as derived from a higher authority,” Perkins impressed. “Christians and conservatives are uniquely able to offer this. Thank goodness the Trump administration recognizes that …”


Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.

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