Two more Texas Democrats have tested positive for coronavirus during their trip to Washington, D.C., just one day after three of their colleagues learned they had contracted the virus as well.
According to the Texas Tribune, the number of COVID-positive Texas state lawmakers in the nation’s capital is now five. The news comes on the same day that Vice President Kamala Harris dropped by Walter Reed Medical Center for a “routine” visit after meeting with the group of lawmakers just last week.
The group of Democrats fled the Lone Star State to deny Republicans in the state legislature a quorum, which refers to the minimum number of lawmakers needed to carry out legislative business.
– Read more at Fox News
When it comes to protecting our right to vote, all cards are on the table. We broke #quorum again today because the Gov & #txlege Repubs chose to bully Texans out of our constitutional rights instead of finding solutions to problems that really exist. #SuppressionSession #DemsOut
— Julie Johnson (@juliejohnsonTX) July 12, 2021
Harris gets ‘routine’ checkup after meet with COVID-infected Texas Dems
Vice President Kamala Harris is going to Walter Reed Medical Center for a “routine doctor’s appointment” on Sunday after coming into contact last week with three Democratic lawmakers from Texas who tested positive for the coronavirus, according to Fox News.
The news of her trip to the hospital in Bethesda, Md., just outside the nation’s capital came as she tweeted: “This Delta variant is no joke. Get vaccinated.”
Harris met with the Lone Star State Democrats last Wednesday and Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer in his Capitol Hill office.
– Read more at the NY Post
This would be called a super spreader event if it was Republicans who got COVID after not wearing masks on a plane.
Science for thee, not for me.
— Josh Jordan (@NumbersMuncher) July 17, 2021
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The rules and regulations that they impose upon the general population do not apply to them anyway. Ever since the COVID outbreak, there has been story after story where a number of them were spotted in public not wearing a mask, not social distancing, and going wherever they wanted and doing whatever they wanted to do. Now, if this thing is as serious as they try to make us believe, then why are they so cavalier about the “safety measures” they expect us to follow? Are they so unconcerned about their own personal lives?
Besides all the misinformation and Media fearmongering, there are too many double standards where the ruling class and the populace is concerned. After the success they had with their initial power grab they now want to pressure private business to, in turn, pressure individuals to comply with whatever restrictions they choose to implement on our lives. They are trying hard to make vaccinations mandatory—every little step takes a bite out of our freedoms. They need to learn that “No” means “No”—to borrow a phrase.
“If you lay down with big Dogs, you arise with big fleas.”,,,or in this case when you hang out and fly with fools, you and your COVID infected life may soon be parted. “As a dog returns to his vomit, so a fool returns to his folly.”,,,,,Any Texan asking himself if he wants the political infections these vomiting fools offer to return to Texas to be voted back in office must indeed have a death wish. So just what happens if a private plane full of rebellious Democrats has a mechanical failure and plumets to the ground? These fools don’t even have the sense not to put all their eggs into one basket,,,just the socialist eggheads who like 10 day old fish now rot from the head down.
PITY they all didn’t contract it!
Yes they need to be punished and tested again and now in front of a camera to prove they are in fact infected and not lying so that they can escape criminal charges.
And now they’re actually BRAGGING that they’ve cost Texas taxpayers over $1.5 million SO FAR!!! I’ve contacted the governor and urged filing a lawsuit against them collectively and individually for reimbursement of expenses and their salaries.
I don’t wish harm to a couple of professional pilots, but I have to admit I’d smile if I learned that their plane crashed when they finally decide to return.
BETTER YET, i’d laugh my butt off, if after the plane left DC, THE PILOTS ALL JUMPED OUT AND LEFT IT pilotless!
NOT just for back reimbursement, BUT HAVE The comptrolers, CUT ALL PAY AND PER DIEM, TILL THEY RETURN.
Who are they kidding- a routine doctor’s visit on a Sunday? Guarantee this super-spreader they won’t call it as- is just one more reason not to get the vaccine, let alone the hypocrisy, do as I say, but not as I do with blowing off masking up on airplanes.
Why is the VP not in Covid lock down for 14 days like they demand from anyone else that has contact with covid positive people?
cmon -the number of different diseases that she has probably had over the years
make covid look like childs play
MIA, you should know by now, RULES ONLY APPLY TO we the serfs.. NOT to the lords and masters in this nation.
The Lone Star State Democrats! Oh, I mean the Lone Star State communists! Boy, what beautiful selfies of communists!
It is depressing to see how the republicans are acting on this. It is like the kid who doesn’t want to go to school.
Mommy! I can’t go to school, I have a headache.
Republican Mommy Oh you poor dear, I just don’t know what to do. You can stay home.
Democrat Mommy. Oh you poor dear, Let’s go to Emergency.
Trump Mommy, Oh Bless your little Heart. Of course you can stay home. First you can do that math homework you haven’t done, then you can clean your room. After lunch you can climb back into bed and read.
Isn’t now the time to implement special Texas house covid procedures that include proxy voting. Vote from wherever you are, Participate on Zoom. No quorum problems. Everyone is there virtually all the time. Then let the democrats tell us why easy voting is bad.
Hey! Pelosi did it. Turn their antics to your advantage. Just like you would your 5th grader.
james busse–they discovered that your family gene pool was contaminated with stupid-
and you prove it with every post that you make-
Depressing to see how republicans are acting? ARE YOU KIDDING US?? The republicans are not acting like a bunch of whiney brats, who “IF they can’t get their way, TAKE THEIR BALL AND GO HOME” are they…
Couped up in the executive mailing tube (an executive jet) for hours. No protection. They’re all probably infected. Almost a definition of how to spread SARS. I hope the pilot and aircraft personnel are ok.
Democrats can pass anything they want by “reconciliation” but Republicans cannot pass anything without the blessings of Democrats. How quaint
That certainly seems how like they want it to be.. WE CAN DO WHAT EVER, rules be damned, but WHEN YOU WANT TO do it, HOW DARE YOU not absolutely follow the rules.
“Fully vaccinated” is code for “fully at risk, mandatory lockdowns, masks, and social distancing”.
Let’s just say “Karma is a B…Witch”!
Routine Sunday visit to the Doctor. There is nothing routing about that visit at all! She’s been infected by the Texans (of which I am a Proud Texan, but not proud of these Yahoos), and will attempt to hide it.
THERE IS NOTHING routine, about ‘visiting a doctor’ on a BLOODY SUNDAY.. Not one doctors office i have ever known, even when i was in the military< HAD SATURDAY OR SUNDAY HOURS.
Attorneys for the State of Texas should be reviewing the laws on State House members to see if those Democrats that basically are refusing to do their jobs can be removed from office and replaced. Walking away from your job is abandoning your job, replace them soon Governor Abbott.
probably they would be subject to recall –but as we see with california it is a way too long process-
THEY SHOULD be seen as “willfully ABDICATING THEIR ROLE” and ergo get PINK SLIPPED>.. THEN CHARGED with felony fleeing prosecution.
the lesser texas democrat criminals met wednesday with 2 higher democrat criminals-where it was decided that the texas criminals
needed to get the covid virus-as that would likely keep them from being able to vote –whereupon 5 of them are already following orders
whether they were ordered to die has not been mentioned yet–
one of the 2 upper level criminals went to the hospital to see if she was also following the plan-at the moment hopes are high for the other upper level criminal-please pray for him–lol–
that selfie should be made into a public service announcement poster for birth control.
Na.. POST BIRTH Abortions!
“All vaccinated,” eh?
Translation: Liberty for me, servitude for thee.
I see ads promoting getting a covid shot every 5 minutes.
The worse a product is, the more advertising is required to make a sale.
Where are their mask. They all now should be out on the no fly list.