Did you know that insisting on the right answer or showing your work is a symptom of “white supremacy culture” that harms minorities?
According to a Math Equity Micro-Course recommended by the Oregon Department of Education, there’s no such thing as objectivity, and “upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers” causes fear in minority students.
Instead of focusing on one right answer, the course recommends that teachers “come up with at least two answers that might solve the problem.”
“There are right answers in math,” Jeff Crank, a radio talk show host, tells One News Now.
According to the dumbed-down rules in Oregon classrooms, however, that observation could land Crank in trouble for harming minority students.
What good does it do for black students in the future, he says, when they can’t balance a checkbook because the teacher insisted that learning how was racist?
In the twisted effort to keep students from harm, Crank says Oregon school leaders have actually come up with some very racist ideas in a bid to rid the classroom of racism.
“To not hold black kids to the same standard,” he warns, “you hold everybody else, and say, These are the answers. We know you’re smart enough to get it. But instead, they, in a very racist way, say, Oh, we don’t think you’re smart enough to get it, so we’re not gonna make you learn the truth.”
Copyright American Family News. Reprinted with permission.
In other words, the Oregon Dept. of Education is saying minorities are stupid. That’s an insult of the highest order. Anyone can understand math if the teachers do their job.
Some of the teachers have the intelligence of a rotten tomato, you know the mush for brains teachers.
ITS only an insult, if those being insulted, SEE it that way.
“upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers” causes fear in minority students.”
Do we the rational people of this world need anymore proof, that the Democrats hate has driven them Insane.
“upholding the idea that there are always right and wrong answers” causes fear in minority students.
I am a White male and if I went to school and didn’t do my homework and didn’t know what I was expected to learn.
This caused fear in me when the teacher learned that I didn’t do as I was told.
But what really causes fear in me now, is to know that we now have insane, hateful, dishonorable, dishonest, traitorous Democrats running our government. 🙁 🙁 🙁
Hell, imagine if your father got told BY the school, you were not finishing assignments/failing grades. You’d often get smacked (back in the 70s and 80s)..
Pray the next pilot of the plane you will fly on knows the right answers.
Or, look for the pilot’s race, and if black or Hispanic, assume he was taught non-racist math and leave the plane before it takes off. That would be the easiest way to stay alive. 🙂
The same goes for black lawyers, black doctors, black teachers, and the rest…
Knowing there are right and wrong answers should cause fear in every student, it did me. There is an assumption made here that doesn’t make much sense: whites intrinsically know the right answers making it unfair for those who have to study!? One would think members of the Department of Education would want to produce excellence in education not bumb every student down to the lowest possible denominator. UNLESS, those who consider themsleves the elites wish to create a permanent underclass which is undereducated and therefore not a threat to their self exaulted status.
There would be another reason the Elites would want a permanent underclass besides not being a threat to Elites. A permanent underclass is a Slave Underclass. Denied vital Math (and Literacy) skills, they are denied Rights/Freedoms too. Remember that those who came up with this idea are Racist, and it’s all part of their plan.
Granted math was not my best subject I still had to learn it and I still have to use it in order to do what I need to, being in the field of electronics you have to know the right answers or things do not work or worse yet can cause a catastrophe such as a plane not flying the right way or a rocket tumbling and coming down. These so called educators saying that math is racist should get out now.
People use math everyday depending on what they do, chefs use math to determine the outcome of a given recipe, electronic techs use math to determine if a given system is working properly, pilots use math to get from one place to another, builders use math to determine how much load a given structure can znd will handle. Then there are those everyday people that use math to work out their check books.
It has become apparent to me that many of these so called math teachers never watched the Disney show (Donald duck in mathmagic land). Maybe these math teachers need to go back and relearn some new math skills, maybe the teachers are just not intelligent enough to understand the math they are trying to teach…
AND this is what happens, when folks don’t CARE who’s running your state/s dept of indoctrination!
Wow! Quite insulting and very harmful to minorities. This will actually deny them any useful roles, skills, and participation in society. Math skills are vital in any civilization. Essential for the job market and daily life. What’s next? Telling minorities that reading and writing is Racist, and they don’t need literacy skills either? Disgusting and Destructive in so many ways. For those who think Math is Racist – I want to see their expression when being given powerful medicine by someone who doesn’t know how to calculate the correct dosage for the individual.
YES< i can easily see them saying "reading and writing is racist"..
HELL DIDN'T they already try that, with those fire depts in/around NY, when those blacks KEPT FAILING THE WRITTEN TESTS?
The mass destruction of the schools in America. Why is it that the kids, in the schools of Europe, Japan and Asia are so much more advanced than the American kids?. Answer: Everything is racist in the American schools, so the standards are lowered and American students are taught that communism is good. So, you have graduates, who in essence are dumbed down or they become elitists like the heads of Big Tech (the censorship crowd). Then there is Bill Gates, who now states that we should do away with cows, because they cause global warming. So good old Bill wants synthetic protein produced in manufacturing facilities for our consumption. Of course, where is the energy going to come from, to manufacture synthetic protein? I am sure it will come from unreliable windmills. So when the factories cannot make the “synthetic protein”, due to a lack of energy, we will starve. Great going, Bill Gates, you have no sense of reality. Oh, how I love the word “educated idiots”. Did I spell that right, Bill Gates?
At this rate, WHAT the hell is the point, in EVEN HAVING a dept of indoctrination anymore.. THEY ARE CERTAINLY NOT educating our kids..
The left’s denial of objective reality has led to outrageously insane and socially destructive beliefs such as competence in STEM disciplines is racist, capitalism is evil, border controls are racist, political opponents are terrorists, and climate change will end all life on earth in ten years. The radical left’s goal is to “transform” America into a borderless, lawless, and impoverished socialist dictatorship that is ruled by a small group of highly-educated and obscenely wealthy individuals.
I think it is high time to declare “political correctness” as a threat to our society’s survival. Members of the Oregon Dept. of Education who voted for this despicable bill must be thoroughly investigated by the FBI and DOJ because of their blatant use of “the popular” slogans of racism and inequality to move their nefarious agenda to deprive minority kids of knowledge.
These days the FBI and DOJ, will give them an AWARD for their wokeness.
I hated basic math in school, the reason, it was boring, it required no imagination, no creativity, it was to absolute, total yawn fest! It still is, math is absolute, 2 + 2 = 4, that is as it has always been and how it always will be, either you get it right or you are wrong!
The Left is going all out to protect the minority vote, they can not allow blacks and Latinos to be educated, informed, as an educated population is much more difficult to control. If it has a detrimental effect on other races, all the better!
That is with the Asian community, as they have a tremendous respect for education and have developed a discipline for study and learning that all should envy! They will assure that their children will learn, despite what the schools teach.
Just look to the South for Results of lowering education. Forced busing since the 70’s same school,teacher ,textbook and classroom and we still have to pass them . Their leaders demanded ,you must pass black students even if they fail.
My childhood neighbors, a large black family, would be understandably insulted by this racist dumbing down of America. Most of these “underprivileged” people have college degrees including several with master’s &/or doctorates. One was a full professor at a prestigious private university for decades.
This condescending trash is as bad as any Jim Crow scheme.
Did they ACTUALLY earn those degrees? OR cause of balloney ideas like this, were they ‘given them’, by schools, just to show “how not racist we are”.
It is clear that the goal of the communists and black nationalists is to turn the United States into Bongo-bongo Land, with a socialist Third World economy, a violent and disorderly culture, prominent mohammedan presence and persecution of Christianity, widespread illiteracy and endemic poverty and a one-party dictatorial government dependent on world hegemon Red China. Each one of these Marcuse and Chomsky wannabes sees himself/herself/xerself (why not just say itself?) as the American Mobutu or Idi Amin. The partition of the country that is probably going to be necessary should start here, and a fortified I-5 would be a very good line to keep these people behind.