The media and those on the left were salivating going into Election Day. The so-called “blue wave” was coming, and it was going to sweep fifty seats or more into Democrat hands in the House of Representatives. Some thought the Senate could follow as well, and deliver a one-two punch to President Trump’s jaw. Not only did that NOT happen, but Trump’s efforts helped candidates get across the finish line in stunning fashion. Perhaps that was too much for the media to bear as they came out swinging in Monday’s press conference. Luckily, Trump knows how to fight back.
The Democrats and the media can’t help but feel disappointed. They lost ground in the Senate. They barely gained control of the House, and their marquee candidates like O’Rourke and Gillum lost. Perhaps this is why they were completely unhinged at President Trump’s Monday press conference. CNN’s Jim Acosta, who has no business claiming he’s an actual journalist, tried to get his facetime for the dwindling CNN audience by asking about the migrant caravan (uh, this is a post-election press conference), and he ran into a Trump buzzsaw.
Trump told Acosta, “You know, CNN should be ashamed of itself having you working for them. You are a rude, terrible person. You shouldn’t be working for CNN.”
BREAKING: White House aide grabs and tries to physically remove a microphone from CNN Correspondent Jim Acosta during a contentious exchange with President Trump at a news conference.
— MSNBC (@MSNBC) November 7, 2018
Trump also had to deal with American Urban Radio Network’s April Ryan.
What can these people do when their blue wave turns into a ripple? It appears that doubling down on rudeness and unprofessional journalism is the answer. It’s pathetic, and hopefully, more people will catch on that the media are on the side of the left. They don’t report news. They try to influence news and drive an agenda. That’s wrong, and that’s not journalism.
Let’s give a quick recap of the fantasty followed by the facts regarding Tuesday’s elections. The fantasy was that Trump was hated by all, that candidates would shun his help, that the America people would rebuke the Trump agenda, that waves of Democrats would crash down upon the shores of the House and Senate. It was to be historic.
The reality is far, far different. Not only did Republicans hold the Senate, the GOP actually made gains… gains that I predicted back in the middle of October (see ). Repubilcans picked up seats in North Dakota, Missouri, Indiana, and Florida. Our only loss so far was in Nevada, a state that produced Democrat Harry Reid and a state that is trending blue. There is a possibility of still picking up Montana as well. That could yield a four-seat gain in the Senate.
Trump campaigned feverishly for these candidates. He rallied for Texas Sen. Ted Cruz, who held off Beto O’Rourke and his $70 million campaign war chest. Trump held rallies in Florida, Missouri, and Indiana in the closing days. All those Senate challengers won their races.
Trump said that the Democrats’ despicable attacks on now-Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh would backfire, and he was right. Every Democrat in a battleground state who voted against Kavanaugh lost on Tuesday night. Only Democrat Joe Manchin survive… oh, that’s right, he voted FOR Kavanaugh.
On the House side, the media and pollsters talked about a 50-seat gain. They talked about a 40-seat gain. As it stands now, the Democrats have picked up around 28 seats, with 24 needed for control. This gives them a VERY slim majority, and was completed expected (although not hoped for).
Since the House grew to 435 seats in 1914, only two presidents in their first term saw their party make gains in mid-term elections: FDR in 1934 and George W. Bush in 2002. Bill Clinton did it in 1998, but that was in his second term. That’s it. That’s all. In 104 years, history tells us that the party out of power will gain seats.
All in all, Trump will gain a much friendly Senate to his agenda with the likes of Flake and McCain and Corker being replaced by McSally (hopefully), Kyl, and Blackburn. The House, under the potential leadership of Nancy Pelosi, will provide a stark contrast to Trump’s accomplishments in the first two years. Trump is fired up and ready. The media and the Democrats should beware.
The liberal supporting media need to get some talented people instead of the lugs they have like Acosta. They are as talent deficient as democrats. There are just no smart people and it makes them all dumb looking which they are. I can’t believe the senseless trash coming from their mouths. But they are talking to people that provided votes for the top idiot Crooked Joe- the crook. The intelligence level is decreasing in the U.S. You only have to look at the elected politicians to know it. I am ashamed of the democrat party because there is the most deficiency of intelligence. They are an embarrassment to the country I love. The only time I would raise my hand and join the military if it is to fight the real enemies right here in our own country.