We have all heard the horror stories. A woman and her two year old daughter are forced off of an airliner because the child would not “comply” with mask mandates. Another woman in a library full of people is singled out by local police, accused of “trespassing,” and ordered off the premises. Once again, her real “crime” is refusing to wear a mask. In both cases, a totally innocuous situation was turned into a major ordeal, eventually involving eviction, threats of physical force, and the possibility of arrest, simply because some bystander decided to make an issue of the fact that a free American had not “complied” with the mask edicts.
Meanwhile, convicted felons are being released from prisons in blue states on orders of leftist Democrat governors, ostensibly for their safety from the virus. In many cases, innocent people have been further victimized by these criminals. Yet those same governors are ready to repopulate those prisons with people who’s actions are no more egregious than gathering with fellow believers for Christmas dinner, or to worship in Church on Sunday. Are we really to believe these abominable policies were enacted for the “public good”?
Worst of all, in the face of real harm and oppression coming to honest and decent people as a result of such abhorrent policies, a good portion of onlookers nod in pious approval, deeming it an appropriate fate for those who dared resist the infinite beneficence and wisdom of the state. Given how widespread such outrages have become, and the minimal backlash from the population that has been targeted by them, it is hard to escape the conclusion that this America is no longer the “Land of the Free.”
The “stoolies” who alert authorities of “non-compliance” by others rarely exhibit any genuine fear of contracting the virus. They are never seen fleeing the vicinity of an unmasked person, in order to stay out of reach of the nasty germs. Rather, they are aggressive and confrontational, to the point of committing physical assaults, simply because they believe they have the authorities on their side. Early on in the whole “Pandemic”/panic, it became glaringly obvious that little, if any public policy was actually about keeping people healthy.
Instead, it was a toxic combination of a quest for power, coupled with an obsessive desire for acceptance by the mob, that motivated aggressions against Americans who didn’t buy in to the lock-down mentality. And it is that last pitfall of the human condition that most needs to be recognized and dealt with if Americans are to have any hope of turning their country around.
The nihilism that was incessantly pounded into the minds of young people in America’s public schools over the last half-century is having its desired effect. After being stripped of every genuine moral precept on which our society was founded and had flourished for more than two centuries, the nearly soulless victims of this corrupt system are left only one factor by which they define “right and wrong.” And that is whether or not they are accepted by the mob. Such blind obedience to the moral bankruptcy of the counterculture leaves the nation in a precarious condition. The leap from here to total despotism and oppression is much shorter than many realize. And leftist Democrats are ready and waiting.
This is not about a virus, public health, or anything of that nature. It is an effort to pummel a once-free populace into total blind submission. Right and wrong are not only inverted, they are being situationally reinvented on nearly a daily basis, in order for the morally bankrupt left to win the moment, regardless of the specifics. The goal is not to establish any honest and consistent set of laws, but to establish the leftist Democrats as unquestioned law-givers, and arbiters of who is or is not in proper compliance and favor with them.
So it should surprise nobody that the Biden cabal (and Joe may or may not actually be a conscious participant in it) plans to implement a “100 day mask mandate” if he manages to get into the White House. After over a year of on-again off-again mask lunacy, sternly enforced in some regions while being virtually ignored in others, and with no commensurate benefits to show for any of it, are we really supposed to believe that another three months of such nonsense will somehow do the trick and make America healthy again?
The rest of the Biden team propaganda gives the lie to such a notion, and exposes their real intentions. In place of the Trump agenda of “Making America Great Again” for the American people and their posterity, the Biden doctrine is one of “sacrifice,” deprivation, and acquiescence, all from the average Americans on Main Street of course. It is predictably couched in the collectivist piety of “the public good” and “doing your fair share.” But do not expect the elitist class to engage in the same penance demanded from the “little people.” Their life of government funded abundance and luxury shall not be infringed in any manner.
This is the skeletal caricature of “Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness,” that leftist Democrats embrace as America’s future, going forward. They were unable to fool enough people to make it happen under any pretense of an “honest election,” so their fall-back strategy was to lie and cheat their way into power. And power that is ill gotten in such a manner will never be relinquished by any lawful, amicable means.
Christopher G. Adamo is a lifelong conservative from the American Heartland. He has been involved in grassroots and state-level politics for years. His recently released book Rules for Defeating Radicals, subtitled Countering the Alinsky Strategy in Politics and Culture, is the “Go To” guide for effectively overcoming the dirty tricks of the political left. It is available at Amazon.
Liberalism is a cancer virus, that eats society away. Welcome to communism and the sheep in this society, who love the cancer.
As Goldwater said; “Extremism in the defense of liberty is no vice. And moderation in the pursuit of justice is no virtue.” It is long past the time to get extreme, as we are drowning in a sea of moderation where justice no longer has any form of virtue, and extremism only resides in the hands of the destroyers of whatever virtue we have left.
The part i find, is it seems a good # of those gaming acquaintances i have, ARE FULLY IN FAVOR OF worse/more stringent restrictions.. All in the name of “The greater good”…
While I agree with backpacker’s sentiment, I would like to make a clarification. It is PROGRESSIVISM which is the cancer. Classic liberalism is to have little interference from the government into citizens lives. Progressivism (really COMMUNISM) is for the collective to control EVERY aspect of the citizen’s life. Just look at the “progressives” logo and you will see an almost exact rendering of Soviet style communism (forward!) . There is also no longer conservatism, the other side of the coin is constitutionalism, i.e. those who believe in the original meaning of the written Constitution. Also, one needs to make the argument that they are not really Progressive, but REgressive, they are trying to take the country backward to a point where a few rule the rest of us. Folks, rise up and fight back or be subsumed into the collective…the time is now!
PITY all of us, have to suffer, for their desire to be slaves to the govt…
People (when they are certain) need to start going after these narcs. Sorry, but the time of playing nice with these morons is over and I would think that people would start to figure that out as they start going to jail, detention centers, losing their freedoms, everything they own….keep acting like sheep and you will be slaughtered like one.
Great column, but Americans have not suffered yet. I’m in favor of another Great Depression to get the voters , the illegals, and the Lefties and RINOS focused on personal survival instead of being self-absorbed, whining little *******. Harsh? Yes, but the majority stand by as their rights are being taken from their fellow citizens openly as well as themselves subtly. Drip, drip, drip…
If the Dems end up cheating in GA to control the Senate, then you had best be prepared to lose the rest of your freedoms – Venezuelans lost theirs in about 4 years after voting in Hugo Chavez – that’s all it took, 4 years, but since we are the greatest can-do country on Earth, I expect us to last as a republic less than 4 years.
The irksome part, is in many cases, the ‘whiney lemmings’ are FREELY HANDING over their rights, (AND OURS).. ALL in the name of “public safety”..
If American is no longer the land of the free, it most certainly is no longer the land of the free thinkers. Conformity of thought, by the Secular Socialist media and government liberal thought police is approaching Orwellian proportions. Passing mindless laws that empower and reward “Stoolies” to drop their stools upon the clean-living law abiders, just enables the weak and the failed to control the Self-governing strong that collectively diminishes the strength of our nation to the point now of social electoral suicide. The fact that pre-election ANITFA anarchists were allowed to run rampant in their social theft of personal and government property with no repercussions on fear of losing an election, we in our fear of doing the socially accepted wrong thing that would cost us an election, just ended up losing it anyway, because FEAR now is the best friend of THE PEOPLE instead of The great God who created us. He threw us into the social maelstrom to test our integrity, strength, and loyalty to his words, and we chose Fear, words and lies over his truths. Just what dastardly kind of Society awaits this nation led by a greedy class of cowards? We can only hope the class and integrity of the voting people of Georgia is greater than what we have seen expressed so far or the creeping socialism is about to rush in upon us with celerity and dismemberment of what used to be a nation of accomplishment, that faced the darkness, not hid from it.
Add to that, we CERTAINLY seem to no longer be the ‘home of the brave”…
Over the summer I reread ‘1984’. It was written as a cautionary tale, it has become a ‘how-to’ manual for the left.
The daily 5 min. of hate, the Big Brother is watching you, the rewriting of history, and people turning in each other (including kids turning in parents) and the underlying fear are all part of our ‘new normal’. There is nothing normal about it and we need to do what needs to be done to change the dangerous path we are not only traveling but picking up speed on.
Thig is, from where i sit, and what i see daily, it seems TOO DAMN MANY folk, are CONTENT with how things are going, to try and change our path…
“Follow the science.” The coronavirus is extremely tiny (look it up for yourself) and the distance between the fibers of a “tightly woven” mask are relatively huge (again, look it up yourself). A face mask is as effective at stopping covid as a chain link fence is at stopping mosquitoes.
Masks have zero to do with disease prevention and everything to do with government oppression.
Again, follow the science. You may be shocked by the truth when you discover it.
So true. Today i went out to get some food, and while sitting in my car, HAD ONE guy come up, rattle on the window, and SCREAM at me, at the top of his lungs, how i was effectively being a murderer, CAUSE I REFUSED TO WEAR A mask, while IN MY CAR with the window’s rolled up…