Part of me is glad he’s gone. THE GOP doesn’t need to have such an ACTIVE AND WELL KNOWN LIAR In its ranks. BUT part of me is sad, as this shows yet again, ONLY THE GOP HAS to abide by regulations, ethics etc… AND it also shows we have too many SPINELESS hacks in our ranks.
The only truth that exists to the DemonRats is what they THINK is the truth. They live in a fairy tale land where they melt as a snowflake on a hot summer day if you DARE to contradict them with reality.
Part of me is glad he’s gone. THE GOP doesn’t need to have such an ACTIVE AND WELL KNOWN LIAR In its ranks. BUT part of me is sad, as this shows yet again, ONLY THE GOP HAS to abide by regulations, ethics etc… AND it also shows we have too many SPINELESS hacks in our ranks.
The only truth that exists to the DemonRats is what they THINK is the truth. They live in a fairy tale land where they melt as a snowflake on a hot summer day if you DARE to contradict them with reality.
OR what their anti-social media Force feeds them (for their voters).