Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi claim to be practicing Catholics, yet they and their fellow leftists have worked unrelentingly to drive God out of America’s schools, government and public square. When Pelosi stands at the speaker’s rostrum, a sign above her reads, “In God We Trust.” With Biden as president, Pelosi as speaker and Democrats in control of Congress, that sign should read, “In Government We Trust.”
The actions of the left would be easier to take if their consequences were limited to the left, but this is not the case. All Americans suffer as a result of their perfidy. Actions have consequences. The actions of the secular left in pushing God out of the culture have resulted in tragic consequences. This is the message in our new book “TRAGIC CONSEQUENCES: The Price America is Paying for Rejecting God and How to Reclaim the Culture for Christ” (discounted at, also available wherever you buy books).
The cultural degradation wrought by the left includes rampant abortion, gun violence, mass shootings, human trafficking, child abuse, mob violence, pornography, censorship, drug and alcohol abuse, corruption, road rage, gutter politics, teen suicide, sideline rage, demise of the traditional family, and the list goes on.
These tragic consequences have a lot of Americans wondering, “What is happening to our country?” The tragedies you see on the nightly news and read about in your morning newspaper are what happens in a country that rejects God. What you see all around you every day is what a Godless culture looks like.
For those concerned about the cultural darkness enveloping our country, we have two questions, one for those who reject God and one for Christians. Our question for atheists is: What did you think would happen when you drove God out of the culture? Our question for Christians is: What are we going to do about it?
Those who work ceaselessly to drive God out of society and then decry the predictable results are like the kid who pokes a wasp nest with a stick just for fun. They are fools. The cultural degradation darkening society did not happen by accident. It is the result of a concerted, decadeslong effort led by hypocrites such as Biden, Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.
It would be easy to place all the blame for the state of the culture on current government leaders and their leftist puppet masters, but that would not be accurate. While the left must accept much of the blame for the sad state of the culture, Christians must accept at least some of the blame. Why? Because rather than stand up and fight back against those who are determined to make America a Godless nation, too many Christians and too many churches have meekly stood by and let it happen in the name of being “seeker-friendly.”
Too many churches have become Sunday morning entertainment centers rather than preparing members to carry out the Great Commission. Too few are expecting their congregations to be good stewards of the blessings bestowed on them, including living in the only nation on Earth founded on Christian values and biblical principles. Allowing the left to drive God out of our schools, government and public square is not good stewardship.
For this reason, in our new book we go beyond just asking Christians, “What are we going to do about it?” We also provide a blueprint for reclaiming the culture for Christ. That blueprint requires Christians to engage on six fronts: family, church, education, courts, politics and the public square. In future columns, we will explain what Christians must do on each of these fronts before it’s too late.
Oliver L. North is a combat-decorated U.S. Marine, founder and CEO of Fidelis Publishing and Fidelis Media. Find out more about him at David Goetsch is a Marine Corps veteran, member of the Florida Veterans Hall of Fame, professor of business, and Christian counselor. Find out more about him at Their new book “Tragic Consequences” is available at
“These tragic consequences have a lot of Americans wondering, “What is happening to our country?” The tragedies you see on the nightly news and read about in your morning newspaper are what happens in a country that rejects God. What you see all around you every day is what a Godless culture looks like.”
I remember the late Billy Graham conducting his evangelistic crusades across the country when I was growing up. Many of our most troublesome cities today were venues for his crusades. Billy is a big miss—I wish he were still here doing his evangelistic work.
Our forefathers understood the importance of God and they indoctrinated that wisdom into our founding documents. But Leftist politics has gradually crept into every aspect of our country and we find ourselves where we are now.
As for Pelosi and Biden crowing about being devout Catholics—they must understand that it takes more than a public confession and a church membership. If the “in God We Trust” thing is taken seriously, then government had better reverse its ways.
Democrats are in reality ” SUNDAY Only’,” Of a Particular Religion, Didn’t Jesus Chase ” SUNDAY ONLY RELIGIOUS, “Out of the TEMPLES ” as so Many who say they are of a certain religion TODAY??
“The cultural degradation darkening society did not happen by accident. It is the result of a concerted, decadelong effort led by hypocrites such as Biden, Pelosi and Chuck Schumer.” (Democrats)
U.S.A. the only nation on Earth founded on Christian values and biblical principles.
Allowing the left Democrats to drive God out of our schools, government and public square is not good stewardship.
When we elect Godless, hateful, self-righteous representatives like the corrupt puppet Joe Biden, Tinkerbell PinocchiObama, the hateful Nancy Pelosi, racist Maxine Waters, liar Adam Schiff, Chuck Schumer, Giggles Kamala Harris, Bimbo Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ilhan Omar, Elizabeth Warren and Ayanna Pressley who intentionally pit one group against another to divide the country and cultivate hate and distrust, you got to ask yourself; what are the motives of these type people? To lead the country into prosperity OR to gain control, stay in power any way possible and to dominate the citizens? No matter the costs to the people, the government or the nation.
Nature itself abhors a vacuum, and a holy spirit cannot dwell in an unclean temple of government designed for a God imaged people. Drive out the holy spirit and what comes in to replace it and fill the vacuum is what now is destroying our country. The number of unclean spirits now running our House, Senate, and Whitehouse would overcome even a Ghost Buster attempt to remove the slimers currently selling their souls for profit and power. Even the Soviet Communist found out too late that in order to make God laugh, just put together a 5-year plan, based on a fallible government god from whom all blessings flow, whose distorted flawed carbon copy image of divinity can only be fixated on the color of black and darkness these days, not the color of leadership and light, based on centuries old biblical inspired proven success. Not learning from the lessons of our historical past they doom themselves to repeat the same old failed policies again and again that in practice only serves to disprove their claimed social divinity and prove the level of evil that possesses their attempts to be Gods unto themselves in the pantheon of political perversion that numbers as many as populate their pathetic pathological party.
proof is in the low vote ratings on articles about god and jesus.
you can not look at how the young hippies of the day most are dead beats who live at home and have not been taught about god and his
ten commandments and his word on living a fruitful life.
they are immersed in self gratification and there priorities are completely out of kilter.
any one who cares more about the animals on this earth than a human being specially a unborn child has the heart of satan.
your unborn child who god has created in your womb that child could grow up to be a doctor who cures cancer or who writes great literature.
but if you abort the child we will never know.
1. The Democrat party needs to be banned. They stand for no traditional Christian values. Both parties must love and embrace God and America.
2. I blame the Christian church (all denominations) for America’s godless condition. For generations the Church (God’s people), has watered down or completely abandoned teaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ. I have recently moved and have been visiting many churches trying to find one that is teaching the Bible. Can’t find one. Pastors have neglected the Great Commission. Parents don’t go to church so children are growing up not knowing anything about Christ or the Bible or God’s laws. Churches are near empty or dying. Thank God there are pastors on the internet who preach the Word of God without holding back or being socially or politically correct. Also, very few pastors are teaching on Bible prophecy so people, even Christians, are scripturally ignorant on the end times. Such a shame as prophecy is being fulfilled at a rapid pace and we are living in the time when the Rapture is imminent. Wake up people and get right with God before it is too late! And thank God for the pastors who are doing God’s work and evangelizing their communities.