From California to New York island, from the Redwood Forest to the Gulf stream waters, the land that used to belong to Americans has been milked and bilked by investors and paid government agents of the People’s Republic of China. The National Association of Realtors reported last week that wealthy Chinese spent $6.1 billion on U.S. real estate in the past year, and they have the interest to find scottsdale mansions. They’ve captured more than 10% of the market and have the highest average purchase price of all foreign real estate investors at over $1 million per home..
California is their top pick, with more than a third of all homes located in the Golden State. (Or is it the Maoist Red State now?) In addition, China-tied entities own nearly 192,000 acres of American farmland and forest land — the bulk controlled by ShuangHui International after it acquired U.S. pork producer Smithfield Foods in 2013.
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis made headlines this week blasting the takeover as a “huge problem.” Indeed, the commie colonization of America has been taking place for decades. But it’s not rapacious Beijing enemies abroad who deserve the most blame. It’s traitorous Democrats and globalist Republicans who’ve pimped and profited off of fraud-ridden green card rackets that allowed foreigners to gobble up our country.
In my books “Invasion” (2002) and “Sold Out” (2015), my 2017 mini-documentary, “The Dark World of EB-5: U.S. Citizenship for Sale,” my 2016 report on Donald Trump’s son-in-law Jared Kushner’s China deals, and countless syndicated columns dating back to 2001, I’ve blown the whistle on the national security nightmare posed by China’s favorite vehicle for gobbling up our neighborhoods: the bipartisan-boosted EB-5 investor visa scam. This is the same racket exploited by former Democrat Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe, lobbied for by the late Nevada Sen. Harry Reid and Department of Homeland Security official Alejandro Mayorkas, and embraced by South Dakota Republican officials.
In “Sold Out,” I plunged into the Atlantic Yards EB-5 boondoogle, 70% owned by the Shanghai government-run Greenland Group. A source in the foreign real estate investment industry alerted me in 2016 to some of the other top Chinese land grabs facilitated by the bipartisan EB-5 racket, including:
— A $620 million luxury condo project in San Francisco by Chinese-owned Vanke;
— A $1.5 billion development deal in Oakland, California, with Chinese company, Zarsion; and
— The $60 million Europa Village residential development in Temecula, California, wine country involving over 100 Chinese EB-5 investors.
The Chinese are buying up north Texas, charter schools and adjacent properties in Arizona, North Carolina and Florida, and 40% of the iconic General Motors building in New York. Just last week, a pair of Chinese investors were finally arrested for their alleged role in an EB-5 scheme to create a “China City” in the Catskills. The liberal media only pounced on the story because the investors illegally gave money to the Trump campaign; but the scam had been exposed back in 2013 by the Center for Immigration Studies’ EB-5 watchdog, David North.
As my insider source summed it up to me, “The Chinese government via its agents and developers probably have real ownership in more than half the EB-5 deals on the market and probably over 90% of the largest deals ($100 mil+) … I know this sounds radical, but China is essentially using our own playbook against us when we attempted to commercialize China with Western consumer goods, manufacturers and other American companies. They have now pushed back against our own presence in China and are pushing the other way to make sure they get their land grab in the U.S.”
Never forget: Key supporters of the original immigrant investor visa program, signed into law by GOP president George H.W. Bush, included Democrat Sens. Ted Kennedy, D-Mass., and Paul Simon, D-Ill. Prescott Bush, George W. Bush’s uncle, was on the board of American Immigration Services, one of the leading EB-5 visa vendors. So was former President Bush’s Immigration and Naturalization Service commissioner, Gene McNary. GOP Sen. Majority Leader Mitch McConnell worked closely with the woman who was instrumental in drafting the EB-5 law: Maria Hsia.
Jog anyone’s memories? Hsia was a Simon and McConnell donor identified by the House Governmental Affairs Committee as “an agent of the Chinese government.” In 2000, she was found guilty by a federal jury of laundering more than $100,000 in illegal donations to the Democratic National Committee through the infamous Hsi Lai Buddhist temple in California. At the time Funny Money Honey Hsia was working for McConnell and others on the 1990 immigration bill, she also worked for a campaign fundraising group called the Pacific Leadership Council. Hsia co-founded the PLC with Lippo Bank officials John Huang and James Riady, the chief figures in the Clinton-Gore Donorgate scandal convicted of campaign-finance crimes. At least six Lippo Bank officials reportedly benefited from the EB-5 law.
The ultimate fault lies not with Chinese buyers, but with the treacherous Swamp creatures in both parties selling out end-stage America acre by acre, business deal by business deal, from sea to shining sea.
Michelle Malkin’s email address is [email protected]. To find out more about Michelle Malkin and read features by other Creators Syndicate writers and cartoonists, visit the Creators Syndicate website at
america is to high on drugs to care.
most believe it CAN NOT HAPPEN IN AMERICA.
NOT all of america.. Just the leftist ran states.
Comment To capricorn1
” When Fascism Comes to America It Will Be Wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross. ”
Sinclair Lewis
Pope Francis, democrat President, Joe Biden, Nancy Pelosi, Chuck Schumber, were waiting for this leftist Pope to Disregard Their Stance taken Behind Abortion ” Blind Belief In Authority Is The Greatest enemy of Truth.” Albert Einstein
The ultimate fault lies not with Chinese buyers, but with the treacherous Swamp creatures in both parties selling out end-stage America acre by acre, business deal by business deal, from sea to shining sea.
Can we Americans buy land in China?? A foreigner can only own one property in China, and that property must be their residence.
So why are the treasonous corrupt swamp politicians allowing foreign nationalists to buy millions of acres and businesses in our country??
Even Chinese citizens cannot buy land, or any real estate, in China, let alone foreigners.
While you might have heard recently about the implosion of many real estate developers and Chinese citizens refusing to pay their mortgages. (This is concerning the CCP, fearing a Lehman Brothers type situation.) When Chinese “buy” an apartment, they don’t actually own it, at least not the way we think of ownership in the US. They buy control of that apartment for 70 years. After 70 years, control is transferred to the state. During the 70 years, “owners” can sell their control to someone else.
Chinese wealthy know that their wealth can be confiscated at any time by the Chinese government. So they seek to move their assets to countries with private property rights, like the USA, Canada, and Australia. I would do the same were I in the same position.
BTW, I am of Chinese ancestry. My clan left China in 1860. I literally thank God that they left so my clan didn’t suffer the misery in China since that time.
Exactly. CHINA IS only doing what they do, WITH THE FULL AUTHORITY OF OUR traitorous govt..
IF they wanted to, NO OTHER NATION would be allowed to buy up ANY LAND IN our nation.
” I believe in American exceptionalism, just as I suspect that the Brits believe in British exceptionalism and the Greeks believe in Greek exceptionalism….”
” Barack Obama
News Conference By President Obama at Palaiz de la Musique et Des Congres in Strasbourg, France (4 April 2009) ”
I’ts A Democrat Thing, To Put Down America and America’s Citizens.
But…” Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis made headlines this week blasting the takeover as a “huge problem.” Indeed, the commie colonization of America has been taking place for decades. But it’s not rapacious Beijing enemies abroad who deserve the most blame. It’s traitorous Democrats and globalist Republicans…” … Taken From, This Article
They are commies.. Pure and simple.
The present administration—and several; prior ones—have gotten way too chummy with China. China has been given too long of a leash for too long of a period of time. There is a whole lot that has happened—and a whole lot still going on—that should never have been allowed to take place.
And U can the Present on Ur Own Pretending President Joey Xiden. As long as this CANCER is in Office Nothing I mean Nothing will Ever Ever Change. A Commie always a Commie.
Allowing foreign money to come into the USA to bid on local properties just drives up the cost and adds to more artificial inflation. When in doubt, keep them out. Most of the money the Chiese use to buy up land in AMerican is money that should have stayed here in higher unrelocated businesses, and made in America products. Slapping tarriffs on cheap chinese produced goods to keep local produced goods world competitive is what Trump accomplished helping the American middle class thrive. Biden and McConnell sellouts have reversed this and make American producers poorer by every day these traitors stay in power..
By the way, is CHEATER Joe Biden “looking the other way because he took foreign bribes from China according to son, Hunters, laptop from HELL and it is payback time for the China Communist government’?? It makes you also wonder if he is “getting a piece of each sale from the China Communist government not to do anything about the sales ‘???? Isn’t that selling out we, the American people, for a price and treason”??? Food for thought for all American people!!!
HE Must be..
Republican Gov. Ron DeSantis made headlines this week blasting the takeover as a “huge problem.” Indeed, the commie colonization of America has been taking place for decades. But it’s not rapacious Beijing enemies abroad who deserve the most blame. It’s traitorous Democrats and globalist Republicans…” Quote Taken from This Article.
We have been sold out by the elites since day one. Alexander Hamilton brought in the Rothchild’s bank using a twisted logic now known as the “elastic clause”. If you believe the argument, then there is no need for a Constitution. Hamilton then created the first tax on whiskey that favored large distillers, destroyed small farmers and kicked off the “whiskey rebellion” that was put down by no other than George Washington. Abraham Lincoln declared a war on the South while Congress was out of session, destroyed States’ Rights and created a central government, all over tariffs (taxes). The New Deal was a communist revolution without a shot fired. Our representatives (sic) have enabled corporations to remove our industrial base to China for decades. We have been China 2.0 for decades and our universities, hospitals and government “captured”. We own nothing, as taxes steal our homes. Land of the Free, you think?
With how govt can STEAL your land, if you fail to ‘pay property taxes’, DO WE AMERICANS really own our own homes??
confiscate them no commies allowed in this nation
THIS imo would be one of the FEW TIMES< i'd agree with the doctrine of Eminent domain.