President Biden said during a CNN town hall Tuesday night that Black and Hispanic Americans are getting vaccinated for the coronavirus at a slower rate than other demographics due, in part, to the fact that “not everybody” in those communities “know how to get online.”
“A lot of people don’t know how to register,” the president told CNN host Anderson Cooper. “Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts, know how to use — know how to get online to determine how to get in line for that COVID vaccination at the Walgreen’s or at the particular store.
“So, I’ve committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there,” he added.
– Source is Washington Times
Have you heard this on the media? What if Trump had said this?
This, from a man who wakes up in the morning and asks his wife where he is……..
Senile Joe isn’t the one who’s calling the shots. He’s too senile and stupid. This looks like another famous idea from street walker Harris.
As if jill would know……
I wonder, HOW MANY Of those blacks have commiebook or Twits-ler accounts?? IF THEY DO, then they know how the hell to get on line.
What do you think would have happened if President Donald Trump were to say anything like this??
What do you think will happen now that puppet president Moe Biden said –
“Not everybody in the community, in the Hispanic and the African American community, particularly in rural areas that are distant and/or inner-city districts, know how to use ( modern electronic devices like cell phones and computers),
Didn’t the Democrat Tinkerbell PinocchiObama give every black person in the U.S. free cell phones? And now the puppet president Biden is saying that the Hispanic and the African American community are to stupid to know how to use them??
Hummm…….. The Hispanic and the African American communities voted for a corrupt, senile, demented puppet to be their Leader/Master…..
How stupid is that??? 😯
But all ya all dummies remember to vote democrat now.
They probably already do!
Ah Joe Stalin Mao Biden, all this time you portrayed yourself as not being a “white supremacist racist”. Joe, look at yourself in the mirror, as you are a racist when it comes to people of color and you are a racist against white people. So, in effect Joe, you are a double whammy, when it comes to racism. Joe, you are “white”, so you are a white supremacist! How is that for “logic” Joe. Oh, I forgot Joe, “logic” is racist, since mathematics is now racist in the schools.
not to mention that 2/3rds of the money will find it’s way back to Harris/Biden reelection.
Biden insulted blacks during the campaign, when he told a black man, who said he wasn’t sure who he was going to vote for, that if he didn’t for for Biden, he wasn’t black! Of course, this got almost no attention from the media, but imagine the insult to an intelligent black man, coming from an idiot like Biden, that if he didn’t vote for Biden, he wasn’t black! Well folks, the Democrat Party has been the party of slavery, dating back to before the Civil War, and the Dems still think that they own the blacks! Everyone ought to look up a black man named Larry Elder, online, and listen to him speak. He is very intelligent, and he tells it like it is, that the Democrats still treat the blacks as though they own them! Check out Larry Elder!
AND the fact, that blacks STILL vote en-mass for dems, to me, shows MAYBE BIDEN IS RIGHT, in that they are stupid?!
According to slo joe, minorities in rural ares and the inner cities don’t know how to get on the internet. That pretty much covers all of them, because we all know there are no minorities in the suburbs. And, of course, the solution is to spend a billion dollars. The democrap party insults their base with impunity.
Coming from the same Knucklehead President who said you ain’t black if you don’t vote for Me!! The #1 Racist President!! You can see right through this guy like a clean sliding glass door!!
Joe states minorities are unable to get online, yet what he really means is they must be socially degraded and trained like lapdogs to get IN LINE for his party handouts that conjoin them to his party like a mini-me Siamese twin conjoined at the head in Democrat Dr. Evil party co-dependency, where socially confined deformed freaks of nature, would rule non-conjoined free men of mental and physical mobility capable of Self-government and individual lives of success. To Joe and his party individual “Failure is THE OPTION” and pathway to ruling a nation of children-in-adult-bodies, dishonestly bought and paid for with the dishonest taxed dollars in debt, of the productive Individual wealth creators now demoted to cash cows for the milking.
Joe Stating that Black and Hispanic Americans are getting vaccinated for the coronavirus at a slower rate because they don’t know how to get online.”,,,,,,is just another demeaning version of Cuomo blaming everyone else for his own failure to perform as elected, where death, destruction and failure follow them like night follows day. When the going gets tough the Trump Tough get going, The Biden diminished just make excuses and blame others for their own inabilities to get the job done right. Next he will be blaming the Nursing home workers. Both he and Cuomo really put the MAL into the word malfeasance.
What a crock. Only in the last few days did Virginia open up preregistering again. And they included a phone number as backup. Color/race has nothing to do with it. Millions of Virginians remained frustrated because only legislators, health care, and first responders were allowed to register and since no one else was, there was zero information. Sounds like to me just some buddies will be making money making commercials.
They can find welfare checks, WIC, housing, medical, but not how to get a covid-19 shot?
Community organizers do it all for them, just ask BHO, he remembers it well.
ITs the same trite answer they give, when someone mentions voter ID’s.
THEY CAN GET The id’s needed for all of that, but “they are too poor/stupid, to get an id to vote, ergo it must be racist!”
Babbling Biden does it again.
Way to go, Joe.
So this literally “dead man walking” wants to spend 1BILLION dollars on the little 13% of America who WON’T work, have been here 400 years and STILL can’t speak proper English, cry poor mouth and yet the offspring wear $200 baby shoes, violently rapes and degrade women in their (so called) music, think that only they can use the “N” word, ( Sorry, it’s a two way street, remember?) and put glue in their hair! Yeah, this Commie pres knows what he’s doing! Lol lol lol
On yes they do know how to use the internet. Criminals have posted their crimes on the internet, and on facebook. It’s the elderly that is having problems getting on line for the covid vaccine. Is he that stupid ???
YES he is…
The usual bigotry of low expectations.
For fifty years teachers have been telling black kids that math and science are antisocial, and too hard for them anyway. Now they’re racist topics.
Big White Savior Bidemented gives blacks and hispanics another patronizing pat on the head. According to Dems they’re too stupid to obtain voter ID or info about Covid vaccines. Dems treat non-whites like children and the majority must enjoy it because they continue to vote for their “caretakers”, the same ones who destroyed the black family pushing Welfare Addiction and whose teacher cronies provide the lousiest schools in black neighborhoods.
“So, I’ve committed to spend a billion dollars on public education to help people figure out how they can get in there,”
He’s committed to spending a billion dollars that belongs to We The People. How very progressive, gracious and generous of him.
Oh, wait. It’s just another scheme to create an untraceable slush fund for future generations to pay back. Look at how well the world’s most over-funded public education has served those communities already.
I recall several years ago on cspan during a hearing an activist said that blacks use more electronics per capita than any other group. Probably true because I have yet to see a one without a cell phone. Selling food stamps no doubt to pay for it.
Not just the cell phones, but damn near all i see, have jewelry up the wazoo…
Please call Biden by his real agenda. Obiden is his name. Obiden.
My sibling teaches in the inner city. I assure you that the black and Hispanic students are incredibly well versed at using computers, smart phones, and the internet. They are so device savvy that she has to take the devices AWAY from the kids so that they actually pay attention in class.
If anyone is challenged by the method of signing up for vaccines it would be the elderly of any color who MIGHT have fewer computer skills, less access to a computer or smart phone, and who due to vision issues for some of them have challenges with reading the information. Thankfully those who work with and serve the elderly have been helping those who wish to receive the vaccine.
One of my gaming (Convention) mates, IS a teacher, and she has to also, take phones and tablets away from them, ESPECIALLY during test times, so they don’t cheat…. She even had to report a dozen kids, who tried Hacking into the school’s system, to Change scores… From what i remember (this was back in 2008), two of the dozen got expelled, and 5 others got suspended.
These days, the teacher might be the one being repremanded, if they tried something like that.
One billion, 1000 million, dollars? I think Hunter may be involved in “funneling” the money to the correct advertising agency.
Biden has always hated Black folks, and his “filter” is failing. Consider Creepy Joe’s racist comments over the years:
“Unless we do something about this (desegregation), my children are going to grow up in a jungle, the jungle being a racial jungle.” – Joe Biden, 1977
“He (Barack Obama) is the first mainstream African-American who is articulate and bright and clean.”—Joe Biden, 2/2/2007
“The reason I was able to stay sequestered in my home was because some black woman was able to stock the grocery shelf.”—Joe Biden, 9/15/2020
“Unlike the African American community, with notable exceptions, the Latino community is an incredibly diverse community with incredibly diverse attitudes about different things.” – Joe Biden, 8/6/2020
“I tell you if you have a problem figuring out whether you’re for me or Trump, then you ain’t black.” – Joe Biden, 5/22/2020
“Poor kids are just as bright and talented as white kids.” – Joe Biden, 8/8/2019
“We’ve got to recognize that the kid wearing a hoodie may very well be the next poet laureate and not a gangbanger.” – Joe Biden, 6/28/2019
“He (Mitt Romney) said in the first 100 days, he’s going to let the big banks once again write their own rules. Unchain Wall Street! They’re gonna put y’all back in chains.” – Joe Biden, 8/14/2012