Former President Donald Trump has actually gained — not lost — political clout since leaving office, a political observer asserted Friday.
Politico reporter Tara Palmeri’s observation runs contrary to the assumptions of many in the Washington D.C. establishment and the mainstream media.
“People don’t want to hear anything against Trump,” Palmeri said during an appearance on MSNBC. “Actually, the more he stays out of the media, the more that he becomes this martyr, this looming figure over the GOP.”
– Read more at Fox News
Asked by the interviewer if she felt safe, Palmeri said, “Not really.”
“And I’m really happy I went out there and saw it because I think there’s a huge disconnect right now between Washington and the rest of the country, and you know, Trump people don’t want to hear anything against Trump. Actually, the more he stays out of the media, the more he becomes this martyr, this looming figure over the GOP. A lot of people said they aren’t really Republicans, that they’re, like, they’re for Trump. That’s it. And it’s just — I think he’s actually getting — I think the base is getting stronger. Truly,” Palmeri said.
GOPUSA Editor’s Note: The video is worth watching. It’s a. peek into the mindset of someone who exists in a liberal bubble. There’s much more about the west’s views on Covid and masks. Palmeri thinks she may have caught Covid while in Wyoming. She thinks they must all be QAnon, whatever that means to her.
Trump people don’t want to hear anything against Trump. Actually, the more he stays out of the media, the more he becomes this martyr, this looming figure over the GOP. A lot of people said they aren’t really Republicans, that they’re, like, they’re for Trump. That’s it. And it’s just — I think he’s actually getting — I think the base is getting stronger. Truly,” Palmeri said.
The GOP has been a disgrace and embarrassment for quite some time now. The days of RINOs, Hillary Republicans and Never Trumpers is coming to a close.
And as far as I’m concerned it can’t come fast enough.
Like Judas, she needs to find herself a piece of rope as those 30 pieces of silver are beginning to lose their shine. If she sat at the table of the last Trump Supper, she would be the one leaving early. God help her on her way to leave the party and join the Marxists who predicted:
“Lenin: the last capitalist we hang shall be the one who sold us the rope.”
I agree. The day the GOP finally dies out, politically, can’t come soon enough.
Lets hope so. Can we all buy Romney a ticket out of town. Let him join the Democrat Party or just leave and go away.
The Stench is over powering.
The only ticket i’d chip in to buy him, is a ONE WAY TICKET, to deep space!
Wow. This reporter has never been a conservative at a BLM/Antifa “peaceful” protest. That would be really scary. She could have worn a Biden/Harris button in Wyoming and been perfectly safe.
they are all close minded fools and proud of it.
“If you tell a lie big enough and keep repeating it, people will eventually come to believe it. The lie can be maintained only for such time as the State can shield the people from the political, economic and/or military consequences of the lie.
It thus becomes vitally important for the State to use all of its powers to repress dissent, for the truth is the mortal enemy of the lie, and thus by extension, the truth is the greatest enemy of the State.”
Democrat Party can not allow the truth that 80 plus million of our citizens Love and Respect President Trump.
The Socialist democrat Party State must attempt to discredit and destroy their
“enemy of their State”, Donald Trump and his supporters.
24 Aug. 2020 – Monday on MSNBC’s “Live,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA)
referred to President Donald Trump and his Republican allies as “enemies of the state.”
Democrat House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, labeled US President Donald Trump and the Republican Party “domestic enemies” and “enemies of the state.”
Some of us Trump supporters did not love Trump the man but loved his support of and views for America, the fact that he was willing to stand for American values, and completely respect the man’s policies. Until the Republican party can find another person who will reflect the values of the majority of Republicans, we will remain supporters of Trump and his ideals. 80 million plus of us need to continue to stay united to defeat the Democratic policies. Once again, we need to Make America Great Again
Amen to that.
Also, do you remember all the push from Biden to “Bring back better”.. WELL WHAT exactly has be brought back, OTHER THAN OBAMA?
i love that he had the courage of his convictions all the time knowing everyone in the Deep State was against him. He did not double talk to America or back down to the mob. A man who didn’t need or want their approval and couldn’t be bought off. Who does Romney think he is speaking for. I dare him to tell us, the filthy weasel.
We’re starting a movement to IMPEACH BIDEN NOW!
No wimping out.
No endless investigation. Pelosi did it and we can DO IT.
WE DAMN well need one!
She is a big city brat… least she recognized it although not admitting it
Politico reporter Tara Palmeri, typical of a Fake News reporter, bashing Trump and his supporters. Tara Palmeri, they should put a mask over your mouth, so you cannot talk. Yep, lets see whether you are going to get covid in five days, like you said, Tara. Let’s feel sorry for Tara, because she might get covid, from the “evil” Trump supporters.
PERHAPS she should get covid.. AND SHUT UP!
The entire “Impeachment” trial is an effort to banish Trump from any political post ever again. They know that after Biden gets done making a **** mess of the country, people will be flocking back to Trump or someone with his principles and the Dems will be in the toilet again.
Unfortunately, the damage will already have been done, never to be undone unless the various departments are purged of “career civil servants”. I am for bringing back “Are you now, or ever have been a member of the Communist Party or organization that threatened to overthrow the government of the United States?”
WE should have never STOPPED those committees, and their purging of commies from this nation.
the House on Un-American activities needs to be revived. McCarthy was right all along.
These days, IF THEY Remade those committees, ONLY CONSERVATIVES would get hunted down.
Poor little snowflake can’t figure out why nobody believes their MSM propaganda anymore. She seems so shocked that the “domestic terrorist” aren’t wearing masks.
“There’s DC and then the rest of the country” (sic) – yup, pretty much the case, as in those elites living in the Big House surrounded and fed by the plantation and its slaves. And then, one day…
I love Wyoming. One of the last best places left in the country. Feels like the America we are fast losing.
With how swiftly libtards are infecting everywhere else, i wonder how soon, it will be, before even Wyoming is taken over.
“And I’m really happy I went out there and saw it because I think there’s a huge disconnect right now between Washington and the rest of the country” Ya think, you leftist loons have been out of sync with the country for years, your ignorance of that fact is proof of it. To try and make Trump a martyr, is simply gas lighting by loons. What these leftist fools do not want people to see are the facts. Promises made, promises kept, NO NEW WARS, one of the strongest economies in decades, BLACK UNEMPLOYMENT THE LOWEST SINCE RECORD KEEPING STARTED, more jobs available than people to take them, more human and sex traffic arrests and money put forward for more of the same than any other administration in history, ILLEAGAL IMIGRATION cut by a huge percentage. (connect that to the afore mentioned human trafficking, connect it to unemployment, it is ALL tied together) All this and much more, despite 24/7/365 obstruction by the communist /democrat party. Damn, I miss him.
Talking on illegals. DID YOU see the newest EO by biden, to ensure the census PORTION that provides for the #’s for apportionment of congressional seats, INCLUDES NON CITIZENS IN IT!
This reporter is such a snowflake, scared of everyone else’s shadow. Still there was some interesting news that she revealed: her personal, not scientific, finding that everyone she talked to was pro-Trump. No wonder she was so freaked out, coming from DC or wherever she spends most of her time. I do not think she actually learned anything, as she seemed to think that everyone she spoke with was a sub-human. She even links the Wyoming folks to Q-Anon, whoever they are. I bet the first time anyone heard of Q-Anon (like me and President Trump), was from the MSM press as they tried to tar everyone with Q’s eccentricities. A hint to Palmeri – stay home next time and feel safe. I kind of felt bad for you given your obvious fear level.
Poor baby…didn’t “really” feel safe?? The thing about conservative states like WY is that they still respect others…no matter the side of the aisle they cling to. They may not agree with your politics, but they will defend to the death your right to them.
MAYBE that’s part of the problem. FOR FAR TOO long we’ve DEFENDED THE LEFT’s right, to say/do what ever, NO MATTER HOW ANTI american it’s been.